Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 73 Action Closing and Reflection

Chapter 73 Action Closing and Reflection

From the moment the body was hit by the carbon nanosteel knife, it lost its self-healing ability as a support, and the high temperature that was originally used as a weapon immediately turned into a flame that devoured itself, instantly burning every muscle in Killian's body, and completely depriving him of his vitality. Mobility.At this moment, he could only fall to the ground gasping for breath, waiting helplessly for Chen Lu's execution.

A moment of underestimating the enemy cost his life.

In the battle between superpowers, unless the power of superpowers is completely crushed or completely restrained, the competition is the analysis of the enemy's superpowers and the use of their own superpowers.Although Killian is also constantly digging out new uses for his high-temperature ability during the battle, but after all, it is only a reckless action based on brute force, and the lack of analysis of Chen Lu's ability is his biggest failure.

It's not impossible to win by brute force, but in this Marvel world, which is full of BUG-level superpowers such as time regression and causality modification, or black technology, it is impossible to rely on brute force to keep winning!Those super villains who, like Chen Lu, aimed at destroying the world all failed in the end, because they underestimated the various terrifying abilities of this world.

Even Chen Lu had guessed that if he had a way to achieve a global virus outbreak from the very beginning, infecting [-]% of the world's humans in a blink of an eye, it is estimated that the result would only be killed in advance by those superheroes with the ability to go back in time through time and space , From the law of causality, it is easy to stop the full-scale outbreak of the zombie virus.There are only two of these superheroes known to Chen Lu-the magic master Doctor Strange who wears the time gem in the movie "Doctor Strange", and the movie "X-Men: Days of Future Past" that can return people's consciousness to three The mutant phantom cat from days ago.

The current strength of these two people is far higher than that of Chen Lu. Once Chen Lu attracts their attention, it will be a matter of minutes to be wiped out by going back to the past.At that time, no matter how much advantage Chen Lu holds and how many humans he has infected, he will be beaten back to the pre-liberation by them in the first battle, and his life will be ruined in vain.

Therefore, the victory method of bypassing superheroes and infecting all ordinary people from the very beginning does not exist at all. It can even be said to be a big trap full of temptation, luring Chen Lu to expose his identity in order to infect all mankind faster.In fact, the only way to break through this dilemma is to kill these monster-level superheroes before they attract the attention of them, and do not give the world a chance to go back in time and space to modify the world line.

Fortunately, Dr. Strange is a busy man traveling through the multiverse, and the Phantom Cat will only help the mutant group when it is seriously threatened. The scale of zombies in New York is not enough to attract their attention. Even if they go back in time and space now, I don't know that Chen Lu is the culprit.

The zombie bird sent out this time is also Chen Lu's test of the abilities of the two of them. It would be best if it can successfully cause an unstoppable virus outbreak. It is only expected that the two of them would travel through time and space to stop it in advance.

Before he has enough strength to kill these two people, Chen Lu must not reveal his identity. If he underestimates the enemy for a moment, he will lose everything.

The more you understand this world, the more you understand how difficult it is to destroy it. The X-Men, Doctor Strange, the Avengers, and even the Asgard Protoss and the Guardians of the Galaxy far away in the alien world are all difficulties for Chen Lu to break through. In the eyes of these people, the zombie virus that has not been devoured and evolved Not vulnerable at all.

The first virus evolution achieved by using the Extremis virus is a key step for Chen Lu to destroy the world.

When Chen Lu's fingers stretched out to the still hot Extremis virus stock solution, Killian, who was barely panting, stretched out his hand with difficulty, and slowly approached the stock solution with trembling fingers, saying, "Why! A little sacrifice can make you The world is a better place, isn't that how medicine has always been! What am I doing wrong!"

According to the routine of superhero movies, at this time Chen Lu should say a bunch of positive principles to make Killian reflect on his evil deeds.Unfortunately, Chen Lu may be super, but he is not a hero at all.He stepped on Killian's palm without hesitation, and then used the metallization ability to create a small knife and slashed his throat.

"Because it's worthy of a more grandiose job - destroying the world."

[The trigger of the virus is triggered, the target: Aldrich Killian, the zombie virus has been successfully injected... Infected, the humanoid super villain has mutated.Since the target is dead, the mutation speed is accelerated.Aldrich Killian will mutate into a mutated infected person that retains the original human mind within 3 hours, please pay attention to tame it or eliminate its consciousness]

After dealing with the scene, Chen Lu hid Killian's body, and told Earthwalker the location of the corpse with a zombie spirit link, and Earthwalker would come and bring Killian back to Queens.Now both tubes of Extremis virus stock solution have fallen into Chen Lu's hands, and the last tube is still on the side of the Punisher who is in the fierce battle with Thunder.

Chen Lu: Lei Ting, how is your situation?

Thunder: I'm very sorry, master.I got the stock solution, but Maya and Daredevil were taken by the Punisher.

Chen Lu: Maya?Why did he take Maya away?
Thunder: I don't know, but Daredevil seems to have been injected with the Extremis virus and fell into a scab state. It was to save him from the Punisher that he gave up the original solution and let me succeed.

Daredevil who was injected with the Extremis virus, Maya, one of the inventors of the Extremis virus, and the Punisher who took the two of them, always felt that something bad would happen to them.Among other things, with Daredevil's physical fitness and superhero halo, after undergoing the transformation of Extremis Virus, his strength will definitely surpass that of Killian, and it is difficult to estimate how strong he will be.

But those things should be considered later. Now that the three tubes of the Extremis virus stock solution have been received, the goal of this stock liquid competition has also been achieved, and the next step is to evacuate from the scene before the Avengers arrive.

The action is over, close the team!
On the other side, the northbound passage of the AIM experimental base
The body on the ground that had been turned black by the electricity suddenly pulsated a few times, and then the black shell slowly peeled off. A man emerged from the coke as if reborn from a cocoon. He was the immortal who was defeated by Chen Lu just now. Monster - Deadpool.

"Hey, does anyone miss me? I seem to have been disconnected for a long time." Deadpool got up from the ground while talking to someone unknown, when a note beside him caught his attention.

Deadpool glanced at the words written on the note, clapped his palms and said happily: "Haha, it seems that there are indeed."

"The self-destruct procedure of the base has been activated, and the blasting has begun."

"Uh—can I say dirty words?" After hearing this electronic voice broadcast, Deadpool looked around anxiously.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A large number of explosives were detonated almost at the same time, and the huge explosion waves from all directions swallowed Deadpool's entire body.

(End of this chapter)

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