Chapter 276 Zerg Branch Base

"So you want me to investigate, right?" Considering that Chen Lu would order him to accept Hinata Hanabi's invitation, Hawkeye had already guessed what his next mission was.Considering Chen Lu's practice of using every confrontation between good and evil in the Marvel world to benefit himself, this time he is going to be a fisherman in the battle between the snipe and the clam.

"It's not a bad thing to know more about our enemies." Chen Lu is such a person who is superior to intelligence. Those who have great strength but don't know how to use information are undoubtedly reckless people who will die sooner or later. After all, it is the one who can solve everything Knowledge rather than brute force, Chen Lu is very clear about this.He stretched out his hand to Hawkeye and said, "It looks like we caught a big fish by luck, bring that thing."

Hawkeye heard that he took out a miniature radar from his combat uniform, handed it to Chen Lu and said, "I have definitely installed the tracker, but the radar can't receive signals yet, wait for Tony to launch the satellite to the Space should be able to function as usual."

That's right, when Hawkeye opened one of the carriages of the arms transport team and found a large number of ninja weapons inside, Chen Lu ordered him to secretly install a miniature positioning tracker in the car.Originally, he just wanted to know who the buyers of Konoha's arms were to confirm the power distribution in this world, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a key tool for Chen Lu to track down the looted convoy.

"Well, starting to track it now will only scare the snake away. Since the other party is not the original buyer of this batch of goods, they should only regard the tracker as a commodity. We can wait for him to arrive at the destination before tracking him." Perhaps Naruto World Modern technology can also make a simple small tracker, but the high-tech tracker in the Marvel world must be something that humans in this world cannot understand, so Chen Lu is not worried that this tiny tracker will be noticed and then throw away.

Next, Chen Lu arranged for Hawkeye to go back to Konoha Ninja Village for an appointment, while he brought Wuyinxue to find the worm mother Niyadella.

In the end, Chen Lu and Wu Yinxue brought the corpses of Junmaro and Bai to a hidden cave in the hilly area near Konoha Ninja Village. The entire cave was dug out by Niyadra's hatching worker bees. , the surface is covered with a layer of bionic creep to hide the empty rock surface, it is an extremely difficult to find secret Zerg base.

At this time, the entire rock wall in the cave is covered with a layer of purple active creep, walking inside is like walking into the belly of some monster, with squirming internal organs everywhere.Chen Lv was used to this kind of Zerg-specific aesthetics, but Wu Yinxue, who was beside him, obviously had a bad expression after seeing this scene.

In the depths of the cave, Chen Lu saw the worm mother Niyadra who was instructing the worker bees to build a sub-base. What was hatching in front of her was a giant worm called a tunnel worm. The exaggerated bugs do not belong to the Zerg combat units, but correspondingly they can play a very strong strategic effect.

Seeing Chen Lu's arrival, Nyadra reported to him very respectfully: "Master Juggernaut, it will take about 10 minutes for the hatching of the tunnel worm. In 10 minutes, we will be able to directly communicate with the main base you built through the tunnel worm." Connected."

"I understand, let's continue the construction of your sub-base." Chen Lu looked at the Zerg sub-base under Niyadra's command which was under construction in an orderly manner, and nodded to her with satisfaction.According to Tony's report, it will take about three to ten minutes before the radar satellite is launched and officially put into use, so Chen Lu can take a short break before that.

As for Hawkeye, he naturally came to Konoha Plaza, which was the most severely attacked, to meet her as agreed with Hinata Hanabi.At this time, Naruto and other Konoha ninjas had all been wiped out of the reanimated ninjas on the main square, leaving only the task of cleaning the battlefield.

Before meeting Hanabi, Hawkeye's X-gene ability inspired by the zombie virus - super hearing suddenly caught a subtle sound, which was a secret conversation between Naruto Uzumaki and his ninjas.They were communicating in an unobtrusive corner of the main square, so Hawkeye kept a relatively safe distance and quietly observed this corner to see what useful information they could get.

Naruto was ordering to the Chunin who was following him: "Get me Orochimaru quickly, the thing reincarnated in the dirt knows that it has nothing to do with him. Also call the pharmacist from the orphanage over here, His knowledge of reincarnation should be no worse than Orochimaru."

Orochimaru and Yaoshidou, this pair of master and apprentice is probably the greatest scientist in the Naruto world.Yes, when ninjas all over the world are concentrating on cultivating and improving their strength, only these two guys are always obsessed with things like body modification and scientific principles, and have actually researched many incredible black technologies, the technique of reincarnation These two people are inseparable from the improvement and large-scale application of Ninja, not to mention the by-products such as soul transfer and spell seal power, each of which has the terrifying potential to completely change the form of war in the ninja world.

But now Orochimaru and Yakushidou have made great contributions in the Fourth Ninja War, so one of them is allowed to continue to do scientific experiments without affecting the safety of others, while the other is in Konoha. He became the dean of an orphanage, and lived a peaceful life in Konoha Ninja Village in peaceful times.

It's just that this peaceful and peaceful day may be broken now.

A Konoha Anbe rushed to Naruto very anxiously. He was the ninja Yamato who was also an elite Konoha Anbe unit like Sai.Looking at the panicked expression on Yamato's face, Naruto knew that something was wrong, and there was no other reason, because Yamato was the ninja assigned by Uzumaki Naruto to be responsible for spying on Orochimaru, and it was absolutely not good for him to appear alone at such a critical time information.

As expected, Yamato opened his mouth and reported to Naruto with great self-reproach: "Naruto, no, the seventh Hokage-sama, Orochimaru disappeared from his laboratory in a few minutes! He made a The exact same thing called a clone has been hidden from us, I am very sorry that I did not discover it in the first place, all this is my fault, please allow me to take all responsibilities!"

"Captain Yamato, now is not the time to discuss negligence, we have to quickly get Orochimaru back, he is too dangerous without anyone watching!" Naruto knew that this time Orochimaru's escape was very important to the entire ninja world. Undoubtedly, let the tiger go back to the mountain, if you really want to discuss whose fault it is, then Uzumaki Naruto himself, who made great efforts to get Orochimaru back to Konoha, should be blamed the most.

After all, it is impossible for morality to stop Frankensteins like Orochimaru from exploring technology.

(End of this chapter)

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