master of the deep

Chapter 217 Breaking the spaceship

Chapter 217 Breaking the spaceship
"The Aragami spacecraft has begun to scan the surroundings. We can no longer hide and attack their spacecraft again. As long as we destroy their spacecraft, these star thieves will not have to worry."

Lin Yier and the others were actually able to barely hide themselves because of the help of the Aliasai mothership, but now that the star pirates have started to use the scanning system on the spacecraft, they can no longer hide, so An An ordered them Attack the opponent's spaceship again.

"Battle formation attack."

Following an order, eight battle formations composed of eighty guards first launched an attack on the front right of the Rage God spacecraft.The void vibrated, and eight battle formations appeared from the void at the same time, and at the same time, eight huge beams of light were also emitted at the same time, attacking the Rage God spacecraft.

"Hurry up and hide, they are still ambushing here."

"Avoid their attacks."

"It turns out that their strength is not as good as ours. They only rely on battle formations to launch attacks that threaten us. Let's go out and kill them."

"It's better not to go. They may be ambushing other people beside them. If there are fewer people going, they will fall into their trap."

The star thieves in the Aragami spacecraft were discussing and maneuvering the spacecraft to avoid in another direction.But at this moment, the spacecraft suddenly sounded a shrill alarm, making all the star thieves stunned.

They suddenly felt the void on the left side of the spacecraft vibrate, and they were shocked to find that seven or eight figures had appeared tens of miles away from the Rage God spacecraft. The powerhouse of the fourth-order peak.

"Now, attack."

And the ones ambushing here are naturally Lin Yier and the other eight guard captains. Their purpose of using the battle formation to attack is to attract the attention of those star thieves, and then the eight of them approach the Rage God spaceship to attack.

Comparatively speaking, Yi'er and the others' strength has returned to the peak of the fourth level, and the attack power they issue is stronger than the attacks of those escorts who rely on battle formations. Therefore, their close-range attacks can cause greater damage to the Aragami spacecraft. .



At this moment, the attacks from the eight battle formations had arrived in front of the spaceship, and suddenly the spaceship avoided the front, but some attacks still fell to the side, causing the Rage God spaceship to vibrate continuously, and the star thieves on it were also unable to stand firmly.

In this way, they could no longer avoid the fierce attack from Yi'er and the other eight. At that moment, several star thieves rushed out of the spaceship, some of them headed towards the battle formation, and some of them headed towards Yi'er and the others. Kill in front of you.



Immediately afterwards, the attack from Yi'er and eight other guard captains also arrived.Amidst the violent roar, the protective energy of the Aragami spacecraft continued to decrease, until finally all the protective energy was consumed. The huge impact directly attacked the spacecraft body, causing the spacecraft to make a squeaking sound, and the surface of the hull was broken. A big hole was opened, and various broken parts were thrown out.

"Oops, the spaceship is damaged."

"No, the energy of the Rage God spacecraft is almost exhausted."

"Stop the spaceship, otherwise the Rage God will be completely destroyed."

"Let's separate. Some people will entangle these people, and some people will rush directly to the life planet. As long as one person recovers to the fifth level, we can destroy them all."

The Rage God Star Pirates tossed and turned in the spaceship, struggled to stabilize their bodies, and shouted and roared at the same time. After the spaceship came to a slight halt, they abandoned the spaceship one after another and rushed out towards the starry sky.

In this attack, the hull of the Rage God spacecraft was the most damaged. The sleeping Rage God was injured again, and its soul body fell into complete silence. I am afraid that it will not be able to wake up without a large amount of life body soul energy replenishment. .

Moreover, there were three star robbers rushing towards Yi'er and the others. Although they tried their best to use their special abilities to escape in such an attack, they were injured again and again, and their strength dropped a lot.

"Stop them."

But those star robbers who finally rushed out of the Rage God spacecraft did not pay attention to the battle formation attacking them and Yi'er and other powerhouses, but all flew towards the direction of the solar system, and Yi'er and others were shocked and hurriedly chased after them. He went up and stopped them, and a fierce battle broke out in an instant.

Yi'er and the others had eight captains, and each of them intercepted one of the most powerful star robbers and started fighting. The surrounding starry sky formed a violent cosmic turbulence, just like huge waves rolled up in a raging sea.



The star thieves desperately wanted to cross the barrier and rushed towards the solar system, but Yi'er and the others refused to give an inch, and the two sides fought fiercely in the starry sky.

In addition to the eight star thieves, there were four other star thieves who were stopped by the guards. However, although the attack power of these guards was comparable to those of the star thieves, they were not as flexible as the star thieves in movement. .

Fortunately, there were eight guards in the formation, and they cooperated with each other to form a layer-by-layer blockade, which barely stopped the four star thieves.

However, these four star thieves are all very agile. If they didn't have serious injuries on their bodies, they would be faster, but even so, I am afraid that the guards will not be able to stop them for too long.

In fact, neither An An nor the captains of the escort team expected that they did successfully damage the Rage God spacecraft and prevent the Rage God spacecraft from reaching the earth.

However, they didn't expect that all the star robbers of the Rage God Star Thief Group would give up the Rage God spacecraft, and wanted to directly rush to the earth with their powerful strength.

Compared with the speed of the Rage God spacecraft, the speed of a very small number of these star robbers is faster. If any of them are allowed to rush to the earth, it will be a devastating disaster for the civilization of the earth.

"Everyone, don't panic, there are still about eight hours before the twenty hours that the captain said, even if a star thief breaks through your block, it will take about six hours to reach the earth without a spaceship.

Now I have placed those twenty large space destroyers on the periphery of the earth. It has been five hours since the main guns have been recharged. If a star thief rushes into the solar system, they will be attacked before they get close to the earth. , its strength will definitely drop to the third rank.

And I have already ordered a thousand intelligent armed fighters to gather. They have all recovered to the peak of the second-order cultivation base, and they can also exert the power of about the third-order when combined.

At the same time, there are fifty medium-sized space frigates, and their main guns can also launch third-order attacks. At that time, they will concentrate on attacking a few times. I believe that even if there are star thieves rushing in, the threat will not be too great. "

An'an analyzed calmly, and told all the guards about the situation, so that they could fight calmly, and it would be 1 minute if they could delay for 1 minute.

At the same time, he mobilized all armed intelligent warriors and fifty medium-sized space frigates outside the earth, and deployed a defense line [-] kilometers away from the earth.

Now, Lin Fan has entered the space jump, and An An can't contact the earth in this situation, so he doesn't know what's going on outside the solar system.

However, now Lin Fan can only trust An An and Yi'er, and he can only entrust the safety of the earth to them.And what he can do himself is to seize all the time to practice and improve his own strength.

Now, his captain's authority has reached 50.00%. As long as he goes one step further and breaks through to planetary level six, he can mobilize a heavy space battleship.

The main gun power of the heavy space battleship has reached the fifth level. With such a heavy space battleship, the Rage God spacecraft will not dare to approach the solar system.

However, what Lin Fan didn't know was that their previous plan had indeed succeeded, severely damaging the Rage God spacecraft, but he didn't expect those star robbers to abandon the spacecraft and want to rush directly to the earth.

At this time, Lin Fan was sitting quietly in the training room inside the space shuttle, trying to improve his spiritual power, and the fastest way to improve his spiritual power was to improve his understanding of the original rules.

Therefore, after Lin Fan recovered his comprehension of the original rules of wind, he now began to improve his comprehension of the original rules of ice. His body didn't move, but his soul was in severe pain, but his mental strength was still there. Little by little, it slowly strengthened.

As Lin Fan's comprehension of the original rules of ice improved little by little, his spiritual strength also increased little by little, and it could be sensed.

You know, Lin Fan's cultivation is now at the peak of the ninth satellite level, and his spiritual power is even stronger. He has already reached the fifth level of the planetary level, and is about to break through to the sixth level of the planetary level.

As long as he leaves the jumping space and retreats for a period of time, Lin Fan will be able to break through to the planetary level. At that time, his spiritual power will also be greatly improved, but the current increase in his strength has little effect on the critical situation of the earth. .



Among the star thieves, there are several very powerful fourth-level peaks. They are not human beings. Not only are they physically strong, but their attack and defense are also very powerful. They roar again and again, while fighting fiercely with Yi'er and others, while heading towards the solar system. direction shifted.

And the eight battle formations composed of eighty guards arranged two lines of defense in a staggered front and back, and launched fierce attacks again and again to stop the four agile star robbers.

It's just that the flexibility of the battle formation is obviously not as good as that of individuals. At the beginning, the guards had the upper hand and firmly guarded the line of defense, preventing the four star thieves from breaking through.

However, half an hour later, the four star thieves suddenly united and cooperated with each other to cover one of the blood star thieves, finding a gap in the battle formation to attack.

  Thanks to the brothers who voted monthly and gave rewards these days, I just came back from the countryside today. Fortunately, the manuscript was saved until today, otherwise...By the way, today is the last day of the double monthly pass. Let's see if there are any monthly passes. You can't even reach [-] monthly passes during the double period.Finally, ask for a subscription. Two cents a day can support the deep sea. Code words are not easy, and everyone understands long live.

(End of this chapter)

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