master of the deep

Chapter 154 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 154 Reaction of the Parties
Choosing this second method, Chen Weihua will face complicated matters such as the reorganization of Weihua Company when he returns, and he must convince all the directors of the original company, and even possibly offend all the directors, as well as arrange the original A large number of employees of the company, etc., have to face and solve.

But despite this, he still chose the second method, because it is also a huge opportunity for him. Being able to enter the Deep Sea Group, even if he can only serve as a senior manager in a branch company at the beginning, is also a great opportunity for him. The meaning of struggle again.

Of course, several years later, when Chen Weihua became a member of the core leadership of Shenhai Group, he recalled his choice today, filled with pride and pride, and was happy for his wise choice.

Sure enough, Chen Weihua's announcement immediately caused a huge uproar in the Weihua Group after he returned. Not only did most of the company's directors object, but also most of the company's employees. Some people even thought that he had betrayed the company's interests and would He went to court.

However, with great courage, Chen Weihua gave up most of his interests in the company, only wanted several production plants and hundreds of production lines of the company, and then joined the branch of Shenhai Group as the deputy general manager of the branch. Obtained one percent of the equity.

Despite this, Chen Weihua still accepted the conditions and began to change his identity.And his joining the Shenhai Group led to the disintegration of the Weihua Group, and also caused a sensation in the entire Huaguo and even the mobile phone production companies of various countries in the world.

Following Chen Weihua, more than a dozen mobile phone manufacturers in Huaguo have joined the Smartphone Branch of Shenhai Group Corporation.

Through this method, Shenhai Group not only quickly gathered the entire Huaguo mobile phone production line and integrated Huaguo's mobile phone production industry, but also tapped a large number of management talents from major companies to fill the middle management positions of Shenhai Group.

During this period, some foreign mobile phone production companies came to seek cooperation with Shenhai Group Company. Shenhai Group Company selected some sincere companies and established foreign smartphone branches.

Of course, these cooperative mobile phone production companies will only produce the components of Deepsea smartphones, and finally assemble them, and the most core smart chip components are delivered by the headquarters of the Deepsea Group’s smartphone branch.

When the Deepsea Smartphone came out, some mobile phone production companies obtained the core components of the Deepsea Smartphone through various methods, and began to organize a large number of expert technical teams to analyze it, hoping to master the smart technology of the Deepsea Group.

However, no matter how hard they tried, no matter how much they spent, they found that the technology contained in the core components of the smartphones of the Deep Sea Group was simply beyond their grasp.

"Your Excellency, President, our technical department is completely unable to understand Deep Sea Company's smartphone technology. I don't know what we should do next?" In country M, the assistant to the president of Guoguo Company, the world's largest and most high-end mobile phone company, is reporting to the president. Condition.

"Damn Deep Sea Group, I really don't know how they mastered such cutting-edge technology and came so far ahead of us. God, why aren't we the ones who master this technology?" The president angrily lifted all the documents on the table. When he got to the ground, he stood up and raised his hands and shouted.

"Your Excellency, President, several mobile phone companies around us are now cooperating with Shenhai Group and becoming their mobile phone manufacturers. Our company's directors are waiting for Mr. President to make a decision on whether we should negotiate cooperation with Shenhai Group. Woolen cloth?"

"No, we will never cooperate with Shenhai Group, and we must not become their manufacturer. However, we can send negotiators to Shenhai to try to see if we can introduce their smartphone technology, and try our best to visit their core components production line.

At the same time, our new generation of smartphones must be launched as soon as possible. I don’t believe that Shenhai Group can still monopolize the world. Our products have always been popular with people all over the world. Now if we reduce the price by 50.00%, we will definitely be able to retain our customers. Marketing. "The president of Guoguo Company said desperately.

In South Korea, the world's largest mobile phone production company Star Company also formed a large number of expert technicians to analyze the smart phone technology of Shenhai Group, hoping to get some inspiration from it, or get some inspiration to promote their smart phones. go one step further.

"Chairman, after our technical department made all-out efforts, we finally found that the smart phone technology of Shenhai Group cannot be cracked at all. Just like their smart software before, the core components of their mobile phones are locked. If they are forcibly cracked, they will self-destruct. .

Now our expert team has not obtained any useful information, everyone has lost confidence, and some experts and technicians want to resign. They want to join Huaguo to join Shenhai Group to learn more advanced intelligent technology. They don’t know what we will do next. How to deal with it? "

"It's really sad, why does this Shenhai Group go through such a lot of trouble, not to mention the smart software, but also the smart phone, isn't this killing people?

Although our Xingxing mobile phone occupies a large number of markets around the world, it was obtained through our price reduction. Now I am afraid that even if the price is reduced, it will not be able to compete with the Shenhai Group.

A team of negotiators was immediately dispatched to negotiate with Shenhai Group, hoping that we could become their partners and help them produce some of their smartphones. We would also take over all their new smartphones and produce brand new models for them.

As for the directors on the board of directors, tell them my decision. If anyone objects, let him withdraw from the company's board of directors. This time, I have the final say. You can't go against Shenhai Group under any circumstances. "The chairman of Xingxing Group said with emotion.

In Japan, there are also several mobile phone companies. They are the most resistant to the entry of Deep Sea smartphones into the Japanese market, but because Shenhai Group has a branch in Japan, they can't stop it at all.

After cracking the Deep Sea smartphone, they did not achieve any results and did not get any useful information. Then several companies gathered for a meeting to discuss how to deal with the Deep Sea Group's actions.

"Baga, Shenhai Group is so abominable. It actually wants to occupy the mobile phone market of our great Japanese country. This is absolutely unacceptable behavior."

"Yo Xi, such advanced technology as smartphones should be in the hands of our Japanese people, but now it is in the hands of the Chinese. It's really abominable."

"We must not cooperate with the Shenhai Group, and we must resist their appearance in our Dawa country market, arouse the patriotic enthusiasm of the people of the Dawa nation, and not use their smartphones."

"In the past, the headquarters of the Shenhai Group was in the mainland of China. Now it seems that they have moved to the deep sea island in the East China Sea. We should send excellent agents to the deep sea island to obtain their smartphone data."

"Yes, the ninjas of our Dawa country are the best agents in the world. They can sneak into the deep sea island quietly and steal their technical data, and then we can master the advanced technology of smartphones."

"Not only that, we can also send people to attack the senior figures of the Deep Sea Group, which will plunge their company into chaos and make it easier for agents to enter their company."

"The deep sea island is not far from our sea area. You can send fishermen to harass them. You can even say that this island belongs to our Dawa country. You can simply send warships to occupy this small island."

"Occupying this small island should be impossible, but we can send reconnaissance planes to observe their actions from a high altitude. After all, the deep-sea island is close to our sea area. We can use the slogan of defending the airspace to reconnaissance them from the air every day."

These Japanese companies have come up with some actions against the Shenhai Group, because they are supported by the Japanese government or underground forces, so they were quickly approved and started actions against the Shenhai Group.

Of course, they mainly aimed at the headquarters of the Shenhai Group on Shenhai Island, where they wanted to steal the required smartphone technical data, so they dispatched the most agents.

In addition, they also arranged for some personnel to enter Huaguo, trying to attack the high-level leaders of the Shenhai Group, and Lin Fan was selected by them as the first choice for attacking.

That night, Lin Fan received a notification from Lin Anan: "There was an attack on the deep sea island. Someone tried to break into the production base of the technology branch to steal smartphone technology. Most of the dozens of people who broke in were killed. , a small number of people were captured. After interrogation, it was learned that these people all came from the country of Wa, and were sent by several mobile phone production companies in the country of Wa and the politicians and underground forces they supported behind them."

"Are there any casualties among our employees?" Lin Fan was concerned about the company's employees, and he was not worried about the theft of smartphone technology.

"There were only a few injuries and no fatalities."

"It's okay. Don't keep those Japanese people. Pay attention to Dongzhou recently. There may be Japanese people coming. If you find them, clean them up and let them disappear. Then send some people to the Japanese country in two days. Take a trip and eliminate the relevant characters."

Lin Fan has never had a good impression of Wa Kingdom, as long as he is provoked, his strategy now is to directly eliminate it, no matter what the identity of the opponent is.

The next day, An An reported to Lin Fan that she had thoroughly checked the entire Dongzhou city last night, and found several suspicious Japanese people, who were merchants from a chamber of commerce in name, but in fact might be members of the Black Dragon Association of the Japanese country. The killer led them out of the hotel and cleaned them all up in a secret place.

(End of this chapter)

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