Chapter 92 Sand Giant
Seeing the flaming knife in Chen Lu's hand exuding a bewitching bloody light, the sand man instinctively sounded the alarm in his mind.Before Chen Lu had time to make a move, this cunning guy had already turned into a burst of untouchable dust and drifted away, hiding in some corner.

The sandman is timid before fighting, but the simple-minded red tank doesn't understand what fear is.As long as there are still enemies in front of him, there is only one thing he will do - charge!charge!And charge! ! !
The sound of earthquake-like footsteps roared again, and the aura of the red tank whose muscles were greatly inflated at this time was several times more terrifying than that of a real tank that was launched. It would give people a feeling that a battleship of [-] tons was rushing towards him at full speed The illusion of being unstoppable and invincible!

The red tank let out an astonishing roar and approached Chen Lu step by step. At this time, the red lotus on the blade in Chen Lu's hand was blooming more cheerfully. The red tank possessed by an evil god cut the opponent's throat precisely and viciously.

The surging shock wave exploded between the two of them, and even the raindrops that poured in were blown out of a semicircle, and the surrounding soldiers were frightened by the loud noise.Chen Lu gritted his teeth and held the tip of the knife firmly against the red tank's throat. A large cloud of blood flames poured into the blade from the palm of the knife holding the knife, and finally went straight to the skin of the red tank.

The red tank still kept roaring like a beast, without the slightest fear of being blocked by a sharp blade, instead, it used its body to press down on Chen Lu's knife point one step at a time.In the end, it was still his strange power that was superior. Under the incomparable aura of the red tank, Chen Lu's Adamant alloy knife was pushed out of his hand, and it pierced into the wall behind him with a "Peng".

But the price was that the red tank had already stopped, and a small bloodstain appeared on the solid skin.Even though it was only an insignificant minor injury, it was enough for Chen Lu's ability.

Chen Lu's fingers pinched Red Tank's neck tightly, and lifted the sturdy giant up.Before the red tank could react and began to struggle, a large amount of blood inflammation poured in from the wound on his throat, binding him tightly from the inside of his body like a shackle.The blood-red light became brighter and brighter through the skin, and the moment it spread to every blood vessel in his body——

Blood Flame Flame Hammer!
The red tank's body blasted out a column of bloody fire that rose into the air. The extreme blood flame evaporated every drop of blood in his body. Only the extremely tough skin still retained its original shape, but inside it was basically a A pile of incomplete charcoal skeletons.When it fell to the ground, the burning blood flames on the red tank's body gradually extinguished, and the huge body also dried up like a leaking doll.

[The trigger of the virus is activated, the target: the red tank, the zombie virus has been successfully injected... Infected, the mutant super villain has mutated.Since the target is dead, the mutation speed is accelerated.The red tank will mutate into a mutated infected person that retains the original human mind within 3 hours, please pay attention to tame it or eliminate its consciousness]

The No.1 victim appeared in the cannon fodder team, the red tank, who died in battle.

"It's so troublesome, I have to move back to find Alex to reconstruct his body."

After brutally executing the red tank, Chen Lu turned his attention to General Ross, and picked up the alloy knife that was knocked out of his hand by the red tank.You don't need any verbal explanations to understand what he's going to do next. Even a monster like a red tank can't withstand the strange flames. How long can this nuclear explosion shelter last?

"Sandman, listen to me!" General Ross is indeed an experienced senior officer who has been fighting against superhumans for a long time. Even in the face of such a dangerous situation, he has always maintained his calmness. The only sand man who could stop Chen Lu asked for help: "There is a large amount of dried sea sand stored in the warehouse in Area A, use it!"

Chen Lu's blood flames had already started to burn the steel walls of the shelter, and the red metal spread on the walls, penetrating into the interior of the shelter little by little.At the same time, the temperature of the airtight refuge room suddenly rose. At this moment, General Ross felt as if he was in a huge oven. Sweat dripped from his forehead. A painful expression appeared in front of the enemy.

"Can't you come out by yourself?"

Chen Lv asked the sweaty General Ross through the glass while burning the copper and iron walls. After all, his purpose was to infect General Ross as his subordinate instead of killing him directly. Zombie virus can make the infected person lose Zombies come back to life, but you can't infect a dead body into a zombie and surrender directly.

Before General Ross died completely, Chen Lu had to inject the virus into his body.

"You don't have to count on this!" General Ross replied forcefully to Chen Lv, resisting the severe pain of his body being roasted little by little.General Ross may have done all kinds of evil, but even Chen Lu, his opponent, had to admit that he was a tough soldier, a steel plate that could speak.


Before Chen Lu could tear apart the outer steel wall, there was a loud explosion-like sound from under his feet.He quickly rolled on the spot to avoid the place where he was stepping on. A huge fist made of sand smashed the floor and rose up, and further knocked open the big hole in the ground. Giants!
sand!sand!sand!All you can see is sand!
This is the Sandman in his most powerful form, the Sand Giant!

With an exaggerated body over 20 meters tall and a giant fist larger than Chen Lu's entire body, the appearance of this monster disrupted the actions of everyone present and inevitably attracted everyone's attention.The Sandman, who has a lot of sand as his backing, is a notch stronger than before.

In "Captain America 3: Civil War", the gigantic Ant-Man once messed up superheroes such as War Machine and Spider-Man.And now the Sandman is not only bigger than the Ant-Man in the movie, but also has the characteristics of being immune to physical attacks as a sand body and changing shape at will, making it even more difficult to deal with than Ant-Man.

The wild sand roared and covered the entire ground. There is no doubt that the sand man is the most eye-catching existence on the battlefield at this moment.The raindrops that could have restrained the Sandman a little, now seemed so insignificant.

(End of this chapter)

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