Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 32 Cannibalism (for the first reward)

Chapter 32 Cannibalism (addition for the first thousand rewards)


A large group of believers shouted enthusiastically, each of them was infected by anger, and crazy expressions appeared on each of their faces.The sound of bullets being loaded could be heard everywhere, and many people were already aware of what was going to happen next, but they were already powerless to stop them, so they could only go ahead and find a bunker to hide.

"Everyone calm down!" Hawkeye kept raising his hands, trying his best to stop the disaster from happening.

"Don't waste your time." Chen Lu who was on the side swooped and pressed Hawkeye to the ground. Almost at the same time, the fanatical believers pulled the trigger.

"Da da da da da!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


In an instant, the ears were filled with the loud noise of assault rifles, pistols, and grenades, and the hail of bullets flying everywhere instantly turned the supermarket into a fierce battlefield. It's just that the last time human beings worked together to fight against zombies, this time it was two waves Survivors ruthlessly killed each other.

The flying bullets shattered all kinds of goods and brought up a lot of sawdust. Even the lights dimmed under the strong gunfire.Gunpowder smoke filled the entire supermarket, people's screams and killing sounds became the main theme here, and the crisp sound of glass breaking was the passionate accompaniment.The blood mist exploded on the human body, like a bright rose blooming, a grenade blasted several people into pieces like torn rags, and the flesh and limbs scattered all over the ground.

In this war, people who lose their minds or keep their minds have become big losers. The only vested interests are Chen Lu, the man behind the scenes who planned everything, and Alex, who is lying on the ground and pretending to be dead.The most innocent among them is Hawkeye, who has become the target of public criticism. All his previous efforts to save the survivors were in vain.

Until now, with the roar of gunfire and the sound of killing everywhere, Hawkeye has never understood what made this group of survivors who were originally united and worked together to fight against the zombies become a group of survivors who killed each other in just two hours. Cold killer.Why did this group of people not fall under the attack of zombies in the end, but were shot and killed by the group of friends in distress around them.None of them were bad people, and Hawkeye, who had been with them for a week, was sure to draw a conclusion, but in just two hours, everything changed.

Hawkeye might regret that he didn't pay attention to Alex, a strange man at the beginning, but he never thought that Chen Lu, who seemed to do bad things with good intentions over and over again, would arouse conflicts and make things develop to this day. The key to the situation.Even until now, Hawkeye thinks that Chen Lu is a trustworthy good partner.

"Hawkeye, we have to get out of here!" Chen Lu bared his head and fired several shots at the crazy people, but the result was of course an even more violent counterattack. Dozens of bullet holes appeared on the shelf used as a cover in an instant, "You too You don't want to hurt them, do you?"

Chen Lu's words pierced Hawkeye's heart. It was indeed his refusal to act that caused the exchange of fire to intensify, but how could Hawkeye be so ruthless to hurt these comrades who were with him through hardships?He looked around, except for Chen Lu, those who defended him and stood in front of him were basically shot in the first round of fire and fell to the ground and stopped breathing. Now those crazy believers are still shouting "Atonement" And hurting each other, blinded by the cult, unless they kill the last living person, this brutal gun battle will continue endlessly.

Apart from Chen Lu, Hawkeye has no one to save.

"Okay, Chen. Listen to my signal, close your eyes when I count to three." Despite the grief in his heart, even though his mind was still confused, Hawkeye had no time to hesitate, and he took out his bow and arrow again , drew out a ball-shaped arrow and put it on the string.

"one two Three!"


A cloud-piercing arrow pierced the ceiling, and at the moment it hit, it emitted an intense white light that was dozens of times more dazzling than the sun, covering the entire supermarket. Even Chen Lv, who had closed his eyes in advance, could feel the stinging pain in his eyes. shine.Immediately, screams resounded throughout the supermarket, and those people in the fierce exchange of fire yelled and covered their eyes one after another. Taking this opportunity, Hawkeye led Chen Lufei and ran out of the supermarket gate.

Less than a quarter of an hour after the two left the supermarket, the gunfire inside flickered again, and the fierce gunfire kept coming out, turning the originally safe and peaceful supermarket into a hell more terrifying than the zombie-infested outside. .The group of survivors finally destroyed themselves under the guidance of Chen Lu and Alex, and Hawkeye could only go to the rescue point where the helicopter was about to arrive alone as Chen Lu planned (Chen Lu is not considered a human being).

"Can we still be saved?" Chen Lu pretended to be worried and asked Hawkeye, but he was actually asking about the progress of the helicopter.

Hawkeye patted him on the shoulder, nodded seriously and said, "Chen, I will definitely rescue you! I swear!"

"But these zombies..."

"Come with me, a rescue helicopter will pick us up in about half an hour, and we will be able to go home safely by then."

Half an hour is plenty of time.Chen Lu continued to think about his plan, and then he only needed to reach the helicopter rescue point with Hawkeye, and then find a way to sneak attack him, let S.H.I.E.L.D. pick up a Hawkeye who was infected with the virus but hadn't mutated into a zombie, and the job was done.With the current level of Hawkeye's trust in Chen Lv, no matter how vigilant he was, he would never have thought that the attack would come from his closest comrade-in-arms.

Around them, another group of zombies suddenly appeared from a dark corner, rushing towards the two of them.Chen Lu hurriedly raised his gun to shoot, Hawkeye also switched the bow and arrow to the scepter mode and guarded Chen Lu to prevent him from being hurt.After all, Chen Lu is currently the only person Hawkeye wants to save. Only if he is still alive can Hawkeye believe that his efforts for the previous week were not in vain.

"I'm out of ammunition." Chen Lu threw away the [-]mm pistol that fired empty bullets at any time, and looked around as if looking for a melee weapon that was handy. After scanning back and forth a few times, his eyes stopped on the arrow behind Hawkeye. On the bag, "Hawkeye, can I defend myself with two arrows?"

"Take it yourself!" Hawkeye was busy dealing with the zombies in front of him, so he had to hand his back to Chen Lu to take the arrow by himself, and at the same time warned: "The one on the far right is an explosive arrow, don't touch it! Take the one on the far left, then It's an ordinary arrow."

"OK!" Chen Lu put his finger on the rightmost arrow first, then moved it to the leftmost arrow, pulled out two ordinary arrows and grabbed them in his hands, using them as two daggers.Moreover, the technique used is quite good. With a simple thrust towards the attacking zombie, the arrow can be pierced from the opponent's eye socket to the back of the head, ending the zombie's life.

Of course, this occasional Hawkeye just thought he was lucky.

 Thanks to the book friend efdcx for the 1000 starting point coin reward, to celebrate the first thousand reward plus a new chapter, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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