Treasure well

Chapter 127 4 Seals, 1 Seal, 4 Spiritual Beasts

Chapter 127 Four seals and one seal, four spirit beasts
PS: Thanks to the big brother "Autumn God Light" and the big brother "Devil Embracing Angel" for playing, thank you two big brothers for their support!

As Chu Yunqiu put the jewels and jade into the kit bag, a space was vacated again in the cave.

Looking at the boxes still on top of the boxes, they turned out to be all genuine products. Even if one piece is put up for auction, it can make a family of four live for a lifetime, let alone so much.

From then on, Chu Yunqiu didn't have to worry about money, and the collection of the Nine-story Pagoda suddenly became richer!

Chu Yunqiu threw everything outside into the Qiankun bag, and looked at the most important dozens of large boxes.

The things that can be put in the box must be more important than the things outside, at least Chu Yunqiu thinks so.

He couldn't wait to go forward and opened the box closest to him, but he was greatly disappointed, it turned out to be a box of gold leaves, he really didn't expect it to be yellow and white!

Chu Yunqiu picked up a piece of gold leaf and looked at it. This gold leaf is very light and thin. Although it is gold, it is not very heavy. Moreover, there are various chakras on the gold leaf, except that there is no real leaf Apart from being so clear and detailed, everything else is done very realistically.

Chu Yunqiu grabbed a handful in the box, and then sprinkled them in the air very richly. The RMB scattered by others is gold leaf, and the grade is different. This is the real rich man.

Chu Yunqiu opened nine boxes in a row, but all of them were gold leaves.

Chu Yunqiu thought a bit painfully, no wonder Li Zicheng didn't become emperor, how much wealth he had to plunder.

Looking at the tenth box, Chu Yunqiu prayed that it wasn't gold leaf inside, and replaced it with something else.

When opening the tenth box, Chu Yunqiu was stunned, "NO!" Chu Yunqiu yelled, covering his eyes, as if he couldn't believe it, his unbelievable voice was still in the empty hole The room kept thinking about it.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a box of silver, not as good as gold leaves!

Chu Yunqiu felt that his heart had been shot by an arrow and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Papa", Chu Yunqiu directly slapped himself on the mouth twice, making your mouth cheap, a good box of gold leaves, making your prayers become silver, and the loss is more than tens of millions.

Chu Yunqiu smiled wryly and shook his head, looked at the last big box beside him, praying that it must not be silver, between silver and gold leaf, he would rather choose gold leaf, but when he opened the box, Chu Yunqiu Petrochemical was on the spot.

It turned out to be a box of silk and satin. Judging from the decorations on it, it should be quite luxurious and precious, but it is a pity that the silk and satin of this box has been damp, and it is growing bacteria and hairs, and it is in the center, because The reason for the water stains is that it rots into holes and is very similar to the beggar's clothes that are circulating in the market. It is tattered and will follow the trend.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the silk and satin inside, and wanted to pick it up, but found that this thing was even more fragile than white paper, and it broke into pieces before he could pick it up.

Although these silks and satins are in the box, there are no protection measures at all, and they are not even sealed or locked. It is strange that they have not rotted after so many years!
The fact that it can maintain its integrity to this day shows that this kind of satin is very good!

Chu Yunqiu looked at the silk and satin that had turned into powder in his hand, and cried!
"Damn it, don't play with me like this, okay?" Chu Yunqiu burst into tears, is it because he found the treasure and used up all his luck, thinking about what not to come!It seems that the things in the back should not be praying indiscriminately, if it turns into a rotten piece of wood, he will even want to die!

In the cave, besides these big boxes, there are also many small boxes. The small boxes vary in size, and they don't know what they contain.

Chu Yunqiu randomly opened a small box, and was instantly attracted by the items inside.

This is a set of gold seals. Why is it called a set? Because there are five seals, four seals, and one seal. The four seals are all made of gold. One seal is exquisite and transparent, and it is placed in a box. .

There are four seals with different shapes. The first seal holds a huge dragon on it. The dragon holds its head high and its scales are flying. The scales on its body are like armor, covering the whole body. The whole dragon is lying on the seal. With his head facing the sky, he holds a dragon ball in his mouth.

The second seal is a tiger. The back legs of the tiger are squatting on the ground, the front legs are propped up, and the eyes are looking ahead. The thick tail is drooping on the ground and it is tightly attached to the seal. Tiger pattern, on its forehead, a majestic "King" word emerges.

On the third seal is a Suzaku, covered in flames and burning blazingly. This is a divine bird in the flames. It is born from the flames and dies from the flames. The Suzaku spreads its wings like a roc, revealing its feathers. , The bird's beak opened sharply, as if it was singing.The sharp claws gripped the seal tightly, very firmly.

On the fourth seal is a basalt with a turtle-backed snake body and entangled snakes. It is the Taoist guardian beast-Xuanwu, which is also enshrined by Taoism-Zhenwu Emperor.Xuanwu stepped on the ground with four limbs, sharp claws leaked from the thick limbs, his head protruded from the turtle shell, and he looked to the side. Body and life, mutual symbiosis!

The beasts on the four seals are the four great beasts guarding the Quartet in China, the Eastern Azure Dragon, the Western White Tiger, the Southern Suzaku, and the Northern Xuanwu!
Although there are no color renderings on Qinglong and Baihu, people with discerning eyes can understand at a glance that this is a set of "four spirit seals".

In contrast to the four spirits, the emerald-like seal in the middle is precisely the Qilin seal, and the beast on it is the Qilin auspicious beast guarding the Central China Continent!
If you look carefully, the kylin seal is about nine centimeters high, printed in a square shape, and each side is about five centimeters long. Surrounded by auspicious clouds, Qilin is an auspicious beast that can bring good luck to people.

Qilin holds an ancient scroll in its mouth, as if it were an imperial edict. I don't know what it means. It has majestic horns on its head, with three forks, standing facing the sky. The scales all over its body are glowing with jade light, and each scale is carefully polished. The tail is swaying in mid-air, giving people the feeling of being swayed. The entire seal is inside the four seals. The material is the best, the largest, and the carving is the most exquisite.

Chu Yunqiu looked at this set of seals, his eyes almost straightened. After a long time, Chu Yunqiu yelled and took out the five seals inside.

Waves of echoes floated in the air, and in the silent and dim cave, it made people feel gloomy, but Chu Yunqiu couldn't care less about other things!
Chu Yunqiu first took out the unicorn seal, played with it for a while, and couldn't help but look at the bottom of the seal. Under the seal, there were four words - Guotai Min'an!
Chu Yunqiu understands that this is not a private appreciating seal, nor a seal dealing with government affairs, but a heaven worship seal placed on the altar table when offering sacrifices to the heavens. This kind of seal is generally only used when the zodiac is offering sacrifices It can only be used, and only the emperor can use it.

When worshiping heaven, the seal is equivalent to the orthodox jade seal of the country, and the functions of the two are basically the same.One is to issue orders to the courtiers and the people, and the other is to pray to God!
Sacrificing to heaven is a major event. In order to show respect to heaven, it is necessary to carry a jade seal representing orthodoxy to show orthodoxy and respect.

But after the Chuanguo Yuxi was lost, people did not dare to take the Yuxi out of the court at will, so they came up with such a substitute to replace the role of the Chuanguo Yuxi and convey their request to heaven.

Qilin seal is one of them.

After the emperor of the current dynasty finished reading the imperial edict, he stamped it with a seal, put it in the stove, and went up to the sky with the wind to let God know his request.

Guotai Minan is one of the requests!
(This kind of thing is fictitious, I don't know if it exists!)
(End of this chapter)

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