master of the deep

Chapter 153 The Third Way

Chapter 153 The Second Way

Therefore, within the next two days, the three major operating companies successively submitted applications for cooperation intention negotiation to Shenzhen Deep Sea Group and formally proposed a cooperation agreement.

What is most anxious is not the three major operating companies in Huaguo, but hundreds of mobile phone companies in the world. After watching the live broadcast of Shenhai Group's press conference, they all felt a huge pressure on their faces.

However, in the face of the new products of Shenhai Group, the major mobile phone manufacturing companies have made detailed demonstrations and sent people to experience them in person, and they have come to a terrible conclusion, that is, the Shenhai smartphones have indeed achieved real intelligence. It combines the powerful function of man-machine integration, which is unmatched by any smart phone on the market.

Finally, the tremendous pressure that those software companies felt six months ago has appeared on the top management of these mobile phone manufacturing companies, affecting hundreds of large and medium-sized mobile phone manufacturing companies around the world.

"After the Shenhai Group has monopolized the world's smart software technology, it is now going to monopolize the world's smart phone technology. They are the ones who create the new world."

"Deep Sea Group has mastered the latest epoch-making technology. This is a huge progress for all mankind, but it is a life and death crisis for our colleagues."

"Judging from the smartphones launched by Shenhai Group, they are several generations ahead of our smartphones. I'm afraid we may not be able to catch up in another ten or twenty years."

"Is there any other way to think about it now, except for changing careers, I'm afraid there is no other way."

"No, we can also cooperate with Shenhai Group. Our existing production equipment should be what Shenhai Group lacks. This can be seen from the fact that they only launched 500 million smartphones in the first batch. We can become the manufacturer of Shenhai Group. business."

"No matter what, we can't give in to Shenhai Group, otherwise our brand will be ruined. There are so many mobile phone manufacturing companies in the world, I don't believe that Shenhai Group can fight against so many forces."

"Yes, let the Shenhai Group share their technological achievements and make the smartphone technology public, so that everyone can produce smartphones, and the Shenhai Group must not be allowed to dominate alone."

"It's better to send someone to steal the smartphone information of Shenhai Group. If we succeed, we can also master the same smart technology and become the second monopoly company."

"It's simply stupid. When the Deep Sea Group first developed, commercial spies and agents from many countries stole their smart software technical data. What was the result? Not only were all the people arrested, but the relevant countries also had to make it public. Apologies to the Deep Sea Group."

"The Shenhai Group has now grown into a giant, and it is a national cooperative enterprise of Huaguo. It has received the full support of the Huaguo government. It is probably impossible to get their ideas."

"Why don't we also launch a smart video phone? Although it can't compare with Shenhai Group, and it can't produce those weird phone styles, it can be cheaper in terms of price, and maybe it can occupy part of the low-end market."

For a time, it caused a huge response in hundreds of mobile phone manufacturing companies around the world. Senior executives of each company were discussing and discussing countermeasures. Some were helpless, and some took deviant measures, but none could effectively target Shenhai Group. method.

However, there are also very shrewd company leaders who contacted Shenhai Group immediately after Shenhai Group launched a new product, and proposed a cooperation agreement, hoping to become Shenhai Group's mobile phone manufacturer, and this company is also the most famous in Huaguo. Hua company.

This morning, just after Lin Fan came back from other places, Zeng Xiaotong reported to him that Chen Weihua, the chairman of Weihua Company, came to discuss cooperation matters with Shenhai Group in person.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Chen from Weihua's mobile phone came over yesterday and has been waiting for a day. Would you like to meet him?"

"Let's meet him. Mr. Chen seems to be a shrewd person and knows what is good for them. And he came so early and so quickly, which shows that he has good eyesight. Of course, I want to meet him." Lin Fan nodded.

Soon, Chen Weihua appeared in Lin Fan's office. He was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was full of the charm of a mature man. He was quite graceful in his movements. At first glance, he was a highly educated person.

"I have long heard that Mr. Lin of Shenhai is young and promising, but he is more famous than meeting him. I never thought that Mr. Lin was younger than people imagined. He really admires Mr. Chen for doing such a good job in Shenhai Group."

As soon as we met, Chen Weihua said enthusiastically with a smile, it was like meeting someone very familiar, and he was also very good at talking.

"President Chen, I'm sorry, I just didn't stay in Dongzhou these two days, but I went to inspect the deep sea island in the East China Sea, and I made President Chen wait for a long time." Lin Fan smiled and shook hands with the other party, expressing his apology.

In fact, he was not in Dongzhou these two days, but went to the Atlantic Ocean, because more than half a month ago, he had already opened the gene lock on his left leg, and the captain's authority was increased to 12.00%, not only got a guard Team, ten armed engineering wings, also got a second mobile base power system.

Lin Lu'er and the others had already found an island in the Atlantic Ocean to build a second mobile base. Then Lin Qi'er took the lead and mobilized most of the armed soldiers and engineering soldiers there to start the construction of the Deep Sea No. [-] mobile base. .

This time Lin Fan went to see the situation of the Shenhai No. [-] mobile base. At this time, the power system on the No. [-] base has grown up, and various other facilities are being built rapidly.

In fact, when the construction of the Shenhai No. [-] mobile base was completed, Lin Fan was completely relieved. No matter what happened, he had a way out. He could rely on the Shenhai No. [-] base to not be afraid of any country and country in the world. power.

And once the construction of the Deep Sea No. [-] mobile base is completed, he can start to implement his national evolution plan, which is the virtual game plan that he and An An have discussed a long time ago.

When the construction of the Shenhai No. [-] mobile base is completed in the future, Lin Fan will start his own space program, making spaceships capable of entering space, establishing his own space base, and exploring space resources.

"Where is it? The Shenhai Group Company is developing rapidly. Of course, Mr. Lin is too busy. I can understand." Chen Weihua said very sincerely.

"Mr. Chen, you're welcome. To be honest, we all grew up listening to Mr. Chen's stories. When foreign mobile phones monopolized China, people like Mr. Chen stood up and vigorously developed our own national mobile phone brands. , and also achieved the top three market shares in the world, such performance is really admirable.”

What Lin Fan said is indeed correct. Weihua mobile phones are authentic mobile phones produced in China. Over the years, they have occupied an increasing share of the global market and have provided a pillar for China's mobile phone industry.

"Mr. Lin has won the award. Although we have made some small achievements, compared with the achievements of Shenhai Group, it is really not worth mentioning. Whether it is the Shenhai intelligent software or the Shenhai smart phone that your company has just launched, They are all beyond our reach, at least 50 to 100 years ahead of the world in technology, it is really a sigh of relief for the people of Huaguo, and let all of us in Huaguo admire Mr. Lin and everyone in the Shenhai Group." Chen Weihua smiled, Then he said to Lin Fan.

"It can be seen that Chen is always a very straightforward person, and also very capable and far-sighted. Let me be straightforward. Mr. Chen came here today, probably because he wants to cooperate with us in Shenhai. I don't know what Mr. Chen thinks What is the way of cooperation?" After the chatter, Lin Fan asked straight to the point.

"Mr. Lin is really quick to talk. After Shenhai Group held a press conference a few days ago, I made a special trip to experience multiple brands of Shenhai smartphones.

After I went back, I told the senior management of the company that in the future, the mobile phone market in the world must only be deep-sea smartphones, and there will be no market for all other brands.

Therefore, I put forward my idea to the senior management of the company. Our Weihua Group is willing to carry out in-depth cooperation with Shenhai Group and become the mobile phone parts manufacturer of Shenhai Group. Serve. "

Chen Weihua said very decisively, which made Lin Fan feel his great courage and keen vision. He couldn't help but look at him deeply, and then nodded.

"Since Mr. Chen thinks highly of our deep sea, then this matter is settled. Our deep sea is indeed what Mr. Chen thought. The two second-tier mobile phone manufacturers we bought before can't provide enough production lines. If we want To accelerate the development of smart phones, we need a professional mobile phone production company like Weihua Group.

I can give Mr. Chen two ways of cooperation. One is that Weihua specializes in the processing and production of mobile phone parts according to the drawings provided by Shenhai. The second is that Weihua converts the production line into a certain cost and merges it into the intelligent manufacturing company under our Shenshao Group. In the mobile phone branch, Mr. Chen entered our branch to take up a senior position. "Lin Fan gave two different choices, which is also an opportunity for Chen Weihua.

The reason why Lin Fan did this was because he took a fancy to Chen Weihua's leadership ability. Nowadays, the top management of Shenhai Group is basically held by members of the escort team. This will not be possible for a long time in the future. Sooner or later, he will have to return to When selecting a talent to take over.

In Lin Fan's mind, in the future, Shenhai Group can give Zeng Xiaotong and Guo Yu'er the top positions, while other high-level executives need to be tapped from the current management of major companies around the world.

"Boss Lin's conditions are indeed very favorable. I choose the second method." Chen Weihua just pondered for a while, and chose the second method without any hesitation, because he also took a fancy to the development prospects of Shenhai Group.

(End of this chapter)

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