Chapter 89 Cannon Fodder Squad
The Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Doctor Lizard, Red Tank, and Sandman stood in front of General Ross. Each of them was rearmed, but the nanobomb collars in their necks could kill them at any time.This is the cannon fodder squad formed under the Thunder Project, a special team composed of lunatics, Frankensteins, and mutants that can only operate on the dark side.

General Ross stood up, glanced at each of them and said indifferently: "Congratulations, cannon fodder. Starting today, you will act on behalf of American interests around the world. You are not good people, so I just arrange for you to do good deeds." .There are countless superheroes in the world doing justice, but there are always some things that the group of bright guys can't solve or won't solve, and that's when you should come out. You don't have any civil rights, and there are not many in the world I personally know your existence, and I will always be responsible to me alone, and you will all be finished immediately when I die."

"You let us bet our lives, and most of the time you just want to send us to die." The Green Goblin touched his neck, and his fingernails could still feel the hard touch of the bomb collar. "Just to reduce our sentence?"

"Yes, but no." General Ross said meaningfully. He snapped his fingers, and several jailers walked out behind them with several suitcases.Open the box, inside is a bunch of high-tech equipment.The purpose of these things is still unknown, but the eyes of the five members of the cannon fodder team are all bright, because there is something that each of them desires.

"You can continue your scientific research in prison, even if you want to find a way to escape from here, it doesn't matter, just do it. Sandman, you want to restore your flesh and blood, my scientists can help. Red Tank, I allow you to pray to the evil god you believe in. This is the ritual item you want. The green goblin and the big lizard, the second personality that troubles you so much, maybe I have a way to get rid of him. Now you can choose for yourself, yes If you want to go back to the boring prison cell, you should follow my orders and go out to catch your breath, the road is at your feet."

The jailers surrounding the five supervillains quickly gave way to two paths, one was the corridor passage back to the single cell, and the other was the stairs leading to nowhere.Without any hesitation, these five people stepped up the mysterious staircase at the same time, and "voluntarily" became members of the cannon fodder squad under General Ross.

The warden of the Island Prison stood aside, looking at the backs of these monsters uneasily, and finally couldn't help but said to General Ross: "General, I really don't think this is a good idea. These guys are crazy , monsters! They destroy everything in sight! It's like sticking your hand into a fire pit..."

General Ross shook his head, lit a cigarette and exhaled a puff of smoke ring and said: "During World War II, the U.S. Navy once asked the mafia godfather in prison to lead the gangsters to protect the ships on the beach in New York. Madmen and monsters are also human beings. Others used it. Fighting those superpowers for so long made me understand one thing, only monsters can defeat monsters. The Avengers cannot solve all threats, we need a dark force, and this is them."

Then General Ross pinched out the cigarette butt with his fingers, threw it casually and added: "As for putting your hand into the fire pit, if the United States needs it, let it happen."


The sound of the sudden mechanical start came from all directions at the same time. Everyone present had heard this familiar sound countless times-it was the metal friction sound of the giant bracket when the island prison rose above sea level.But the problem is, no one gave the order to raise the island prison!

"Ross called the control center, what the hell are you doing!"

General Ross' angry shout came from the microphone in the control center, but Chen Lu smashed the microphone to pieces with a wave of his hand.The Winter Soldier beside him was pressing the keyboard with his fingers quickly in front of the computer controlling the laser gun. In the surveillance screen, everyone except General Ross who thought he could move freely was marked as an intruder.Finally, the Winter Soldier's fingertips landed on the Enter key, and with a light press, a voice prompt spread from the radio to every corner of the isolated island prison.

"The order is confirmed, immediately begin to wipe out all the intruders around."

The jailers who heard this broadcast are still confused, intruder?Where did the intruder come from?Just as they were looking around in a panic, the thirty laser guns above their heads were adjusted and aimed at their heads.When they noticed that the gathered light above their heads was a bit strange, the jailers looked up——

"biu! biu! biu! biu! biu! biu!·······"

The laser light poured down on them like a torrential rain, and the blue spot of light exploded and scattered the moment it hit the human body, leaving only a blazing red melting blood hole the size of a bowl.When the first wave of bullets hit, twenty or thirty jailers fell to the ground and died in an instant, and the remaining jailers could only fled into the bunker in embarrassment, occasionally poking their heads out of the corner to look up. Fang's automatic defense laser gun launched a weak counterattack.

The deadly laser rays completely suppressed the firepower of this group of soldiers, forcing them to be helpless, and many people still didn't understand why they were targeted by the automatic defense system of the island prison.Their live ammunition weapons hit the automatic laser gun basically like scratching an itch, leaving only a useless white mark, but the aim of the laser gun is terrible, and the probe can basically declare death for more than 3 seconds up.

Of course, General Ross knew what was wrong, and shouted to his subordinates: "Send someone up to the control center to check, damn it, our defense system has been hacked."

But he could only be anxious. If he wanted to blame it, he could blame the defense system of this isolated island prison. It would be difficult to do it with ordinary manpower without bringing in a tank.The laser rain locked all General Ross' soldiers behind the bunker, and none of them could respond to his orders.

"Trash, it's all trash!" General Ross shouted angrily, just because these jailers seemed to be doomed.He took out a nano-bomb collar controller like a smartphone from his military coat, and after swiping with his fingers, a dialog box popped up in the center of the screen, which read:

"Detonate immediately after the activation leaves the range of the island prison. YES/NO?"

"YES!" General Ross pressed his finger heavily on the button.

(End of this chapter)

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