master of the deep

Chapter 116 The Evil Witch

Chapter 116 The Evil Witch
People in this tribe should also know that this kind of cannibalism is not allowed in modern society, but they have retained their own tribal customs on this island, and some people in the tribe, such as Wu Hao and others, have integrated into In modern society, people from other countries in the world who came to the port were plundered by some means to satisfy their primitive desires.

If you want to come to an international port like Elizabeth, there may be tens of thousands of sailors and tourists from all over the world who come and go every day. Occasionally, one or two missing will not attract the attention of the local police, and those foreigners will disappear. They have been tracking down, so they gave Wu Hao and the others an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The crowd around the bonfire fell silent, but everyone's eyes fell on Wang Tiezhu and Li Hu. Everyone's eyes were filled with light, as if they were seeing delicious food. They were so frightened that they almost peed. While struggling, he closed his eyes tightly, not daring to look at everything around him.

In the crowd, there was a short old man, he should be over 50 years old, and the skin on his bare upper body looked a little wrinkled.His face is also painted with colorful patterns, and he wears various ornaments on his head, which is what distinguishes him from other tribesmen.

At the same time, around the old tribal man, there were five or six tribal women, all of whom looked younger. They were also topless, exposing their breasts, some were drooping, some were standing upright, some were round, Some were dry, they looked at the eyes of the old tribal people, full of awe.

"Chief, we are back with two sacrifices."

At this time, Wu Hao came to the old tribal man, raised his hands to his chest very respectfully, then bowed and saluted, pointed to Wang Tiezhu and Li Hu and said to the old tribal man.

"Wuhao, you have done a good job. The sacrifices you brought back are getting better and better every time. Wu is very satisfied with these two sacrifices and will let you be the steward of the tribe in the future." The chief said with a smile.

"Thank you Wu and Chief for your cultivation, Wu Hao will definitely serve the tribe wholeheartedly in the future." Wu Hao replied happily.

"Now clean these two sacrifices and prepare for the sacrifice. We will invite the witch out to hold a bonfire sacrifice in a while." The chief waved his hand and said loudly.


Immediately, all the more than a hundred tribesmen in the square heard the words of the chief, and they boiled instantly, because after the bonfire sacrifice, the sacrifice would belong to them, and witches would only enjoy the soul of the sacrifice, not theirs. flesh.

Immediately, someone came forward and took off all the clothes on Wang Tiezhu and Li Hu, and then poured several large buckets of cold water on them, washed them from top to bottom, and tied them to two wooden stakes to let their bodies Presents a crucifix tied there.

"Let us go, what do you want to do?"

"Help, we are Chinese people, please let us go, we don't want to die."

"Boss, come and save us."

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, you are merciful and merciful, you save the suffering, come and save us."

"You stupid savages, if you dare to touch a single hair of the uncle, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost."

Wang Tiezhu and Li Hu knew that the most terrible thing was coming at last, they struggled endlessly, and shouted at the same time, begging for mercy, or cursing, shouting and struggling at the top of their lungs, but they couldn't break free at all.

When Lin Fan was about to rush up to rescue the two of them, he suddenly sensed a powerful spiritual force emerging from a cave in front of him, which made him stop immediately, and decided to wait and take a look, because he felt The witches of this tribe may have some reputations. He has to figure out what it is that can burst out with great power.

However, that mental power is very powerful compared to ordinary people, but for the current Lin Fan, he is not worried, but he feels that spiritual power is a bit evil, so he wants to wait and see what it is.


At this time, following the ancient and mysterious chanting of the chief of the tribe, all the people of the whole tribe respectfully bowed their heads towards a cave below the hill, and chanted the mysterious voice following the chief, just like ancient primitive humans praying singing.

With the singing of the whole tribe, there was a slight sound of footsteps from the cave, and then a young tribal woman came out, holding a black wooden statue in her hand, carved with a smiling face, But it is lifelike, like a clown in a play, with an evil spirit.

When this statue appeared, Lin Fan instantly sensed that the evil spiritual power emanated from the statue. Obviously, the witch enshrined by this tribe is also this statue, but it is evil, so the people of this tribe will keep it. The custom of cannibalism.

"The bonfire sacrifice has begun, please enjoy the sacrifice."

Following the roar of the chief, the people in the tribe roared one after another, and then danced around the bonfire.And the tribal woman was holding the statue of the witch, and walked towards Wang Tiezhu and Li Hu who were tied to the wooden stakes.


Suddenly, there was a gloomy laugh, and then a puff of black smoke emerged from the witch's statue, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a giant python with a human face in mid-air, with an evil smile on its face , looking at the two people on the stake slowly approaching.


Seeing such a strange thing suddenly, Wang Tiezhu and Li Hu both yelled and passed out at the same time, while the giant human-faced python transformed into a witch laughed and approached Wang Tiezhu, opened its mouth and sucked it To suck out Wang Tiezhu's weak soul power.



Suddenly, a huge spiritual force appeared in front of Wang Tiezhu's body in an instant, and hit the head of the black giant python with a bang, causing its phantom head to scatter and turn into a black smoke again.

It turned out that Lin Fan had already quietly gone to Wang Tiezhu and Li Hu's side. It was impossible for him to watch the two have an accident, so when he found that Wu actually wanted to absorb the soul power of the two to strengthen his spiritual power, he made a bold move. With one blow, the giant python formed by the witch was defeated, causing it to scream in pain.

The change of the witch immediately alarmed everyone in the tribe. The dancing people stopped and looked at the woman holding the statue of the witch next to the stake, and a black figure suddenly appeared in front of the woman.

This figure was of course Lin Fan. After he launched a mental attack on Wu, his body also emerged from the invisible, but he was wearing a suit, and in the eyes of those tribesmen, he looked like a black figure.

With a wave of the secret treasure in Lin Fan's hand, the transformed sharp blade instantly cut off the ropes on Wang Tiezhu and Li Hu, and then he called out a guard and asked him to take the two of them to the side, and put them back together. clothes.


At this time, Wu's statue suddenly changed and let out a sharp hiss. After hearing Wu's scream, everyone in the tribe roared, and the chief led by holding a spear towards Lin Fan. .

"Your tribe should no longer exist in this world."

Lin Fan's voice was cold, and then the secret treasure in his hand turned into a crossbow again, and transparent and invisible air arrows were quickly fired at the tribesmen who rushed up, piercing each and every body.

Those tribesmen screamed in agony without even seeing each other's weapons, and blood holes appeared on their bodies, blood spurted out wildly from them, some were killed by a single blow, and some frantically rushed to the ground. Come forward.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

The sound of the air arrow was very weak, it shot out from Lin Fan's wrist, and shot at each of the tribesmen.Lin Fan hated these man-eating tribesmen, so he didn't shoot all of them in their vital parts. He wanted to torture these barbarians and let them taste the pain of death.


Suddenly, a spear flew from behind the crowd, but it was Uk who was behind the crowd.He saw that the tribesmen couldn't get close to the black figure, so he shot his spear.


However, before the spear reached Lin Fan, it was hit continuously by the air arrows fired by Lin Fan, immediately deviated from the direction, hit Lin Fan's side, and penetrated deeply into the ground.

With Uke taking the lead, Uli and other tribal fighters beside him also shot their spears one after another. Seven or eight spears flew towards Lin Fan at the same time, covering the space around his body completely.

However, these attacks were completely useless to Lin Fan, he only aimed at the two or three spears that threatened him, and shot them away with air arrows continuously, and didn't even look at the other spears.


Just when Lin Fan was distracted from dealing with those spears, Wu's statue suddenly let out a long hiss as if it had come to life, and then rushed towards Lin Fan like lightning. Where the past hangs over.

"Hmph, ghosts and ghosts, look at my Buddha's light."

Lin Fan knew that it was Wu's spiritual power. Although Wu had suffered a loss before, Wu also discovered that Lin Fan's spiritual power was very powerful. If he could swallow Lin Fan's spiritual power, it would be of great benefit to him. That's why he desperately wanted to take the opportunity to devour Lin Fan.

It's just that Lin Fan still has the mark of Buddhist * in his mind, and he has already learned some Buddhist magical powers, but he has never used them. Today is a good time to try the power of Buddhist magical powers.

Following Lin Fan's snort, a burst of intense light suddenly erupted in front of his forehead. This light was very holy, and some flying gods and Buddhas could be faintly seen in it, singing Sanskrit, dazzling like a sun.


Just as the witch's black mist was about to envelop Lin Fan, it collided with the Buddha light emitted by Lin Fan. Suddenly, the witch's sharp hissing sound rang out. It was an extremely painful sound, and then the black mist formed by the witch was like ice and snow. Melting generally melted a lot, and the rest quickly retracted into the statue.

(End of this chapter)

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