Chapter 31 Complete collapse
Everyone hurriedly looked to where Armstrong was, only to find that there was no one on the bed.Take a closer look, on the other side of the bed, there is a figure wearing a rugby uniform kneeling on the ground, lowering his head to eat something under the bed. A tingling sensation in the scalp.



"Oh my God!"

"Do not--!"

Emotions such as sadness, fear, sympathy, and anger were all aroused at the same time, and an unprecedented commotion was launched among the crowd.But zombies don't know how to read the atmosphere. Before most people could react, this zombie once named "Armstrong" pounced on the crowd like a wolf seeing a flock of sheep!


The first to react and fight back was Hawkeye, a superhero determined to protect everyone here.He drew the bow and drew the arrow and fired a series of movements in one go. An arrow pierced Armstrong's head in an instant like a conditional fire. The arrow penetrated from the forehead and came out from the back of the head. General fell to the ground and stopped moving under the gaze of everyone.

"Sorry, Armstrong." Hawkeye didn't know what to say other than an apology.

"Yes, you should feel sorry for killing another innocent life for yourself." After his prophecy was confirmed, Alex's accusation against Hawkeye became more justified, and at the same time became more excessive, "If It's not that you study zombie viruses. If you didn't go against the will of the Lord, this young man should still be playing football leisurely. Everyone here should be living their lives happily. It's you who made our life messy It’s a mess! It’s you who caused the world to be punished by the Lord!”

"kill him!"

Finally, at the instigation of Alex, a believer who was so crazy that he lost his mind yelled.A large group of bewildered survivors sent a signal of hatred and killing towards Hawkeye, the superhero who had guarded them for a whole week and tried his best to give up his own salvation and ensure the survival of everyone here.

"kill him!"

"Throw him out!"

"Go to hell, government lackey!"

More and more people responded to the call for killing. This group of people who were killed by Hawkeye alone, and who should have been grateful to him, passed Alex in less than two hours. After brainwashing and preaching, they all walked towards Hawkeye with their knives sharpened, with hatred and hatred in their eyes, they all wished to tear Hawkeye to pieces.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Are you all crazy? Do you know what you're doing?"

The Practical Group headed by Chen Lu and others immediately surrounded Hawkeye, forming a human wall in front of him to separate Hawkeye from the crazy believers, and even a few timid people had raised their hands. Get up the guns in your hands, threatening the crazy believers not to let them approach.Now the number of the superstitious faction and the practical faction is close to 2:1, and those who maintain the eagle eye are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers.

"Everyone, I guarantee with my personality that this zombie virus is really not created by the government! That file is forged, I can prove..." Hawkeye also tried his best to explain to the people who surrounded him, but Those fanatical people have long been unable to listen to the words of their savior.

Alex pressed closer towards Hawkeye, and continued to fan the flames: "Those who try to defend sinners should be guilty of the same crime! They are all sinners who try to violate the will of the Lord, and they are all villains who have angered the Almighty Lord! As long as they are alive, the trial will not end!"

"No, calm down!" If Hawkeye is serious, this group of superstitious people will definitely not be his opponent, and even the sum of all the people here will not be stronger than Hawkeye.But the question is, will Hawkeye have the heart to attack them?
No, he won't, so he can only be tricked to death by Chen Lu.Now is the time to light the final fuse.

"Alex, I've had enough of you!!!" Chen Lu raised his pistol, roared hysterically, aimed at Alex's chest, and pulled the trigger!


The loud gunshots and the dazzling fire shocked everyone present.Bright blood exploded on Alex's chest, and the impact of the bullet made his body fall back limply, lying on the floor in the cross position of Jesus.Gunpowder smoke rose slowly from the muzzle of the gun, and there was no regret in Chen Lu's eyes.

"What did you do?" Hawkeye was also shocked by Chen Lu's actions, and asked him inexplicably.

Chen Lu just replied coldly: "I warned you, Alex will kill everyone here."

"God's envoy!!!"

A believer cried and knelt beside Alex in grief like a dead parent, holding Alex's palm tightly with both hands and praying with his eyes closed.Other believers also had disbelieving expressions on their faces, with a series of emotions such as grief, despair, and hatred constantly changing on their faces.

"The believers of the Lord..." Alex turned his head and said to the believers who came to him as if holding his last breath, "They once again... failed the Lord's good intentions, Cough cough cough...those sinners must be punished, then we can be saved...children, we need...atonement..."

Alex's palm slipped from between the believer's fingers and fell to the floor and stopped moving.He closed his eyes peacefully, and the blood flowing from the wound slowly stained the floor red, like a picture full of religious meaning.

The body of the believer beside him was trembling unceasingly, and tears fell to the ground in big drops and mixed with the blood.The sound of sobbing spread to every corner of the supermarket, infecting every believer present, making their eyes moisten.

Hawkeye seemed to have a premonition of what was going to happen next, and quickly put away his bow and arrow and raised his hands and shouted to everyone: "Everyone calm down! Chen Lu is just too impulsive! Put away your weapons, hurry up!"

However, it was too late. The believer who was crying for Alex suddenly turned his face towards them, his tear-stained face instantly turned ferocious, and he was full of hatred towards Hawkeye and Chen Lu and others who were defending him. Opened his throat and roared:

(End of this chapter)

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