master of the deep

Chapter 2 The Catch

Chapter 2 The Catch
"Attention everyone, get off the net, get off the net."

At this moment, the captain Liu Kunnan's voice sounded, and everyone looked towards the stern, only to see a large group of deep-water fishing nets ejected from the stern, spreading rapidly, covering an area of ​​hundreds of square meters. Gradually sank to the bottom of the sea.

Heizhu is just a medium-sized offshore fishing boat with a total length of 45 meters, a molded width of 9 meters, a molded depth of 4.2 meters, a maximum displacement of 3997 tons, a draft of 3.65 meters, a main engine power of 2920KW, a speed of 11 knots, 26 tons of frozen seafood, and 20 tons of fresh water. Cubic, 32 cubic meters of fuel.

The deep-water fishing nets on the Heizhu can penetrate about 200 meters below the sea surface, and can catch most of the economic fish in the coastal waters, especially common seafood such as squid, hairtail, octopus, perch, cuttlefish, and barracuda.

The wholesale price of these ordinary seafood is between ten yuan and twenty or thirty yuan. If you can catch a full tank and return, the total value will be 70 million. Excluding fuel and crew salaries, the boss can make a net profit of half, so there are so many People enter the marine aquatic industry.

After the trawl was cast, the speed of the fishing boat began to slow down. Obviously, there was a huge school of fish below, and many fish had already entered the net, which would affect the speed of the fishing boat.

"Raise the net." Half an hour later, the speed of the fishing boat obviously reached the critical point. The captain Liu Kunnan, an experienced veteran, quickly ordered the winchman to start closing the net.

"Lin Fan, come here. After a while, the fishing net will fall on the deck after being pulled up. You can't treat anyone at that position." Seeing that Lin Fan was still on the deck, Li Hu greeted him immediately.

It was the first time for Lin Fan to go out to sea with a fishing boat, so he was full of curiosity about everything. Hearing the sound, he quickly retreated to Li Hu's side: "Brother Hu, how many fish can this net catch? What kind of fish will there be?"

"You have to draw the net to know what kind of fish you catch, but judging from the impact on the speed of the boat, a net can reach up to four to five thousand catties. I estimate that this time, even if it is less than four thousand catties, it will be at least more than 3000 catties." Li Hu also has two years of seagoing experience, so he guessed.

Several crew members, including Cai Xingming and Wang Hongzheng, were turning the capstan and slowly pulled the trawl net out of the sea. Suddenly, a large bag of white fish appeared in front of everyone's eyes. It's just that Lin Fan is not familiar with these sea fish and doesn't know them. What kind of fish is it worth?


The trawl net moved directly above the deck, the mouth of the net opened, and the sea fish in the net fell one after another, piled up on the deck like a hill, and all the sea fish were fresh, not only crashing and jumping, but some big fish were still Eat and bite the surrounding small fish.

Lin Fan's eyes were dazzled, because he found that some fish in the fish pile were extremely huge, two or three meters long, and probably weighed more than 100 catties; Some huge turtles, shells and the like are mixed in.

"Everyone, act quickly. Classify the fish and refrigerate them. Throw turtles and shells into the sea. Pay attention to whether there are rare seafood. Some seafood should be kept in the pool. If it dies, it will be worthless." Captain Liu Kunnan immediately shouted He yelled and ordered.

"Lin Fan, come with me, and I will introduce these sea fish to you." Except for Lin Fan, the crew members are obviously quite experienced, and upon hearing the sound, they dragged buckets one by one to the fish pile, and began to pick them out. Picked up the sea fish in it.

"Brother Hu, I seem to know this kind of fish, it should be a barracuda." Lin Fan said to Li Hu while catching a herring nearly one meter long.

"Yes, this is the barracuda. ​​The body of the barracuda is covered with round scales. The back and side are blue-gray, the ventral surface is light gray, and the scales on both sides have black vertical stripes. It is an offshore fish that likes to inhabit river estuaries and bays, and may also enter Danshui River. Lively, good at jumping, and often swim upstream in groups in the upstream." Li Hu knows these common fish very well, and he can't stop talking about them.

"Fanzai, you see, all these barracudas are actually the same, with a slender body. Do you know? Someone has caught the longest barracuda, which is almost two meters long. But the longest barracuda I have ever seen is 1.6 meters. Around, it was caught at sea last September, and it weighs more than 70 catties." Liu Shan, a crew member who was also picking up barracuda, smiled at Lin Fan and said.

Barracudas have short, broad heads with large scales.The dorsal side of the barracuda is blue-gray, the ventral surface is light gray, and the scales on both sides have black vertical stripes.Barracudas live along the coast, in river estuaries, or in salt water.Barracudas like to live in groups and feed on organic matter in the underwater soil.

Lin Fan glanced at it and found that there were still a lot of barracudas in the fish pile, so he asked the people next to him: "Is the barracuda expensive?"

"The barracuda in the market outside costs more than 40 yuan a catty, but the fish on our fishing boats are basically wholesaled to the seafood market. Basically, they can be sold for more than 20 yuan per catty." Hao Gang answered Lin Fan. , he is more familiar with these situations.

"Brother Gang, what kind of turtle is that? Don't you want to keep it?" Lin Fan couldn't help but asked curiously when he saw Hao Gang gently pushing a turtle the size of a millstone into the sea.

There are two pairs of forehead scales on the top of this turtle, the snout is flat on the side, and the front end of the upper jaw is hooked in the shape of an olecranon; there are 2 pairs of forehead scales; the carapace scutes are arranged in an imbricate shape; the horny plates on the back are arranged in an imbricate shape and have a smooth surface. , with alternating brown and light yellow patterns.The limbs are flipper-shaped.The forelimbs have 2 claws.The tail is short and does not show outside the armor.

"It looks like a sea turtle, but it is actually a hawksbill turtle, a first-class national protected animal and an endangered species. So as long as we catch it, we will put it back into the sea, otherwise it will be illegal." Hao Gang explained.

Everyone talked and laughed, and the work didn't feel boring, and Lin Fan didn't know most of the sea fish, so he asked questions while watching, and everyone introduced and explained one by one, which also increased his knowledge a lot.

"Hey, this kind of fish looks similar to a barracuda, but it doesn't have a body as long as a barracuda. ​​What kind of fish are they?" After a while, Lin Fan picked up a sea fish weighing four to five catties, and asked in surprise.

The body of this fish is elongated, nearly cylindrical in front and flattened in the rear.The whole body is covered with round scales, the eyes are large and the eyelids are well developed.The teeth are small and villi-like, and are born on the edge of the upper and lower jaws.Two dorsal fins, anal fin with 8 rays, caudal fin deeply forked.The body, back and head are blue-gray, and the abdomen is white.

"Oh, it's a mullet."

"Mullet. But it looks too much like a barracuda? If the body was longer and not so round, it would definitely be recognized as a barracuda." Lin Fan observed carefully, and then looked at the barracuda in the bucket.

"The appearance of the mullet is similar to that of the barracuda. ​​The main difference is that the mullet is fat and short, while the barracuda is slender; the eye circle of the mullet is large, and the inner membrane and the middle are black, while the eye circle of the barracuda is small, and the eye liquid is red. However, the mullet is more Compared with barracuda, it is much more expensive, the wholesale price is basically three to forty-one catties, and the market has sold for seven to eighty one catties.” Hao Gang sighed.

After sorting all the sea fish, they weighed 3000 and [-] catties, and there were still a lot of sea turtles and huge shells thrown into the sea, and a lot of garbage was left on the deck.

"Why did you pack up all the rubbish? Don't you just throw it into the sea?" Lin Fan was very puzzled when he saw that Cai Xingming and the others packed up all the rubbish in trash cans.

"These are marine garbage. When there is too much, it will seriously pollute the sea water, causing the deterioration of the marine environment and bringing many marine life to the brink of extinction. Therefore, we all have a rule when we go fishing, that is, all the marine garbage on the Internet It should be packed and taken away, and brought back to the fishing port and handed over to a special department for processing, so as to contribute to the purification of the marine environment."

Hearing what Cai Xingming said, Lin Fan nodded. Although he had never been to sea before, he had seen some news that some unscrupulous manufacturers specially transported garbage to the sea for dumping, and even some neighboring countries specifically dumped garbage to China. country's seas.

After more than two hours of busy work, the net was finally packed, and even the deck was washed clean. Everyone was ready to have lunch.And the Black Pearl also sailed forward slowly, preparing to change places to find opportunities to get off the net.

Compared with other fishery countries in the world, Hua's fishery level is relatively backward, especially in distant water fishery, it is far behind countries such as Iceland, Japan, Norway, Denmark, and Russia. The main reason is that Hua's large-scale fishing boat manufacturing technology is backward. It owns far fewer large ocean-going fishing vessels than other countries.

In this way, Huaguo has the largest base in offshore fishery, so the fishery resources in the offshore waters have gradually become scarce over the years. It is considered lucky that the Black Pearl can catch more than 3000 catties in one net, but the next Wang must leave this sea area to find another opportunity.

At present, Huaguo is vigorously developing the pelagic fishing industry. Many ship manufacturers in the country are trying their best to overcome some key technologies of pelagic fishing boats and strive to independently manufacture large-scale pelagic fishing boats. Because the pelagic seas have been rarely set foot by humans, fishery resources are more abundant.

In particular, deep-sea fishery resources have always been a forbidden area for humans, because the deepest fishing nets in the world can only penetrate about 1000 meters into the sea surface. Compared with the general depth of thousands of meters in the ocean, humans can only work on the surface.

(End of this chapter)

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