Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 277 The Research of Pharmacist's Pocket

Chapter 277 The Research of Pharmacist's Pocket
At this time, the summoned medicine master also came to Naruto's side. At this time, he had completely given up the research on ninjutsu and technology, and honestly became the director of his orphanage.Seeing the man with a peaceful face and not even the slightest murderous intent, it is difficult for people to connect him with the super villain who fought against the coalition forces of ninjas from the five major countries with the technique of reincarnation in the Fourth Ninja World War. He is different from the extremely persistent Orochimaru , he has really reformed himself.

"Naruto, I didn't expect that there would be a day when you would need to consult me." Yakushido greeted Uzumaki Naruto with a smile. Originally, he didn't intend to get involved in the ninja world again, but as a resident of Konoha, He can't disobey the orders of the Seventh Hokage.

"Sorry, Dou, I just received the news of Orochimaru's disappearance, and now we can only rely on you." Naruto had no choice but to turn to Medicine Master Dou. A science-obsessed Orochimaru is already tricky enough. Well, if the mad scientist, the pharmacist, was allowed to return to his original nature, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Fortunately, it seemed that Yao Shidou had completely bid farewell to his dark thoughts. He squatted beside the corpse of a reanimated ninja, and began to carefully observe the condition of these corpses.Although he has bid farewell to scientific research for more than ten years, the autopsy technique is still as proficient as instinct, a small scalpel slides quickly in his hand, and the corpse is thoroughly cut from the inside to the outside Checked it out thoroughly.

Naruto anxiously asked the pharmacist, "How about it, do you have any idea who performed the filthy soil reincarnation technique?"

Considering that Yakushido greatly improved the technique of reincarnation of the dirty soil during the Fourth Ninja World War, there should be no one in the world who understands this technique better than him.Naruto very much hopes that he can get some clues from the bodies of these attackers, after all, they still don't know anything about the black hand who organized the attack.

Unexpectedly, the pharmacist raised his head when he heard the words, and asked Naruto back with a chuckle: "The technique of reincarnation in the dirty soil? Is it like this in your opinion?"

"Huh?" Naruto suddenly realized that he might have made a big mistake in the premise, and his voice suddenly became weaker: "But besides reincarnation, are there other ninjutsu that can bring the dead back to life? Are you Talk about the art of reincarnation? But Nagato is already dead!"

Pharmacist shook his head and said, "Naruto, I can understand that when you encounter the resurrected dead, you will immediately think of the technique of reincarnation. I believe that all ninjas who have experienced the Fourth Ninja World War think so. But as a person who has studied this technique for most of his life, I can be quite sure that these resurrected ninjas were not recruited by the technique of Dirty Reincarnation, and even the principle of the technique is completely different from Dirty Reincarnation."

"Could it be that a new ninjutsu for resurrecting the dead has been researched!?" Now Naruto's sense of crisis has become more serious. The scope of people can be greatly narrowed.And once this is really a newly developed ninjutsu that summons the dead, then the number of suspicious organizations can almost cover the entire ninja world.

"No, it's actually not that new." However, Yao Shidou immediately denied Naruto's guess, and after thinking for a while, he said to Naruto: "Well—it would be troublesome to explain in principle, so let's do it. Naruto, do you remember what I did when I tried to revive Oshemaru-sama during the Fourth Ninja War?"

Naruto recalled a little bit, and soon remembered the astonishment he had met with Dou back then: " transplanted the remaining body of Orochimaru's corpse to your left half, and tried to let Orochimaru's cells erode his own body to complete his resurrection."

"That's right, that's how it is." Yaoshidou seemed to have let go of the embarrassing black history of the past, and continued to explain to Naruto in a relaxed tone: "Although in the end I didn't let Master Orochimaru's soul suffer from my own body." However, my self-awareness was indeed affected by these implanted cells, and after a short period of practice, I quickly mastered a power similar to that of Oshemaru-sama, and achieved a resurrection effect in a certain sense."

To this day, there are still traces of the erosion of the Orochimaru cells that he had implanted on the body of Yaoshidou. He compared these erosion traces with the corpse of the resurrected ninja who attacked Konoha, and he could easily There are undeniable similarities between the two.

"This is the willingness of this group of resurrected ninjas to be able to stand in front of us again. The people who manipulated them did not use any dirty reincarnation technique, but implanted the dead's cells to erode the living body to achieve the effect of reviving the dead. This This method can bring the dead back to life in a way that is closer to the power of life than the reincarnation of the dirty soil, but at the same time there is a very fatal weakness..."

The pharmacist put down his fingers that were holding onto the corpse, and said to Naruto solemnly: "The person whose cells are implanted must be the same as me back then, and he has no rejection of being implanted with the dead's cells, both mentally and physically. , in order to perfectly realize this technique, otherwise, the body will repel each other and eventually die."

"So you're saying that these people are living people who willingly resurrected the dead at the expense of their own bodies?" Considering the zealots who have no hesitation in using themselves as human bombers to launch suicide bombings Naruto felt that the person who planned this attack was probably some kind of religious organization that was good at brainwashing. Otherwise, how many people would be willing to sacrifice their bodies to the cells of the dead?

"It may be, or it may be a certain method, but I don't have any evidence to prove all of this." Pharmacist Dou, who is extremely scientific in thinking, always adheres to the principle that only evidence can lead to conclusions, and he holds Naruto's conjecture with confidence. A skeptical attitude.

At this time, Naruto asked the question he was most concerned about: "Then, in your opinion, what organization in the ninja world is capable of performing this kind of art?"

Yakushido, who was asked in this way, sighed deeply, looked into the distance with a reminiscing gaze and said, "In my opinion, a lot. Since Master Orochimaru returned to Konoha after the Fourth Ninja World War, His scientific research results have been regarded as holy scriptures by the ninjas of the major countries. All the ninja countries have carried out scientific ninjutsu research according to his ideas, and even today the art of the whole ninja world has been upgraded to a higher level. Nowadays, In the past so many years, the technique of transplanting the cells of the dead is no longer a rare thing, so if you ask me what organization can perform this kind of ninjutsu, I can only say——most of them.”

(End of this chapter)

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