Chapter 514 White Lantern Legion
Atoshitas swung the strongest blow with all his strength towards the Black Light Flash who was stopped by the fear of the yellow light.The fiery red flames surrounded his fist, and the icy aura almost distorted the space.

Such a surging red light energy has the power to kill The Flash to nothingness. For the Seven Lantern Corps, it is a rare opportunity to reverse the situation in one fell swoop, at least in their eyes.

It's a pity that Chen Lu wouldn't even give them such a false opportunity.

At the moment when Atoshitas' giant fist was attached to the face of the Flash of the Black Light, a mental force several times stronger than the power of fear of the Yellow Light penetrated into the Flash of the Black Light's brain, forcing his body to Takes an evasive action.

Driven by the speed force, Flash's body moved with a thunderous momentum. Even though Atoshitas' attack was about to penetrate into his skin, Black Lantern Flash still threw off the opponent at an unbelievable speed, making Ah Toshitas's confident strike ultimately fell short.

Missing the attack was not the worst situation. Just as Atoshitas was astonished by the sudden disappearance of the Black Lantern Flash, a terrifying roar of a bull suddenly came from beside him.Looking at it from the side, the blood-slaughtering bull with jet-black flames all over his body came galloping through the floor.

Atoshitas, who couldn't dodge in time, was hit straight by the black lamp's blood butcher's sacrifice, and finally felt the feeling of countless enemies who had been driven to pieces by him.

The tyrannical impact caused Atoshitas to hang uncontrollably on the horns of the bull and was led by the black lamp blood to slaughter the bull into the deep space. The black flames wrapped around them pierced the sky like a meteor, and rushed towards a huge supernova nearby. go.

When the black fire meteor finally hit the surface of the supernova, the huge energy shock sent the already unstable star directly into the final stage of explosion.A man-made supernova explosion was triggered, evaporating Atoshitas and the black lamp blood slaughtered bull that had crashed into the star's interior.

On the other side, Sinestro hadn't realized why The Flash had escaped from his fear control, but he was strangled by the opponent's throat with lightning speed, and was taken away from the battlefield in one fell swoop.At this moment, the Black Lantern Flash also fired at full power, running wildly all the way with the posture of bringing Sinestro to the end of the universe.

The high speed beyond the physical limit made Sinestro unable to even move a finger, so he could only drive the lamp ring continuously to try to let fear occupy the consciousness of the Black Lantern Flash again.However, the power of the yellow light will only be backed up by stronger mental power every time. Such a powerless telepathic ability can only be achieved by Martian Manhunter.

After a long time, Sinestro was surprised to find that he had been taken through time and space by the Black Lantern Flash, and the last image was engraved in his pupils, which was his same dull face a few minutes ago.

boom!A seemingly innocuous explosion distorted the surrounding space, just like a scene where a bug appeared in a video game.

In fact, this can be regarded as a rule error in the universe. The current Sinestro and the him a few minutes ago collided violently, and the space-time paradox caused caused both of them to be involved in the twisting error In the annihilation of time and space.There is no such thing as Sinestro anymore in the world, he has been erased from the law.

You can't use this move against the huge Lantern Beast, but poor Sinestro, just happens to be the victim of Black Lantern Flash's strongest attack.

Soon the Black Lantern Flash returned to the Shadow Cabinet, and the Black Lantern Martian Manhunter who had just helped him get rid of Sinestro's fear control also stepped out and took over the battlefield again.Under the irresistible telepathic control of the Martian Manhunter, the Seven Lantern Corps could only be slaughtered by the Black Lantern zombies one-sidedly, and there was no other Atroxitas or Sinestro to come out to reverse the situation.

Seeing this, Chen Lu also began to feel relieved. The Seven Lantern Legion attracted by the excessive power of the Black Lantern released in order to deal with the first Lantern Man was defeated, and the rest can be dealt with by ordinary Black Lantern zombies.

At this time, Lantern Man No. [-]'s cage was already filled with the energy of the black lamp, and his transparent body was gradually being corroded and gradually turned completely black.Chen Lu didn't need to continue pouring the power of the black lamp into it, and then he just had to wait slowly, and he could also get away and move freely.

"Then, let me go out and do some activities."

Having said that, Chen Lv turned to the outside of the Shadow Cabinet, and all he saw was the remnants of the Seven Lantern Legion struggling to resist under the suppression of the Black Lantern Flash and Black Lantern Martian Manhunter, and a small number of third party members who had gone crazy and seemed to be attacking regardless of whether they were friends or not. Legion monsters.

Among these remnants and defeated generals, there was no opponent that Chen Lu looked up to, and all he could do was kill some miscellaneous fish at will.But if the battle could be ended earlier, Chen Lu wouldn't mind doing that.

Just as Chen Lu was preparing to join the battle with a relaxed mind, a strong white light suddenly poured into the battlefield.This white light is as dazzling and gorgeous as the holy light descended from God. The black lamp zombies that were unfortunately illuminated instantly dissipated like the shadow of the sun. This restrained killing effect revealed the essence of this light.

Just thinking with the Black Lantern Corps, which symbolizes death, and represents life and hope, the savior who dispersed the entire army of the dead in the darkest night, the White Lantern Corps has arrived!

It would be absolutely false to say that the White Lantern Legion did not come. The Seven Lantern Legion, who had experienced the darkest night once, reacted so sharply. How could the White Lantern, the deadly enemy of the Black Lantern, do nothing.

However, when he saw the soldiers representing the White Lantern Corps coming to the battlefield, Chen Lu still couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

Because this white lantern warrior wearing a white battle uniform and a snow-white cloak is none other than the strongest DC superhero who once died in Chen Lu's hands—Superman!
After being resurrected by the white light, the divinity of Superman is even more prominent. The white body that descends with the white light is really like the legendary Son who redeemed the world.There is no one else in the White Lantern Corps except him, but it feels like there is no need for anyone other than Superman!
White Lantern Superman, as the last obstacle in the emotional spectrum, now stands in front of Chen Lu.

Before Chen Lu could react, both the Black Lantern Martian Manhunter and the Black Lantern Flash took the first step. One launched the most powerful mental impact on Superman, while the other used the old tricks to grab Superman at the fastest speed. White Lantern Superman's shoulder.

The cooperation between the two is perfect, let Black Lantern Martian Manhunter first control White Lantern Superman's body, and then Black Lantern Flash uses the strongest attack to obliterate the opponent. Few people in the universe can resist such a combined offensive, even Now Chen Lu can't make sure.

But White Lantern Superman is not in this list.

(End of this chapter)

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