master of the deep

Chapter 216 Treasure, Slave

Chapter 216 Treasure, Slave

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuming broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't know what kind of dangerous person he had provoked, but he knew that Lin Fan would definitely not be a child of the Lin family of the Qianlin Empire, because the power around him was enough to threaten him. To a third-order cosmic civilization.

"What should I do? What should I do now? If the twenty guards are all of the star rank, I will definitely not be able to escape. If the two maids are of the peak star rank, I will not be able to escape. How can I do it now? To avoid death?"

People like Zhu Yuming have perverted hobbies, so he is even more afraid of death. Facing a situation where he could not win at all, he suddenly made a movement that made the young man in the control room drop his jaw, and knelt down with a bang , Said to the guard: "I surrender, don't kill me, I surrender."

While speaking, Zhu Yuming dissipated the powerful aura from his body, completely gave up resistance, and the guard in front of him was also stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "You are not stupid, and you can see the facts clearly, but can you Your life depends on whether my young master will spare your dog's life."

The guard stepped forward to restrain Zhu Yuming's cultivation, and then reported the situation to Lin Fan. At this time, the battle in the space was over, and all the mecha fighters of the Yuanteng Chamber of Commerce stayed in the space forever.


The space shuttle quickly shrunk, and then flew into the spaceship of the chamber of commerce. All the guards also entered the spaceship, and began to search for the fighters on the spaceship who slipped through the net, and quickly took control of the spaceship.

"Elder Zhu, weren't you very powerful just now? Why are you like this now? I heard that you want to see me, tell me if you have anything to say, and I will take you home."

In the control room, Lin Fan saw Zhu Yuming with a ashen face. He no longer had any aura of cultivation, because just now Jiu'er and Lin'er had directly imprisoned his star body, who told him to be in the same place before? Offended two girls during the call.

"Mr. Lin, I can give you all the goods on the spaceship worth tens of millions of crystal coins. I just ask you to spare my life. I promise not to tell you about your son. I beg you."

"Hehe, Elder Zhu is confused. Now the entire spaceship is mine, and of course the cargo on it is also mine. Do you still need to deliver it? It seems that I have no reason to want to keep your life." , why bother?" Lin Fan shook his head and said.

"Mr. Lin, I know that there is a treasure hidden in a star field of the third-order cosmic civilization Tenglong Empire. As long as you can spare me, I can guide you and help you get that treasure. I heard that it is Hundreds of millions of years ago, the fifth-level peak cosmic civilization, the Alexei Empire, was left behind, and the treasures inside will definitely bring you a lot." Zhu Yuming said in a hurry after hearing this.

"Captain, let him live. It's not too late to kill him until we find out about the treasure. If there is really news about the Aliasai civilization, maybe we can find the descendants of those imperial elites back then." Hearing Zhu Yuming's words, An An excitedly summoned Lin Fan first.

"It's not difficult to keep him, but I'm afraid he will bring us trouble. Is there any way to directly search his memory?" Lin Fan asked with a frown.

"You don't need to search his memory, and you don't have to worry about him causing trouble. You can directly use the God Seal and Slave Seal to turn him into your slave, Captain. From then on, he will lose all self-consciousness and completely follow your orders. It would be very easy for him to tell everything." An An reminded Lin Fan.

Lin Fan then remembered that as his spiritual power had greatly improved, in addition to the thunder of the divine seal, he could now also cast the divine slave seal, turning the beings who planted the slave seal into his slaves.

At that moment, Lin Fan pulled out a ray of Zhu Yuming's original consciousness, then used it to make a slave seal, and finally returned it to his conscious body.

Zhu Yuming's body trembled for a while, and then his mind became dull. He bowed his head to Lin Fan respectfully: "Master."

Immediately, Lin Fan felt a connection between himself and Zhu Yuming, and it was a controlling connection. He could decide his life or death with just one thought.

"First remove all the cargo on the spaceship, then the spaceship is no longer needed, just destroy it, and we will talk about other things slowly on the way back."

Seeing that he had successfully subdued Zhu Yuming into a slave, Lin Fan immediately gave orders to the guards, and everyone acted one after another, removing all the goods worth tens of millions of crystal coins from the spaceship of the Yuan Teng Chamber of Commerce.

What surprised Lin Fan the most was that these goods were all spiritual objects used for training at the satellite level and planet level, including food, spiritual fruits, and some spiritual beast meat.

With this batch of goods, plus the tens of millions of crystal coins purchased by Lin Fan for the resources used for the training of the gene level and satellite level, the earth civilization will not have to worry about training resources in a few years.

Ten minutes later, Lin Fan and others took the space shuttle to leave, and the huge spaceship of the Yuan Teng Chamber of Commerce exploded with a bang, disintegrated into piles of cosmic garbage, and was swept in different directions by the cosmic storm. Drifting in the starry sky.

Soon, the space shuttle entered the space jump area, and An An immediately manipulated the space shuttle to start traveling through space. It would take about ten days to travel through a distance of nearly a hundred light-years to reach a place thousands of kilometers away from the solar system.

Just as Lin Fan's space shuttle entered the space to jump, the battle broke out far outside the solar system.At this time, the Aragami spacecraft was still an hour away from the solar system, and six star thieves were dispatched from the spacecraft to scout ahead. They were only half an hour away from the edge of the solar system.




At this moment, several huge auras suddenly rose from the surrounding void, and then several violent attacks came from all directions to attack the six Star Thieves of the Rage God Star Bandit Group.

"No, I am ambushed."

"What's going on? Are they still ambushing?"

"Such an attack was not sent by a warship, but a man-made attack."

"Quickly dodge."

The six star thieves of the Rage God Star Pirate Group screamed in panic, each using their own life-saving skills to avoid in all directions, and bursts of red, yellow, or blue light radiated from their bodies.

These six star thieves were originally weak among the Araghen star thieves, but they were all recovering from their injuries before, so the impact they received was not great and their injuries were relatively minor, so they were sent out to conduct reconnaissance.

At this time, in the face of sudden attacks from all directions, they all avoided in different directions, so they instantly became a situation of fighting on their own.

Just when they were completely separated, suddenly several figures rushed out of the void like lightning, every two people rushed towards a star thief, and the attack that had been prepared for a long time was launched overwhelmingly and violently, drowning the four star robbers in an instant up.





The four star thieves let out earth-shattering roars, but they were injured themselves. Their strength has dropped to the ordinary level of the fourth level, how can they resist the attack of two strong men at the peak of the fourth level, so they screamed again and again soon. , scales splattered all over his body, and blood splashed.

As for the other two lucky star robbers, after feeling the aura of those suddenly appearing strong men, they turned around and ran towards the direction of the Rage God spacecraft, bursting out at the fastest speed, and they did not dare to turn back.





Amidst the bursts of loud noises, violent energy waves set off in the starry sky. Each star thief screamed in the violent energy whirlpool, and finally the sound was drowned in the attack.

"No, the other party has an ambush in front. One of the people we sent out has an ambush."

"Go and meet them."

"The situation is wrong. How can there be so many strong people on a primitive civilization planet? Are they all from other universe civilizations?"

"Since they have come so far to stop us, it means that this is already their greatest strength, so as long as we rush into that living planet, they will have nothing to do with us."

At this time, the Rage God spacecraft in the distance also noticed the situation ahead, and several star thieves who were good at speed rushed into the starry sky, and quickly approached the two escaped star thieves.

"Why are there only you two, what about the others?"

"We were suddenly attacked, and then a group of strong men rushed out and surrounded us. None of them is weaker than us, so we can only run away desperately, otherwise we may not be able to escape."

Soon, the corresponding star thief brought the two star robbers back into the Rage God spacecraft, and at this time the battle in the distance ahead was over, the violent turbulence in the starry sky gradually subsided, and the opponent's figure had disappeared.

"They are hiding in the void ahead, we have to be careful of their sneak attacks." The two escaped star thieves said with lingering fear, because the four star thieves who went to reconnaissance with them were already dead.

"The Rage God's warship rushed over directly. It is impossible for them to launch the same attack as the first time. Ordinary attacks can't help the protection of the Rage God's battleship, so they have to show their faces to stop us."

"That's right, after they show up, we can kill them directly. I don't believe that any civilization will arrange so many Tier [-] powerhouses here. It is possible that they just used battle formations and the like to send out attacks comparable to Tier [-] powerhouses." level attack."

"Yes, our brothers from the Rage God Star Bandit Group, although their strength has declined due to injuries, the ordinary fourth-order powerhouses are not our opponents at all. As long as they show up, they will only have the fate of being beheaded."

Half an hour later, the Rage God spaceship arrived at the place where the star thieves were ambush before.The star thieves aboard the spacecraft were all cautious, and they did not hesitate to consume the energy of the spacecraft to reconnoiter the surrounding void within a radius of thousands of miles, and be wary of the people ambush on the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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