Chapter 1
—————————— This story takes place in a parallel world. If there are some minefields, please don’t take it seriously, and it’s just for leisure and entertainment. —————————



At the dawn of dawn, bursts of low-pitched sirens resounded throughout Dongzhou Fishing Port. Thousands of fishing boats, large and small, roared cheerfully, leaving the coast in groups and headed for the East China Sea.

"Mazu blesses you, have a safe journey."

"God of the Sea, let the fishing boat be full of harvest."

"Blessed by the Dragon King, people and boats are safe, and the catch is abundant."

On the fishing port wharf, many family members of the crew and owners of fishing companies brought incense cases, wine and meat, paper money, oil candles, and firecrackers, while offering sacrifices to Mazu, the God of the Sea, and the Dragon King, while praying for blessings. Noisy scene.


Dongzhou City is located at the estuary of the Yangtze River in the southeast of Huaguo. It has the largest natural fishing port and the largest number of fishery companies and aquatic products companies in Huaguo. It is the largest seafood product distribution center and dry goods processing center in Huaguo.

Amidst the din, thousands of fishing boats, large and small, quickly left the fishing port and scattered like a group of ants looking for food.The thousands of fishing boats running in the front are all inshore fishing boats and ocean-going fishing boats over 30 meters long. They fly the national flag of China, and like pioneers, they ride the waves and sail towards the deep sea.



On the 45-meter-long medium-sized offshore fishing boat Hei Zhu, a young man in his twenties was crawling on the side of the ship and vomiting, but he was a little seasick because he was going out to sea for the first time.

"Lin Fan, how is it? Are you feeling better after vomiting?" A middle-aged man in his forties came over, standing motionless on the bumping fishing boat, his feet seemed to be rooted, and asked with a smile on his face.

"Oh, Uncle De, I'm fine. Wow——"

Lin Fan wiped the corners of his mouth, raised his head, forced a smile on his pale face, but just answered, he turned his head and vomited over the side of the boat.

"When I saw you, I remembered the first time I went to sea more than 20 years ago. I also vomited all over the place, but after I vomited, I took a little rest and I was fine.

You'd better go to the cabin to lie down and rest for a while, and you won't feel dizzy after your body adapts to the fluctuation of the sea surface. "Zhang Zhide is the first mate on the ship. He is burly and has a big beard. He looks mighty and fierce, but he is actually kind to people.

"Okay, thank you Uncle De, I'll go lie down for a while." When Lin Fan felt that he had nothing to vomit anymore, he breathed a sigh of relief and went to the cabin.

"Go, we will take more than a day to reach our destination, you can rest assured." Uncle De looked at Lin Fan's figure and said loudly from behind.

Back in his own cabin, Lin Fan lay down, his body heaving up and down with the shaking of the fishing boat, gradually the sullenness in his heart disappeared, but his gaze was fixed on the ceiling for a long time.

Lin Fan is 22 years old this year, a third-year student majoring in marine command at Dongzhou University. He signed up for the Hei Zhu offshore fishing boat just after his summer vacation, and became a temporary worker on the fishing boat. The contract period is 20 days, and the daily salary is 280 yuan. .

"Lin Fan, although I think getting along with you is very pleasant, but we are just classmates, there is no other possibility, that's all." A sweet-looking girl said to Lin Fan seriously.

"Hahaha, Lin Fan, you don't even piss on yourself. A poor boy from a small place wants to pursue a rich, beautiful and wealthy second generation like Guo Yuer. It's like a toad wanting to eat swan meat."

A tall and handsome boy with a hint of evil in his eyes looked down at Lin Fan from a height, his face and eyes were full of contempt.

This was a scene that happened on the campus of Dongzhou University ten days ago. At that time, when Lin Fan confessed his love to Guo Yuer, a female classmate he had admired for three years, Guo Yuer politely rejected him.

However, when Zhao Tianlin, the rich second generation who was also pursuing Guo Yuer, found out, he laughed at Lin Fanyi loudly in front of hundreds of classmates in the whole grade. This is to dispel the depression in my heart.


Lin Fan sighed softly. He didn't know what Guo Yu'er's family did before, but he had been able to chat with her since entering university. The two often sat and chatted together in class, so he had a feeling for her. Good impression.

It wasn't until Zhao Tianlin laughed at Lin Fan in public that day that his roommate brother Wang Biao told him that Guo Yuer's family was a first-class family in Huaguo, and had great influence in military, government, business circles.

Although Guo Yu'er is just a side child of this family, the people who want to pursue her are all children of major families, but no one has succeeded so far.

As for Zhao Tianlin, although his family background is not as good as that of the Guo family, his ancestors started to engage in the jewelry industry. Now there are dozens of jewelry chain stores across the country, with a family fortune of billions. He thinks that he is worthy of Guo Yuer, a branch of the Guo family, so he has been pursuing her all the time. , even regarded Lin Fan as a rival in love.

"Since we are not from the same world, then this relationship is over." Lin Fan murmured to himself, and then slowly fell asleep.The fishing boat rose and fell with the waves, making Lin Fan feel as if he had returned to his childhood, and fell asleep as if lying in a cradle.

Lin Fan, who was asleep, didn't know that as the fishing boat went deeper into the sea, faint light gradually shone on his chest.The light was pale golden, flickering and flickering, it actually matched his breathing, and seemed to blend with the sound of waves coming from outside.

What shone brightly was a piece of metal, only the size of a thumb, with very complicated patterns on it, just like the nameplates on soldiers in movies. There was a small hole at one end, which was strung together by Lin Fan with a red thread. hanging on his neck.

This piece of metal was picked up by Lin Fan on the beach by the sea half a year ago. I don't know what the lines on it mean, and I don't know what kind of metal it is made of, but it is not afraid of fire, can't be corroded, and can't be cut. Let him understand this piece. The metal piece is not simple, it is hung on the chest.

In the past six months, Lin Fan has done many experiments with it, including recognizing the master by dripping blood like in the novel, but he couldn't make it change in the slightest. It's just that he firmly believes that this piece of metal has an unusual origin, so he carries it with him and treats it as his own. baby.

However, Lin Fan didn't notice that his sleeping state was surprisingly good in the past six months. He fell asleep quickly every night and never dreamed. He woke up very energetic every morning, and his memory seemed to have improved.

At this time, as Lin Fan gradually fell asleep, the pale golden light emitted by the metal plate slowly expanded, gradually covering his body.Lin Fan's face slowly turned rosy, as if the weakness caused by seasickness and vomiting before was slowly recovering under the conditioning of the pale golden light.

Lin Fan only felt that he was particularly relaxed, and his whole body fell into a deep sleep. The sound of breathing was clear and audible, neither too fast nor too slow, and he couldn't feel anything from the outside world at all.

This state lasted for a day, and that pale golden light also enveloped Lin Fan for a day.It's just that when someone came in to see Lin Fan, the pale golden light seemed to be able to know in advance and hide, and it didn't appear again until people left.

Although Lin Fan slept for a whole day, the people on the boat were not worried about him, because when someone went to see him, they found that his breathing was calm and he was still snoring slightly. Obviously, he just slept deeply and nothing else happened.

Just when Lin Fan was about to wake up, one of the complicated patterns on the metal plate suddenly lit up, and then an electronically synthesized voice rang in his mind: "The captain's authority of the Aliasai is activated, At present, the authority is [-]%, and one of the miniature power furnaces of Aliasai will be turned on, which complies with the primary security regulations, and one escort team will be dispatched."

When Lin Fan was awakened by the sudden sound, the light on the metal plate on his chest was gradually dimming, slowly returning to its original appearance, but Lin Fan could clearly see its changes.

Thousands of kilometers away, in the depths of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, a few kilometers in front of the deepest Fitcharts Deep in the world, there is a huge fault.

This fault is deeper than that of the Fichards Sea Abyss, and it is dark inside, filled with deep blue colors.And the moment Lin Fan woke up, a ray of light suddenly appeared 2000 meters below the fault, illuminating the surrounding seabed in a faint blue, revealing a huge pyramid-shaped building, and the luminous place was the top of the pyramid.

This pyramid is hundreds of meters high, triangular in shape, and silver-white throughout. There are obvious layers every tens of meters on the body of the tower. There are nine layers from the top to the bottom, and the light source is on the top first layer.

Suddenly, a square gap was exposed on the second layer down from the apex of the pyramid, but sea water could not be poured into it from the gap.A moment later, a long strip-shaped thing drilled out of the square gap.

This object is about ten meters long and shaped like a barracuda. ​​It rushed upwards from the bottom of the sea quickly, leaving a trail of water behind it, and its speed exceeded the fastest submarine and aircraft on the earth.

Afterwards, the light on the top of the pyramid slowly dimmed, but it did not go out completely like before, but maintained a faint light, illuminating the surroundings of the pyramid.


At this time, there was a loud noise outside, and the fishing boat Heizhu shook violently, and then slowly regained its calm.It turned out that the fishing boat had already arrived at the place where the nets were caught, and the noise just now came when the anchor was lowered.

Lin Fan, who was staring at the metal piece in a daze, hurriedly got up from the bed. He found that not only his mental state was better than before, but his body was also filled with a powerful force.It's just that he suddenly found that his clothes were covered with a layer of sweat stains, with little yellow and black things, which had a sour and foul smell.

"Uncle De, are you there yet?"

Lin Fan cleaned up his body briefly, changed his clothes, and when he came to the deck, he saw Zhang Zhide instructing everyone to clean up the fishing nets. He was obviously about to get out of the nets, so he immediately walked over to help.

"Lin Fan, you can sleep quite well, you sleep for a whole day." Before Zhang Zhide could answer, a hulking young man next to him joked with a smile.

"Brother Hu, let me help you." Lin Fan saw Li Hu's arms were bare, coiling a cable that was as thick as his arms, and his muscles were bulging, so he hurried over to help.

"Haha, Lin Fan, can you move with such a small body?" Just as Lin Fan went to help Li Hu, a young man next to him who was checking the windlass laughed. His name was Cai Xingming, and he had several pimples on his face.

"Let me try it." Cai Xingming didn't laugh at Lin Fan, but joked with him, because the entire crew on the fishing boat was puzzled by the fact that Lin Fan, a college student, came to be a crew member, so Lin Fan just smiled, He stepped forward and grabbed the cable to help Li Hu circle up.

Usually, Lin Fan's strength is not very strong, but today it seems a little strange, just as he exerted strength, the heavy cable swam quickly in his hand, like an ordinary grass rope, which shocked Li Hu greatly. .

"You kid can't tell, you're not weak." Li Hu was very happy. With Lin Fan's help, the cable that usually took half an hour to coil up could be done in only ten minutes now. , couldn't help but look at Lin Fan a few more times, his eyes full of surprise.

"My strength has increased greatly, is it related to the change of the metal piece?" In fact, Lin Fan's heart was no less shocked than Li Hu at this time, but his face remained calm, but in his heart he remembered the shock just now. What happened when I woke up.

"I seem to hear a voice saying that the captain's authority has been activated and an escort team has been dispatched. What does this mean? Could it be that this piece of metal is not something on the earth, but is related to the spaceship of aliens? ?” Lin Fan has always believed in the existence of aliens, so he immediately thought of this, which is completely consistent with the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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