Chapter 61 Deadpool Appears
AIM Experimental Base Central Monitoring Room


Dr. Aldrich Killian slammed his fists on the table in the monitoring room, and his outrageous anger made his face turn red into a ripe apple.The surveillance screen in front of him was showing the scene of Chen Lu's killing spree, while the other screen showed no one but corpses all over the ground.

"Four! Four monsters came to ruin my good business! How the hell did I find this place!"

Killian has been doing illegal human experiments in this secret experimental base for a while, and no one dared to disturb him except for a few kittens and puppies.Unexpectedly, four plague gods came to knock on the door overnight, and his hopeless soldiers were defeated in a blink of an eye, basically unable to resist. There is nothing more shocking than this.

In fact, Killian also knows that the current Extremis virus is still a long way from the ultimate creature in his ideal. Even the level that can compete with Iron Man in the original plot "Iron Man 3" is far from reaching. , as a combat power is still quite unqualified.

So he didn't put all his defense hopes on the hopeless soldiers.

"Call that mercenary here, or he should say goodbye to the 2000 million final payment!" Killian sternly ordered to his subordinates.

"Yes, Doctor!"

The subordinate immediately led the order to walk towards the door, but the moment he just arrived in front of the door, the door of the monitoring room opened by itself, and at the same time, a burst of playful music came from outside.

"Hey, yeah-I.wanna.shoop, baby~ (Yeah, I wanna shoop, baby.)"

Accompanied by the not-so-serious BGM, a masked man in a red and black leotard walked in imitating Michael Jackson's dance steps, shaking his head and walking in. He turned around 360 degrees as if no one else was there, and his body was fixed on the cap with one hand. The classic movement of one finger on the ground.

"Deadpool, I didn't pay you to come and dance." Killian said to the man in red with a sullen expression on his face.

That's right, this guy who is very naughty when he appears on the stage is the cheapest, most nonsense, shameless, and most individual superhero in the entire Marvel universe, or the super anti-hero-Deadpool.

"Hey, you have to understand that it's not easy to get me excited to work." Deadpool took out his pistol and scratched his crotch, shrugged and teased: "Damn, my thing is not very effective gone."

"Fuck you!" The irritable Killian casually picked up a wad of banknotes and threw them at Deadpool, but before the wad of dollars could disperse in the air, Deadpool took it away in an instant.

"Oh yes, that's it. Don't worry, I'll make your $3000 million worth it. Uh-ah, it's time for someone else to try something hard. Oh, isn't that sentence a bit ambiguous?" Deadpool Raising his pistol, he kissed the barrel of the gun through the mask, "Or not?"

Killian couldn't bear this talkative maniac any longer, and stretched out his hand and yelled at him, "You either sew your mouth shut, or get out early!"

Deadpool immediately pretended to be a wounded little daughter-in-law and timidly retreated towards the door, of course he continued to chatter uncontrollably: "No, don't be like Xiao Chong who just wants to sew someone's mouth when you meet him, Although the taste of spider silk is really good..."

The door of the monitoring room was finally closed, blocking Deadpool's voice from the outside, and everyone in the monitoring room breathed a sigh of relief.There are times when this annoying guy is more terrifying than the enemy.

And the dead waiter who walked out of the monitoring room didn't seem to have had enough of his mouth, and said in an indescribable direction: "To tell you the truth, I actually came here to take refuge. I hope there will be no more troubles coming to the door. ..."

By the way, Deadpool knows that he is a fictional character, so this guy always likes to have conversations with certain indescribable beings. In the eyes of others, he is a lunatic with zero SAN value.

Yes, some kind of indescribable existence.

Basement B[-] of AIM Experimental Base

Chen Lu and Lei Ting had already cleared out all the soldiers in this area, and continued to use the hacker's mobile phone to crack the security system and go deep underground.After passing the long stairs, the two came to another steel gate.


Metal friction produced a harsh sound, and the steel door slowly opened to both sides.Then a harsher annoying voice came from the door.

"Good morning, Mr. Protagonist. I should have dealt with the two more dangerous guys on the opposite side first, but to be reasonable, I should come over to say hello first. If you don't mind, can you listen to me?"

"Thunder, do it!"

After discovering that the dangerous superhero Deadpool was inside the door, Chen Lu did not hesitate at all, and took the lead in attacking Deadpool together with Thunder!Chen Lu was holding a silver long knife, Lei Ting drew out his tactical dagger, and the two blades swiped alternately in the air, cutting towards Deadpool's neck at the same time!
"I said, do we have to use slow motion here?"

Deadpool spread his hands and shrugged, allowing his head to be severed by the two and thrown into the air.But even though his body was decapitated, Deadpool's mouth still didn't lose its vitality, and continued to launch annoying mouth attacks:
"Okay, here's my routine. What's next? Shall we play three-a-side football?"

The reason why such a strange situation can happen is all due to Deadpool's near-immortal regenerative ability, which is the number one in Marvel. He has experienced countless times of throwing his head and blood in the physical sense.

As a time traveler, Chen Lu naturally knew that Deadpool was not that easy to die, so he didn't let up in the slightest after he succeeded, and immediately pulled out two pistols and pointed them at the head of Deadpool in the air several times.

"Hey man, you're foul."

The moment Chen Lu raised his pistol, Deadpool's headless body also pulled out two pistols at the same time. A total of four barrels aimed at Deadpool's head in the air, firing a large number of bullets.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Intensive gunfire flickered in the laboratory, and Deadpool's head rolled in the air for several weeks under the action of bullets, spinning and falling step by step.Every bullet that Chen Lu fired aimed at important parts such as the brain, eyes, temples, etc. was blocked by Deadpool's body shots, and the bullets that kept colliding rubbed fierce sparks in the air.

Unlike Chen Lu, Lei Ting did not expect Deadpool to have such an abnormal self-healing ability, and his reaction was half a beat slower than Chen Lu.However, she reacted quickly, picked up the tactical dagger and sprinted towards Deadpool's body again.

"Beauty, even if you can get my body, you can't get my heart. Of course, I won't resist if you insist on being rough." Facing Thunder's charge, Deadpool remained calm sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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