Treasure well

Chapter 128

Chapter 128
PS: Thank you "book friend 150919094948416" for the reward, and thank you for your generous help, thank you!Please also vote for the recommendation votes in your hands, and click to save, Beichen is very grateful!

Chu Yunqiu looked at the Qilin seal in his hand, and at the four words "Guotai Min'an" written in official script below, he had some guesses in his heart.

After all, Chu Yunqiu didn't read books about antiques in vain for so many days!Know something about such things too!
Chu Yunqiu touched Yinxi's body and felt a little cold. The material should be Hetian jade.

After Chu Yunqiu put it down, he picked up the "Blue Dragon Seal".The Qinglong seal is not very big, almost half smaller than the Qilin seal, and the whole body is made of gold.

Holding it in Chu Yunqiu's hand, it didn't feel as heavy as he had imagined, and what surprised him was that the seal was soft. Chu Yunqiu accidentally used too much force, and left a mark on the Qinglong seal. My own thumbprint, I felt distressed immediately, such a precious thing was just "ruined" by myself.

It can also be seen from here that the purity of this gold has reached a high level, otherwise it has not reached such a soft level!
Chu Yunqiu carefully looked at the engraving below, there was only one word - "Heaven".

Chu Yunqiu put it down, and looked at the engravings on the bottom of the other three seals, and there was only one word.

The word under the white tiger seal is - "Xia", the word under the Suzaku seal is - "Tai", and the word under the Xuanwu seal is - "Ping"!
Together it is really - peace in the world!
Peace in the world is something that all those in power hope for. If the world is not peaceful, then their regime will face the danger of overthrowing, and they will also face the danger of the destruction of their country and their family!
Chu Yunqiu put the four seals and one seal into the Qiankun bag of the kit, looked at the watch in his hand, he couldn't stay any longer, it would be dark again, and going down the mountain would be another trouble.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the remaining small boxes. The smallest box was about [-] centimeters long and [-] centimeters high, and he didn’t know what was in it. The largest of these small boxes was about [-] centimeters long, wide and high. Left and right, although not as good as those big boxes, but not much smaller.

Chu Yunqiu didn't care about anything, and put all his things into the kit bag.

This treasure hunt went surprisingly smoothly, without the countless traps he imagined, poisonous snakes, poisonous gas, or curses, etc. Many of the things he prepared were useless, such as gas masks, There are also insect repellent sprays, realgar wine and so on.

Chu Yunqiu felt that he had watched too many TV series, but after thinking about it carefully, it didn't make sense.

King Chuang's treasure and burial in the cemetery are not of the same nature at all.

The Treasure of King Chuang is reserved for future generations. I hope that their descendants can make a comeback and overthrow the Qing Dynasty. That is to say, the things inside are for future generations to take out. Troublesome, but I was worried that the treasure map would be taken by others, so Chuangwang Treasure set up a line of arrows in front of it, and in the end, a specific key was needed to open the huge bronze door, and this key must be in the Li family. In the hands of the descendants, if it is still taken by others, it can only show that the treasure has no fate with his descendants, and no matter how many institutions are set up, it will be useless.

The burial in the cemetery is different. The owner of the tomb definitely does not want others to disturb him. destruction.

In the final analysis, one wants people to take it out, and the other does not want people to take it out, the nature is different.

Chu Yunqiu didn't think too much, he thought he was going to "grave robbery"!
Chu Yunqiu put all his things into the Qiankun bag, took the wishful hairpin, dug a big hole in the spot, and buried the corpses in it. No matter how you say it, the dead are the most important!
After Chu Yunqiu walked out of the cave, the sun was about to set, and when he saw the sun again, Chu Yunqiu was in a surprisingly good mood, and his pace was much faster.

Since he came to the capital, why did Chu Yunqiu want to visit his teachers and his father-in-law and mother-in-law!
At around eight o'clock in the evening, Chu Yunqiu finally returned to the hotel, took a hot bath, and couldn't wait to climb onto the bed.

I climbed the mountain all night last night, and I am already tired at this time!Chu Yunqiu and Lu Zhiqing made a phone call, chatted for a while, and then turned off the lights to rest!
This time the treasure hunting trip took only six days, which was far beyond Chu Yunqiu's expectation. Chu Yunqiu headed for the capital with a lot of harvest!

It can also be seen from this that some of the items salvaged in "Baojing" can be linked to this world, that is to say, the history of the historical world is the history of this world, and there is a causal relationship between the two.

After that, if any treasure map is salvaged again, Chu Yunqiu can definitely go treasure hunting again!
Chu Yunqiu entered the urban area of ​​Kyoto and bought a lot of things, big and small, in a word - not short of money.

To be rich is to be willful, you can buy what you want, Chu Yunqiu can be said to have prepared several copies, and then drove back to his alma mater.

The first place Chu Yunqiu chose was not another place, but his own dormitory. He had been away from here for such a long time, and he didn't know what the guys in the dormitory were doing or whether they had found a job!

Sometimes I have to sigh with emotion about the encounters in life. If he hadn’t met "Bao Jing", maybe he would have become one of them, entered a certain company or design institute, and then made money to earn a living and support his family. He continued numbly until old!

Chu Yunqiu walked into the dormitory building, looked at the housekeeper who was reading the newspaper, said hello, and left a box of cigarettes for him. When he was in school, he had a lot of dealings with him, so he was very familiar with him.

When the housekeeper saw Chu Yunqiu, he was not polite, he stuffed it into his pocket, and chatted with Chu Yunqiu for a while.

Every dormitory has one or two teasers, and Chu Yunqiu's dormitory is no exception.

When he pushed open the door of the dormitory, a strong smell permeated from the inside. It was a good smell, mixed with the smell of socks and food, which made people want to die.

Chu Yunqiu frowned. It had been a long time since he had smelled this kind of smell. It was kind of nauseating when he smelled it this way!

When Chu Yunqiu walked into the dormitory, he saw socks flying around, shoes swaying, quilts scattered on the bed, and no one tidied them up. In the room, two people were sitting on their desks, and one was working on the computer. Or, a man is reading a book in front of his desk.

Hearing the sound of the door being opened, both of them turned their heads.

"Fuck, long johns, you're so damn willing to come back." The moment he saw Chu Yunqiu, the guy who was reading the book yelled, it was so exciting.

"Miaozi, it's still the same, how is it? Do you miss me?" Chu Yunqiu looked at Mouse and another roommate, and asked with a smile on his face.

Long joss is his nickname in college, and I don't know who called it first, but that's how it started anyway. Since then, his college career has been inextricably linked to long joss.

"Who the hell misses you? We don't care about basics, but I miss what you have in your hands." The buddy who was sitting in front of the computer and drawing pictures stopped drawing. He snatched the convenience bag from inside.

"Fuck, it's alright long johns, you're a buddy who understands us." The buddy opened the convenience bag, looked at the contents, exclaimed, and gave Chu Yunqiu a thumbs up by the way.

Chu Yunqiu rolled his eyes at the other party, and looked around: "Crocodile, where are the three of them?"

(End of this chapter)

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