Chapter 74 Alex
Soon Chen Lu's three-person team returned to Queens from the tunnel, and the earthwalkers also set off to recover Killian's body.The meeting place was still the pharmaceutical company that Winston was born in, and now it has been transformed into the headquarters of the zombie army. Out of some bad taste in his previous life, Chen Lu renamed this pharmaceutical company New Umbrella Company.

New Umbrella Corporation Medical Laboratory
Alex took a little blood from Chen Lu's body and observed it carefully under the microscope. He held his chin and frowned, looking quite distressed.

"Master, your current body is completely different from the substitute I thought you made. The fusion of the mutated healing factor and the zombie virus has indeed produced some kind of mutation that is very accidental and cannot be replicated. I really can't figure it out. How to use it."

"Really?" Chen Lu was not surprised. In the Marvel world view, Deadpool's mutated self-healing factor has always been irreproducible. It is quite rare to be fused by the zombie virus in his body like this, so I don't expect much. It also applies to other zombies.

Since the mutated self-healing factor cannot be copied, it means that if this body is completely dead, Alex will not be able to create the same body for Chen Lv to use again. Abandoned victim.However, its unique two powerful self-healing abilities, super-speed regeneration and death resistance, also made this body more survivable than Chen Lu's body, so he was not too worried that it would be easily destroyed by the enemy.

After all, the pros outweigh the cons.

Watching Alex skillfully use all kinds of medical equipment and scientific instruments also made Chen Lu have a new question. Although Chen Lu has known Alex for two days, he has been busy with other things and has no time to go. Knowing him deeply, today is the first time that Chen Lu has become interested in Alex's past.

"Alex, you seem to have a fairly high level of medical research knowledge, is it also the ability given to you by the virus?"

"No, master, I got a degree in genetics from Columbia University before infection, and worked as a researcher at Gentek Corporation. Medical research is my original job."

Gentek?Sounds familiar, wait!

"Alex, is your full name Alex Mercer?" Chen Lu exclaimed a little unsteadily.

"Yes, master." Alex gave an affirmative answer.

Chen Lu hurriedly continued to ask: "Then have you heard of the word 'black light'?"

"Well, before the virus broke out, I did receive news that the upper management of Gentek planned to transfer me to a project code-named 'Black Light', but before officially participating in this project, I was infected by the zombie virus."

Sure enough, this is no coincidence!Now standing in front of Chen Lu is Alex Mercer, the protagonist of the game "Prototype"!It's just that he hasn't been infected by the black light virus and turned into a monster, and he hasn't even joined the "black light" project that will completely change his fate. For the time being, he just appears here as an ignorant medical researcher.

Before crossing, Chen Lu heard that Marvel Corporation intends to acquire the adaptation rights of "Prototype" and adapt its protagonist Alex Mercer into a Marvel character, but there is no follow-up news in the follow-up. Unexpectedly Alex will actually appear in this Marvel world.It's just that before his "heroic" deeds happened, he was infected by the zombie virus and became Chen Lu's assistant.

But now that both Gentek and Alex have appeared, it also means that there is another kind of virus material in this world that is very worthwhile to use for phagocytosis evolution-black light virus!
This kind of powerful virus, which is much more domineering than the Extremis virus, will be the target of Chen Lu's next evolution.

Suddenly a strong black man opened the door of the laboratory and walked in. This man was the Mutant Infected Earthwalker who was used by Chen Lu as a delivery courier.As soon as he entered the room, he half-kneeled and saluted Chen Lu: "Master, Killian and Extremis virus stock solution have been sent to Tony's house."

Yes, Chen Lu arranged a tube of Extremis virus stock solution for Tony to study, and at the same time gave him the task of subduing Killian.The reason why Killian degenerated from a good-natured young man to a villain who controls the scientist organization AIM was caused by Tony's unintentional faux pas and breaking his promise.As the saying goes, the person who tied the bell needs to be untied. Since Tony was able to have such a great impact on Killian's life trajectory, he must still occupy a very important position in Killian's heart now.

Anyway, Chen Lu gave the order, whether Tony wants to intimidate or confide in him is his business, whether he sells his body or his soul, as long as he can handle Killian.

[You have surrendered the zombie villain: Aldrich Killian.The character cannot disobey any commands you give from the mental link unless its consciousness is completely dead. 】

The hands and feet are so fast, Tony, you really betrayed your body, right...
In any case, in short, Chen Lu has another researcher who has mastered black technology. Presumably, Killian will provide considerable help to the research of Extremis virus, and can be used as a combat unit when necessary, which can be called a Very good chess pieces.

In addition, his status as the leader of the scientist organization AIM is also of great use to Chen Lu.

"Very good, step back and get on with your business." Chen Lu waved his hand to let Earthwalker leave the laboratory, then stood up and picked up a tube of Extremis virus stock solution, turned to Alex and asked:

"Alex, how long will it take for the zombie virus to devour the Extremis virus to complete evolution?"

Alex shook his head and replied: "I can't be sure, the length of time it takes for the phagocytic evolution of the zombie virus is related to the virus it swallows, and I can't predict what will happen."

That would be troublesome. According to Chen Lu's estimation, there will be things that need to be busy tomorrow morning. If the scab scabs over three days and three nights like the normal Extremis virus transformation, then the situation will become very troublesome.The probability of this kind of thing happening is not high, but you have to be careful.

"Well, it's also possible to use my body for virus-eating evolution." After thinking for a while, Chen Lu proposed this expedient measure.

"It can be done. This way you, the master, can evolve into a virus mother, and the main body can also gain the ability to swallow the Extremis virus. At the same time, the body receiving the injection may also produce some things that the main body does not have due to the existence of mutated self-healing factors." Special variation."

"That's all right, let's start the injection." After listening to Alex's explanation, Chen Lu gave the stock solution of Extremis virus to Alex, and lay down on the research bed in the center of the laboratory.

(End of this chapter)

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