Chapter 88 Disguise
"Couldn't those whores be quieter? They're making a lot of noise all day long, so my ears can't be quiet."

"You have to talk to General Ross about this. The process of implanting the collar is not as simple as pain. When the thing is pinched, even a dumb person can scream out the pain to you."

The two jailers were chatting while passing through the blind spot of a monitor. Suddenly, two palms stretched out from the side and dragged them in.Unable to hold down the mouth and nose under the cover of the Mach-V mask, Chen Lu could only change his finger into a dagger and stab the opponent's foramen occipital at the back of the head at the moment of pulling him, and accurately cut off the nerve connecting the brain and spinal cord. One jailer died instantly without the slightest struggle.The Winter Soldier next to him twisted the neck of another jailer in one breath, and reversed the position of the opponent's forehead and chin.

The two corpses were burnt to ashes by the blood-red flames. Chen Lu and Dong Soldier were wearing a complete set of jailer equipment that had been hacked and their identity authentication procedures were removed. They walked out of the corner as if nothing had happened, pretending to be Continue the conversation just now.

"You seem to enjoy the screaming."

"They deserve it."

General Ross in the atrium square was still enjoying the joy of controlling other people's life and death. He didn't realize that the god of death was coming quietly not far above his head.

Chen Lu and Dong Soldier, who were disguised as jailers, walked towards the control center in a calm and open manner. At this time, the prisoners who accompanied them were swearing.Judging from the excited tone and disgusted expressions of these guys, the treatment of this isolated island prison is a kind of appreciation.

"Stop! Get back to your posts, now!"

Just when Chen Lu and Dong Bing came to the distance of only one corridor away from the control center of Gudao Prison, a jailer standing guard stopped them in their way and demanded them to leave.Regarding this, Chen Lu could only shrug his shoulders, and said to this dedicated sentinel:
"Hey buddy take it easy, we're not..."

Before the word "deliberately" could be said, the Winter Soldier at the side had already hacked the nearby surveillance cameras, and in a flash, he got behind the jailer, quickly drew his knife, cut his throat, and dragged him into the corridor.This series of movements was so smooth that even the prisoners on the side couldn't see what happened clearly, and the three jailers they thought disappeared from sight.The dripping blood was evaporated by Chen Lu with blood flames in the air, and the prisoners who witnessed it thought it was just a warning light.

This kind of ambiguous situation is not suitable for a prisoner who shouts and reports. Once it is found to be false news, let alone claiming credit. Instead, he will be locked up in a confinement room and enjoy the unique torture created by General Ross. Everything as if nothing happened.

The staff in the control center immediately discovered the surveillance screen with blocked signals. When the technicians carefully observed that it was not a device problem but an external hacker intrusion, an officer immediately planned to notify Ross downstairs. General, it's a pity that the moment his finger pressed the call button, the drastic change happened in vain.

After a flash of blue light representing an EMP shock wave, the power of all equipment in the control center was forcibly turned off at the same time in an instant, and the light tubes, display screens, and monitors lost their brightness one by one, making the originally sealed room suddenly shut down. Trapped in a darkness where you can't see your fingers, the people inside can't figure out what's going on outside, and the people outside can't perceive what's going on inside.

"Keep calm! Non-combatants get down!"

Fortunately, in addition to the panicked civil servants, there are also a few well-trained special soldiers. These soldiers immediately shouted to maintain order, raised their assault rifles and formed a group to guard the surroundings. The searchlights hung under the tubes hit every corner of the control center back and forth to try to find the culprit of all this, but no matter how they were illuminated, they could only see the civilian staff obediently lying on the ground.

Suddenly, a civil servant looked at the gathered soldiers with a pale face, stretched out his fingers tremblingly as if pointing at something inconceivable, and let out a moan of unknown meaning as if his mouth was dumb.

"Ah, ah, eh, ah..."

"What are you looking at?"

A faint flame ignited among the group of soldiers, and it looked as if the flames were dancing on someone's fingertips.What is extremely strange is that this is a blood-like bright red flame, a supernatural color that should not exist in this world.Moreover, it was clearly just a flame the size of a lighter, but the heat from above was as intense as if it was approaching molten lava!

Chen Lu flicked his finger lightly, and the small blood-red flame turned into a huge and terrifying flame like a whirlpool after crossing a straight line.


This group of soldiers hurriedly turned their heads back, but what greeted them at this moment was a large swath of flames that swallowed them all in one breath, and the blood-red light illuminated the entire control center.In this thick blood explosion, the soldiers were scorched into coke by the high temperature without even a chance to pull the trigger, and then turned into ashes and scattered, and finally even the white ashes turned into invisible dust and dissipated Exhausted, as if they never existed in this world.

Gathering all the remaining combat power together to avoid being defeated one by one after being plunged into darkness is indeed the correct mode of action. Unfortunately, for Chen Lu, the so-called sneaking is to kill everyone who sees him. Suicide.

While Chen Lu burned the group of special soldiers, the Winter Soldier was not idle either. He jumped out of his original hiding place, held two guns with mufflers, and shot the civilian staff who were obediently lying on the ground with their heads in their hands. The pistol was alternately fired without missing a single shot, and each bullet accurately took out an enemy.But in a few seconds, there was no one alive on the ground, and the petrified civil servants didn't even realize that their companions were being shot, and died silently in shock.

After Chen Lu and Dong Bing were the only people who could breathe in the entire control center, Dong Soldier slapped the table, and another blue lightning flashed, and all the instruments here gradually returned to normal.The monitoring screens lit up one after another, and the computer controlling the thirty automatic defense laser guns also re-displayed the status of each laser gun, most of which were aimed at the atrium square where General Ross was training the prisoners.

"Okay, let's raise this thing up, and send the group of people below a romantic laser rain by the way."

(End of this chapter)

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