Chapter 188 Telepathy
While everyone was waiting with bated breath, the muzzle of six black holes emerged from the dark corridor, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers immediately raised their weapons and prepared to fight back.But Nick saw that this weapon was familiar, and immediately stopped everyone and shouted: "Everyone cease fire! It's a friendly army!"

Sure enough, it was not a terrible pursuer that appeared from the darkness, but a first-generation sentinel robot, and then Bolivar Trask, a genius inventor with dwarfism, appeared in the sight of the group among.Immediately, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Not only are they not enemies, but they are powerful reinforcements. There is nothing more reassuring than this.

"Mr. Chief, do you know what happened? The enemy's zombies have all run up to this flagship, is it the same for the warships below?" Trask asked calmly, and the first ship beside him The first-generation sentinel robot was dripping with blood and had countless scratches, but he himself was still in a neat suit, showing no signs of distress.From this point of view, he is much tougher than those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who have no chance to come back.

Nick shook his head honestly and said: "Actually, Mr. Teslak, we don't know the specifics of what happened. Our communication system, ship operating system, and carrier-based aircraft take-off system were all hacked and paralyzed, so we can't Immediately contact the US fleet on the sea. Now we must defend this command room to prevent the nuclear bomb launch button from falling into the enemy's hands."

"Understood." After learning about the current predicament faced by the S.H.I.E.L.D. sky carrier, Trask did not show nervousness. He called more sentinel robots from behind and asked them to guard every entrance and exit of the command room. "This is the last Sentinel robot I left behind, and it just happens to be able to provide assistance to you. I have dabbled in the operation of intelligent systems myself, please allow me to check the malfunction that occurred together."

"Thank you very much." For Nick, who is short of manpower, there are as many people as possible to help at this time, not to mention a few powerful weapons like the first-generation sentinel robots?

On the other hand, Coulson, who was entrusted with the important task of rescue, also ran to the deck of the sky carrier. After all, it would not take much time to come up to such a vast place on the deck.At this time, a few sporadic chasers have appeared on the sky carrier, hunting the fish that S.H.I.E.L.D. has slipped through.

On the ground where the strong wind was constantly blowing, the blood of Da Tan bloomed like plum blossoms.But the owner of the blood has long since disappeared, probably blown down by the strong wind in the sky.These S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers are considered elite troops among human beings, but they still have little power to resist in the face of monsters like the pursuers.At least in the case of being unable to concentrate the absolute superiority of firepower, the human army is almost like a small animal with no power to restrain the chicken in front of the pursuer.

Coulson also understands this gap in strength, and it is impossible to clean up the pursuers on the deck with the few pawns around him now.The weapon he is holding now is the big gun BFG that Chen Lu once used, which is based on the destroyer laser. up.

Just as Coulson was still worrying about how to find an opportunity to fire lasers at the warship where Professor X was on the sea, several agents who followed him to the deck looked at each other, and suddenly seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding Disregarding Coulson's orders, the movement ran out of the cover in a big way, and deliberately fired at the pursuers on the deck, desperately trying to get their attention and then disperse and run away!

"You...!" Coulson was about to shout, but immediately realized that this was an opportunity for them to use their lives to fight for themselves to aim and shoot, so he swallowed the following words forcefully, Taking advantage of the interval between the pursuers chasing and killing other agents, he ran to the edge of the deck in concealment, raised the BFG and searched for the US fleet below.

Soon Coulson located where Professor X was, and fired a Destroyer laser at the deck of his ship.The moment he pulled the trigger, a pursuer came behind him, opened its ferocious claws, and instantly chopped Coulson into broken limbs.

At least, this laser was fired.

Professor X was sitting in his wheelchair, concentrating on scanning the Queen's mental power on the deck of a destroyer.Suddenly there was a huge commotion behind him, and the loud noise made him unable to continue concentrating, so he turned around with a frown and warned:

"Could you please be quiet? I need to concentrate."

But when he turned around and saw what was happening, he couldn't care less about what was going on in Queens.

On the deck about tens of meters behind Professor X, a large crater caused by a laser weapon attracted a large number of American sailors to watch, and even the captain of the destroyer came out to check the situation. Long-range fire strikes are so simple.

"What happened?" Professor X pushed a wheelchair to the front of the pit and asked the captain. Although his telepathic ability has the function of reading mind, this great X-Men leader is not happy to spy on strangers Let alone reading the minds of friends, Professor X will not read the minds of others who are not willing, even if the enemy is not a last resort.

The captain of the destroyer scratched the back of his head, pointed his finger in distress and said: "Our Aegis system detected that this attack came from the S.H.I.E.L.D. sky carrier overhead. This seems to be an accidental injury. No matter how we call the above The command center has not received any response, so we are still wondering if there is something wrong with the equipment above."

"Let me take a look." Hearing this, Professor X raised his head and stared at the huge sky carrier, infiltrating his huge mental power to try to connect with the brainwaves of the people on the carrier.As a result, his expression became serious in an instant, his fingers unconsciously grasped the armrest of the wheelchair, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead one after another.

"Excuse me, what's going on?" the destroyer captain asked tremblingly, not sure what terrible scene Professor X had seen.

Professor X slowly let go of his fingers from the armrest, took a deep breath and said: "There is an accident on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Mentally prepare to fall into the hands of the enemy."

"So, what is the order of the commander-in-chief, and General Wilder? What happened to the people above?"

"I don't know... My mental power has been isolated, and I can't contact anyone on the aircraft carrier!"

(End of this chapter)

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