Chapter 91
Dr. Lizard was entangled by Crossbones and Winter Soldier. These two experienced Hydra killers relied on their dexterity and precise calculations to continuously avoid Dr. Lizard's powerful blows, and even managed to Seize the opponent's attacking flaws and launch counterattacks from time to time.It's a pity that neither the Crossbones nor the Winter Soldier has the ability to inflict severe wounds on the thick-skinned Dr. Lizard, and the occasional one or two small wounds are quickly overwhelmed by the extremely high healing ability brought by the opponent's lizard DNA serum. Healed easily.

They couldn't tell the winner for a while, but there are still four powerful super villains like Dr. Lizard in the cannon fodder team. They are not opponents that ordinary soldiers can deal with. They can only be handed over to Chen Lu and Mutant Infection. The hunter team came to solve it.

Chen Lu led Lei Ting and Killian to jump down from the height of the atrium, and stopped in front of the cannon fodder team.Thunder wielded both tactical daggers to face Doctor Octopus wielding four thick mechanical tentacles, and Killian strafed the Green Goblin, who was flying nimbly in the air on a flying skateboard, with a death ray.With red eyes, the red tank rushed forward towards Chen Lu, and a gust of sand was blown up around the sandman before disappearing.

Red Tank, whose real name is Cain Marco, is a mutant supervillain who first appeared in the movie "X-Men 3: The Last Stand".The ability is to make the body have huge durability to the point of being almost indestructible, even resisting Thor's god bombardment and Wolverine's Yadman steel claws.Once the red tank is running, almost nothing can stop him. It can be called the modern version of the invincible heavy armored warrior.

At this time, the red tank tensed its huge muscles, and launched a death charge towards Chen Lu with a ferocious face.He lowered his head wearing a heavy lead helmet, sprinting forward almost with his eyes closed, stepping on the floor with extremely heavy steps, each step could cause a slight earthquake, and all the people and things blocking the way were like The biscuit was smashed easily, as if there was nothing in the distance between him and Chen Lu.

"Are you a man who fights with his head?"

Facing the ever-expanding head of the red tank in his field of vision, Chen Lu sneered ironically.Immediately afterwards, two blood-red flames shot out from under Chen Lu's feet, causing Chen Lu to soar up like Iron Man's mecha propeller, holding down the head of the red tank in the air and doing a somersault, reaching The opponent's back fell steadily to the ground.The red tank's full sprint obviously couldn't stop at will, and it crashed into a wall.

And this wall happened to be the door of the refuge room where General Ross was hiding.There was a loud "boom!", and the 23-ton special alloy gate, which was designed to withstand nuclear bomb attacks, was hit by a red tank and sank into a big hole. After kicking up a large cloud of dust, it was distorted and deformed, and it almost collapsed. .However, this giant protective door fused with black technology finally withstood the powerful impact of the red tank, barely maintaining the safety of the refuge room.

"It's a pity, I thought I could kill two birds with one stone."

Although General Ross's refuge was not directly knocked open as Chen Lu wished, but the red tank, a fool with only well-developed limbs, still sank his head deeply into the deformed alloy gate and before he could break free, Chen Lu immediately pulled it out. Edman Alloy Katana intends to step forward to behead him.However, before that, there was a figure quietly lurking behind Chen Lu, who was detected in advance by the mirror image reflected from Cheng Liangdao when Chen Lu pulled out the knife, turned around and killed this sneaky guy with a knife! ,

Unexpectedly, there was no feeling of cutting flesh from the blade, but the feeling of cutting some loose objects. This feeling, yes, is the same as cutting a sandbag!Taking a closer look, the guy who was cut in half by Chen Lu was indeed a sand man who was not an ordinary flesh and blood man. There was no trace of blood coming out of the severed wound, only sand flying continuously instead.

Sandman, the super villain who appeared in "Spider-Man 3", once inadvertently broke into the desert scientific experiment field, was weathered by a particle atomizer together with the sand inside, and became a sandman integrated with the sand .

"You should not be afraid of nano-bombs." After practice proved that the Sandman is immune to physical attacks, Chen Lu immediately changed his strategy and challenged him.

The sand man who was distracted really slowed down his raised fist, and replied indifferently: "This is not the body I want, I need to be healed."

"Cure? Hmph!"

Chen Lu gave a cold snort of disdain, but just as the sand man was waiting for his next words, Chen Lu suddenly rolled back and distanced himself from himself.Before the sand man could understand the meaning of this action, he was smashed into pieces by the red tank rushing over from behind, and once again dispersed into a cloud of sand floating in the air.

After dodging the second charge of the red tank and incidentally causing the sandman to take a round of friendly damage, Chen Lu tried to slash the red tank that passed by him with an Adamantium alloy katana. An incomparable strange force from Jue Dao rushed into the tiger's mouth, not only failed to hurt the opponent, but almost let the weapon come out of his hand.Sure enough, even the hard Adamantium alloy couldn't break through the terrifying defense of the red tank, and a simple slash would only make him ask for trouble.

The sand flying in the air also gathered again, and re-formed the appearance of a sand man not far from Chen Lu. At this moment, the two super villains happened to be standing on both sides of Chen Lu, adjusting their state and preparing to launch A wave of joint attacks.

"Sure enough, it's a bit strenuous."

At the same time, fighting against the two powerful super villains Sand Man and Red Tank was more difficult than Chen Lu expected. At least for now, they have not been able to cause any effective damage to their perverted bodies, but it is not completely impossible.

Chen Lu grabbed the extremely sharp Edman blade with his left hand, and slapped it fiercely from the bottom to the tip as if pulling out a knife!The dripping blood immediately dyed the entire blade red, and the bright red completely covered the original cold silver, making this Adamantium alloy knife even more murderous.

Blood Flame · High Temperature Chopping Knife!

The blood-colored flames replaced the blood and wrapped the entire blade. The weird and dazzling blood light made everything around it eclipsed. The waves of heat spread one after another, making everyone feel as if they were in the scarlet sky again. Purgatory!
Chen Lu held the handle of the alloy knife with both hands. There is nothing in the world that can withstand the high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees of blood flames, except Adamantium alloy.The red lotus ignited on this knife will endow the Adamantium alloy blade with even more astonishingly powerful destructive power.

This is not comparable to the purely physical slash just now.

(End of this chapter)

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