Chapter 515 The Ring of Origin
Black Lantern Martian Manhunter's mental impact arrived even faster than Black Lantern Flash's attack, invading White Lantern Superman's spiritual world, like it had done countless times before, stripping White Lantern Superman's consciousness from his body, and then making him any Slaughtered by the Black Lantern Flash.

But just after Black Lantern Martian Manhunter went deep into the opponent's spiritual world as usual, he was surprised to find that what he faced was not the expected Superman Clark himself, but a higher-level existence beyond his imagination.

A huge white heart stands in the spiritual world of White Lantern Superman, and the thick and dense blood vessels on it tremble with the opening and closing of the heart muscle.Soft white light surrounds this huge white heart, and every beat of the heart can make people feel infinite vitality.

In the center of the atrium protected by layers of muscles, a strange embryo was being conceived. Bright white light radiated from the closed palms of this embryo, and every gesture was filled with divinity like the coming of the Holy Son.

There is no doubt that the sacred white heart in front of you is the leader of the White Lantern Corps, corresponding to the Black Death Emperor who symbolizes death, and the spirit of the existence of the white lantern beast that represents life.

Now the spirit of existence has lodged on Superman, and the two have been integrated physically and even spiritually.Therefore, when Black Lantern Martian Manhunter crashes into Superman's spiritual world, what greets him is naturally the spirit that lives here.

The white light emitted by the spirit of existence is so dazzling that the black lamp Martian hunter, who is a black lamp zombie, just stands nearby, and the incarnation of his own consciousness seems to be melted away.Realizing that the situation was not good, he immediately wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

From the outer wall of the white heart, several thick blood vessels quickly wrapped around the consciousness incarnation of the Black Lantern Martian Hunter like tentacles, tightly bound him, and then pulled him near the heart with irresistible force.During this period, no matter how the Black Lantern Martian Manhunter resisted, the spirit of existence was never shaken at all.

In the end, the Black Lantern Martian Manhunter was pressed hard on the white heart, and was swallowed up bit by bit under the squeeze of countless blood vessels.This move is like the spirit of existence wants to give him a gentle hug, but for the Martian hunter who has become a black lamp zombie, he will only feel pain like a cannonball.

In the end, the consciousness incarnation of Black Lantern Martian Manhunter completely dissipated, or it was purified.With the disappearance of consciousness, the real body of the Black Lantern Martian Manhunter also slowly dissipated like fly ash, completely non-existent.

Without the support of Black Lantern Martian Manhunter, Black Lantern Flash, who wanted to catch White Lantern Superman and give him a fatal blow, found that he could not drag this strong body at all, as childish as trying to push the earth while doing a handstand.He who took the initiative to go up to him instead fell into the hands of Superman White Lantern, and stayed on his shoulder in an incomparably "smart" manner.

White Lantern Superman's punches are not much slower than Black Lantern Flash, and he is the second fastest existence in the Justice League after Flash.Coupled with the careless initiative of the Black Lantern Flash, this punch actually landed on the Black Lantern Flash.

The red-yellow lightning danced crazily on White Lantern Superman's fist. This is the Black Lantern Flash resisting White Lantern Superman's attack with all his speed.But only this level of obstruction was not enough to save his life, and the iron fist of the White Lantern Superman still shattered the head of the Black Lantern Flash heavily.

Under the white light that restrains the black lamp, no matter how strong the regeneration ability of the Black Lantern Flash is, it will not work.

In an instant, Chen Lucai's two generals who had just defeated the Seven Lantern Legion died tragically at the hands of Superman White Lantern, and they were defeated so easily.

"You villain, come out and face me!"

Facing the flood of black-lantern zombies, White Lantern Superman shot a white laser from his eyes, sweeping across with fully evolved thermal vision rays, and thousands of black-lantern zombies evaporated and dissipated. Exhausted.

Even Superman before being revived by the White Lantern is not weak enough to be afraid of the number advantage of zombies, not to mention that he is now endowed with the power of White Lantern to restrain the Black Lantern, the end of the ordinary Black Lantern Corps can be imagined And know.

It is no exaggeration to say that today's White Lantern Superman has the powerful power to end the darkest night alone.

The black lamp zombies that could finally be used as cannon fodder were eliminated by Superman one by one, and he himself rushed into the shadow cabinet where Chen Lu was.When Superman appeared in front of the cage where Lantern [-] was imprisoned, Chen Lu was waiting melodiously.

"Although it's not as useful as I imagined, at least it can be done by buying time." Chen Lu said to himself while putting his hand on the energy wall where the first Lantern Man was imprisoned. It was completely covered by the power of the lamp, not a single ray of light could be revealed.

Superman seemed to be aware of something, and hurriedly rushed towards Chen Lu with his fists. The burst of white light illuminated the entire Shadow Cabinet like daylight, and the punches he punched were like the sun setting down.

"It's a pity you came too late."

In the cage, the black mist that originally filled the entire space was suddenly sucked in by a singularity in the center, and finally formed the shape of a ring, emitting seven kinds of light, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple. Law's fingers.

Immediately, the seven colors of light burst out on Chen Lu's fingertips along with the cold black light, and greeted Superman's fist like a touchable rainbow.Immediately, all the colored lights intertwined and confronted each other, and infinite destructive power erupted between the confrontations.

Under this impact, the entire star body of the Shadow Cabinet was split vertically and exploded into countless asteroid fragments. The entire galaxy nearby was also affected tragically. Except for the huge stars, all other planets were shattered into irregular pieces. A few chunks.

Chen Lu and White Lantern Superman were standing on the same piece of shattered planetary fragments. Everything around them was ruthlessly destroyed just now. Only these two were left to withstand the impact just now to maintain their intact form. it's here.

Chen Lu opened his palms, and the Ring of Origin, which originally belonged to Lantern Man No. [-], was now worn on his index finger, which was capable of seven colors of light at the same time.Most of the power against White Lantern Superman just now comes from this magical ring, and it seems to contain even more powerful potential.

"The strongest lantern ring that can distort reality, hey, it might as well take me a while."

Driving the ring of origin, Chen Lv clenched his fist a little bit. He was very satisfied with the enormous energy brought by the ring of lights. This kind of power was even comparable to the Infinity Gauntlet after collecting all the infinity gems.

On the other side, White Lantern Superman, who did not fall down, also stood up straight again.

(End of this chapter)

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