Chapter 60 Spirit Possession
Long before the desperate soldier detonated himself, Chen Lu kicked him away and found a cover to hide.Even so, there were still several large and small wounds on his body from the various fragments lifted off by the explosion.

"Master, are you alright?" Lei Ting, who rushed in from behind, asked with concern.

"Don't ask unnecessary things, Thunder."

Chen Lu pulled out the piece of iron pierced into his body, and the wound healed quickly under the effect of the high-speed self-healing ability.I have to admit that he underestimated these desperate soldiers. Their self-detonation ability can be called the best human bomb in the 21st century. It is estimated that this explosion is enough to directly scrap a heavy tank.

This made Chen Lu look forward to how powerful his self-destructing zombies would be in the future.

"Thunder, try not to engage in close combat with them, run away immediately when you see their bodies turning red."

At the same time as Chen Lu warned Lei Ting, several desperate soldiers who followed up with support had rushed towards them.These guys heat their hands like red-hot iron, and there is no doubt that once they touch them, they will end up with scorched skin and rotten flesh.

Long-range combat, I have never been very good at it.While complaining in his heart, Chen Lu transformed a simple silver longbow from the palm of his left hand, and at the same time he held three pure metal arrows between the fingers of his right hand.

Let me state in advance that Chen Luke has never received any training, so if he relies on himself alone, he will definitely end up shooting in the air.But in the life-and-death duel with Tony, he developed a new usage of the zombie's spiritual link-spiritual possession.

The principle of this ability is very simple, it is to transfer part of the spirit of other mutant infected people to Chen Lu, so as to affect some of his body movements.Although things such as super powers and physical fitness will not change in any way, skills, knowledge, and even magic can all be transmitted through spiritual links.

So - Spirit Possession·Hawkeye!
"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

On the high-elastic bio-metal bowstring, three sharp arrows pierced through the air, hitting the hearts of the three hopeless soldiers rushing over with great accuracy.The arrow made of highly flammable biometal exploded the moment it pierced into the enemy's chest, and was immediately blown into pieces by the hearts of these three guys.

With the ability to metalize, Chen Lu doesn't have to worry about ammunition at all. As long as there is still biological energy remaining, the number of arrows he has is unlimited.Metal arrows shot out one after another, constantly taking the lives of desperate soldiers under the superb archery skills of Hawkeye.

"It's really good." This feeling is like playing a shooting game with a headshot plug-in, and it's hard to miss it.

On the other side, Thunder kept throwing daggers that were coiled with yellow lightning. In terms of accuracy, it couldn't compare with Chen Lv, who possessed Hawkeye, and could only barely hit the enemy's heart.But every enemy hit by her throwing knife will immediately fall to the ground with convulsions all over, losing control of their limbs and unable to get up from the ground.

Even for desperate soldiers whose bodies have been completely remodeled, their nerve signals are still electrical signals, essentially bioelectricity.For Lei Ting, who can sense and manipulate bioelectricity, interfering with the enemy's nerve signals is her excellent way of fighting.

So it doesn't matter which part her dagger hits, as long as she is hit, she will lose control and fall to the ground.

Soon the commander of the Desperate Soldier Squad couldn't sit still, and ordered to his subordinates with curses: "Damn it, it's two more monsters! Get back and close the gate!"

At his order, the impoverished soldiers who rushed out immediately receded like a tide, and fled back into a thick steel gate in embarrassment against the long-range firepower of Chen Lu and Lei Ting.Even before all the soldiers escaped back, the gate was completely closed with a bang, making these unlucky people who had no time to escape become the souls of Chen Lu's arrows.

"This is the entrance." Chen Lu looked at the thick steel gate. From the structure, it was obviously a military defense measure used to resist artillery bombardment. It might not be easy to open it by brute force.

But opening it with wisdom is another matter.

"Lei Ting, give me the mobile phone you seized earlier." Chen Lu walked to the password disk of this gate and said.

Thunder has always carried out the task of clearing the invading mercenaries in Queens, and the tactical dagger on her body is one of the previous trophies.In addition to weapons, these mercenaries also have some special things, such as a portable hacking smartphone.

Spirit Possession Tony Stark!
After receiving the hacker's mobile phone from Lei Ting, Chen Lu immediately removed the entire code disk with his bare hands with skillful techniques, picked out two main wires accurately, and connected them to the hacker's mobile phone.I saw his fingertips swipe quickly on the phone screen, and a series of data soared rapidly.


For Tony Stark, a genius mechanical expert who can hack even S.H.I.E.L.D. systems, this little security system isn't even a sideshow.

Following a long prompt sound, the steel gate slowly opened, and the terrified faces of a group of desperate soldiers inside were slowly exposed under Chen Lu's eyes, whose eyes had already lost their fighting spirit.

"They, they're coming in! Run!"

This group of hopeless soldiers had nothing to do with the name of soldiers. Seeing the overwhelming strength of Chen Lu and Lei Ting, they scattered and fled in despair.Only a few loyal and bold people dared to grit their teeth and rush to confront them, but they were quickly dealt with easily by Chen Lv.

It's no wonder that these desperate soldiers were not actually soldiers. Most of them were just disabled people who voluntarily participated in the transformation of the Extremis virus, hoping to obtain a new body.They don't even have the fighting experience of normal people, let alone fighting like soldiers.

Chen Lu didn't intend to waste too much biological energy on these bastards, after all, there were still two unidentified superheroes waiting for him to deal with.So he picked up the [-]mm pistols on the two desperate soldiers on the ground, and pointed the guns at the group of guys blocking the way.

Spirit Possession Winter Soldier!

"Bah bah bah bah!..."

The two guns fired together, and the left and right pistols sprayed out gun flames and shell casings alternately. Each bullet accurately hit the heart of a hopeless soldier, and cleanly harvested their lives.While shooting, Chen Lv could still walk leisurely towards the depths of the experimental base, with graceful steps as if he had already rehearsed.

This is the ability to use firearms that the Winter Soldier has acquired over 70 years of experience as a killer, and now it is something that Chen Lu can easily use.

(End of this chapter)

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