Chapter 189 Mental Power Shield
In the S.H.I.E.L.D. skycarrier prison, Hawkeye, the intruder, finally appeared in front of the glass cell.

"You're here." Chen Lu, who was sitting quietly in the center of the glass cell, greeted with a smile. The appearance of Hawkeye here meant that the task of blocking the sky carrier could be declared complete.

Hawkeye stepped forward and inserted a USB flash drive into the control panel next to the glass cell, which contained the deciphered code written by Tony.Let Tony crack the S.H.I.E.L.D. system, it's as easy as taking out the key from your pocket to open the door of your own house. You only need to find the right hardware. There is no system on this sky carrier that Hawkeye can't control.

After a while, the door of the glass cell opened slowly to Hawkeye.Chen Lu's main body, the only possible turning point in this war, walked out of it leisurely.He adjusted his clothes carelessly, and asked Hawkeye:

"Is everything done?"

"Yes." Hawkeye replied succinctly, and then pulled out a silver stick from behind. It was the Loki scepter that Chen Lu had snatched back from the Hydra base in Sokovia!

At this time, the mind gem on the top of Loki's scepter is still covering a strange machine, which looks like it is using the mind gem on it to run some kind of instrument.

Since it is a soul gem, the function of this instrument is naturally related to the soul.In fact, this is a spiritual power shield invented by Tony after a night of research using the mind stone as an energy source, which can isolate the penetration of mental power within a certain range, and achieve the effect of preventing everyone in the area from using mind-related abilities .

The Mind Stone itself has the ability to allow users to enter other people's minds, and also allow all dreams, thoughts, and ideas to enter the user's brain, so developing this mental shield is effortless.As for its protective performance, with the Mind Gem, one of the most powerful magical infinite gems in the Marvel world, as an energy source, even an Omega-level powerhouse cannot break through this spiritual defense line and achieve near invincibility in the true sense.

Even if Professor X is one of the most powerful telepaths in the Marvel world, his strength is definitely not able to compete with the mind stone, and it is of course impossible to sense the brainwaves of anyone on the sky carrier.

However, Tony hadn't had time to study the protective effect of the protective shield's directional mental power, so Chen Lu's zombie spirit link was unfortunately included in the shield's isolation category.As a result, all the pursuers born on the sky carrier are not subject to Chen Lu's remote control, and can only rely on instinct to kill and kill, otherwise they wouldn't do such a stupid thing as crashing into the S.H.I.E.L.D. command room.

Fortunately, the mission of this group of pursuers is only to create chaos. Even if they don't operate, they can still make the S.H.I.E.L.D.

By the way, in this case, if Chen Lu wants to forcibly control Hawkeye, he must first close the spiritual power shield of the Mind Stone, and the result will naturally not be good.Therefore, Chen Lu didn't intend to let Hawkeye really run to face Nick. If unfortunately the other party used his mouth to instigate rebellion, then there would be another layer of variables in this operation.

As a result, it was time for Chen Lu himself to end everything in S.H.I.E.L.D.

He put the Loki scepter on his back, and took steps towards the command center of the sky carrier.

On the other hand, the U.S. Army led by Captain America finally broke into the New Umbrella Building, and fought the final battle with hordes of zombies in the narrow building.

The last remaining group of American soldiers and superheroes let out a heroic roar, and continued to march forward with the constant sacrifices of their teammates with full of enthusiasm.They all firmly believe that as long as they can capture this building, the situation of the war can be reversed in one fell swoop, so no matter how much sacrifice they have to make, they will not miss it.

The blade warrior who is good at dealing with vampires is also unequivocal in killing zombies. The silver long knife in his hand wields endless light, killing all zombies who dare to approach.With half vampire blood, he will not be infected by the zombie virus due to a small injury, and has become the pioneer of this team.

When the Blade Warrior was rushing forward to the top of the stairs, a muscular special zombie equipped with a black exoskeleton armor rushed in front of him. The fist with the ejection device hit the blade warrior's chest hard.

At this time, the Crossbones had already had his mind obliterated by Chen Lu, and he was just a walking corpse that retained its original physical abilities.His erratic punch was stopped by the dexterous cross-knife of an experienced blade warrior, and then he pushed it away at high speed, and pierced the sharp blade into the chest of Crossbones with a backhand.

However, this move seemed to be in the enemy's hands. The moment the crossbones were pierced, instead of making any evasive movements, they bravely faced the point of the blade fighting, allowing the long knife to penetrate his entire body in one breath. body to the bottom of the blade.

The blade warrior felt that something was wrong, but unfortunately it was too late.Driven by the exoskeleton armor, Crossbones opened his arms and hugged Blade Warrior's shoulders tightly, and then emitted a dazzling orange-red light, and the terrifying high temperature swallowed the two of them together...


The fireball from the violent explosion broke through the outer wall of the New Umbrella Building, and the entire staircase was also blown up.The self-detonation ability of the desperate creature itself and the detonation of the black exoskeleton armor energy body made the high temperature of the explosion center burn the crossbones and the blade warriors together, announcing the sacrifice of another superhero in this war.

It's just that Captain America doesn't have time to mourn the death of his teammates anymore, or in other words, the deaths he has witnessed along the way have long been numb to him.After raising his shield to prevent the shock wave in front of him, he didn't even have time to care about the safety of the wounded soldiers affected, so he stepped up his pace and continued to move forward.

In normal times, Captain America would put the safety of his teammates first, even if he disregarded his own life, he would try to save every possible surviving companion.In the previous confrontation with evil forces, he has always done this, and he has never voluntarily given up saving any lives.

But now, the things on his shoulders are too heavy. He has no choice at all at this point. Complete the mission without casualties.

Only by achieving a real victory is the best way to comfort these heroes.I don't know when, Captain America's thoughts changed silently.

(End of this chapter)

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