master of the deep

Chapter 115 Horror Tribe

Chapter 115 Horror Tribe

"Well, it depends on you, Uke, to speak well in front of the witch. We are brothers. If I can become the chief of the tribe in the future, and you are the witch envoy of the tribe, then the whole tribe will Our brothers." Wu Hao looked at Wu Ke and lowered his voice to him.


"Ha ha--"

The two looked at each other for a while, and suddenly laughed at the same time. The other people in the cabin seemed to have not heard their conversation, and no one said anything, because they belonged to the two brothers and could not betray them. die.

Wang Tiezhu and Li Hu in the corner didn't know what they were talking about at all, but when they saw them looking at them for a while, and laughing aloud for a while, they both felt hairy.

Because this is not the country after all, and now they have been captured and taken to the vast sea, life and death are uncertain.Even if Lin Fan and the others found the Chinese embassy in South Africa, they might not be able to save them. Who would find overseas.

And everything in the cabin was clearly monitored by Lin Fan, and the conversation between the two South Africans was also translated by An An to him, but he was also at a loss. He only knew that these people were from a certain tribe and would often arrest them. Some people go back, but they don't know what to do.

Moreover, listening to their conversation, it seemed that some kind of witch was mentioned. I don't know if it was the leader of the tribe.However, in some legends and stories, some primitive tribes in Africa still retain ancient customs, and the tribes are led by shamans with mysterious abilities, who are the spiritual leaders of the tribes.

However, in these stories and legends, the witches in these tribes in Africa are all evil. They usually use witchcraft and mutilate countless people to satisfy some of their desires or ulterior motives.

An hour later, a black shadow of an island finally appeared in front of him.Lin Fan took the first step to the sky above the island, and found that the island was not small, about [-] to [-] square kilometers, and the island was covered with dense forests, like a primeval forest.

Lin Fan got out of the aircraft, covered his whole body with a secret treasure suit, made himself look like a black shadow, and walked forward behind those tribesmen.

At this time, Wang Tiezhu and Li Hu had already been carried out of the cabin. Their hands and feet were tied together, and then they were strung together with spears by several tribal barbarians and carried away, just like carrying two pigs.

Just as Lin Fan had this idea, something suddenly flashed in his mind, as if he had thought of something, but when he was about to think about it, he felt vaguely unable to grasp it, so he had to give up temporarily.

The trees in the forest are very tall, filled with a damp atmosphere, there are thick fallen leaves under the feet, and they are soft when stepped on, and there is no sound at all. Occasionally, there are wild beasts screaming around, which is extraordinarily shrill at night.

Lin Fan was very careful. Although he said that his whole body was covered with a suit made of secret treasures, he didn't have to worry about attacks from wild animals, poisonous snakes, etc., but he was still extra cautious. At the same time, the bow and crossbow made of secret treasures on his right wrist kept firing at any time. state.

Of course, Lin Fan did not enter the island alone, there were aircraft following him in the sky, and there were five or six armed soldiers inside.And not far behind Lin Fan, there were two or three guards following him to protect him, but under normal circumstances, if Lin Fan didn't call them, he meant that he didn't want them to make a move.

This is also Lin Fan's request to those guards and armed soldiers who protect him. As long as he is not in a life-or-death crisis, he doesn't need to help if he doesn't take the initiative to greet. It is also a kind of exercise.

At this time, no one in the group in front spoke, and everyone just hurried on with their heads sullen, as if they were about to go a long way.If Lin Fan didn't want to find out why this tribe often arrests people from outside, he would have thought several times to deal with these people directly and save Wang Tiezhu and Li Hu.

However, this island seemed to be filled with an inexplicable atmosphere, which made Lin Fan feel a little strange, so he decided to follow the people of these tribes to take a look. He believed that he and the guards were there, and asked whether Wang Tiezhu and Li Hu would How difficult it is.

In the dark primeval forest, there are huge trees surrounded by two or three people everywhere, exuding strong moisture, and there are soft leaves under your feet, some of which have rotted and some are fresh fallen leaves.

The tribesmen in front had turned on a few powerful flashlights, looking for their familiar path among the woods.Although it is said to be a road, it is actually walking through the woods. Perhaps they have marked the trees on both sides of the road.

The dark woods did not stop Lin Fan's footsteps. After practicing for this period of time, not only his physical fitness was strengthened, but also his various body senses were also strengthened.

At this moment, his mental power scanned the front, as if he had turned on a radar, and no obstacles could hide from him, so Lin Fan could clearly see where those people in front passed by, and they were all around him. On the trees, arrows were found to indicate the direction.

However, the location of these arrows is very hidden. Most of them are at the bottom or roots of some trees, and some are on some branches. People who are not from this tribe may not find it easy, but Lin Fan is obviously accidental.

An hour later, Lin Fan followed the tribal people in front through the forest. At this moment, a hill appeared in front of him, about 200 meters high, and the tribal people walked towards the valley next to the hill.

Lin Fan activated the invisibility function of the suit on his body, followed those people swaggeringly, and headed towards the valley next to the hill.When he got closer, Lin Fan discovered that there were some houses on the hill, all of which were simple wooden houses scattered in a mess.

When Wu Hao, Wu Ke and others walked into the valley, a group of people appeared in front of them. All of them were tribal people like Wu Ke, with bare upper body, some animal skins or cloth around their waists, and various paintings on their faces. Caiwen, holding a spear in his hand.

"Wuhao, Uke, you are finally back, Wu and the chief are waiting for you."

"Zizi, did you catch these two people? It's great, we can perform bonfire sacrifices again tonight."

"Look, these two people still have a lot of muscles, not bad."

These people surrounded the crowd, and a middle-aged man at the head greeted Wu Hao and Wu Ke while looking at Li Hu and Wang Tiezhu. cold sweat.

"Wuli, then let's go, to Chief Wuhe." Wu Hao walked forward without turning his head.

"Tie Zhu, what are these bird people talking about?" Li Hu who was being carried was a little scared, and quietly asked Wang Tiezhu next to him, his voice trembling.

"Ahu, I don't understand what they are saying. Look at them, they seem to be a group of barbaric primitive people. Do you think they will eat us?" When Wang Tiezhu spoke, his upper and lower teeth kept moving. She was trembling, obviously frightened to the extreme.

"No way, what era is it now, how can there be cannibalism?" Li Hu was even more frightened when he heard that.

"Ah Hu, do you think they will go back and tell the boss to save us?" Wang Tiezhu was silent for a while, then suddenly asked Li Hu.

"They will definitely tell the boss, but I'm afraid the boss can't save us. Maybe the boss will call the local police, but will the police find this place?"

"Probably not. This is on a small island in the vast ocean. How could the police find it? Even if the police can find it in the end, I'm afraid our brothers will die."

"Do you think they are a group of pirates who deliberately pretend to be barbaric primitive people to scare people, but in fact they just want to kidnap us for a ransom?" Li Hu thought for a while and asked again. He just wanted to keep talking now, not Stop and think about the scarier things.

"It's also possible, it should be possible." Wang Tiezhu replied uncertainly. In fact, he also understood that this was an extravagant wish, but thinking this way could somewhat reduce their fear.

At this time, a group of people had already entered the valley and arrived in front of a large square.There was a bonfire in the middle of the square. The flames were burning very brightly, lighting up the entire square, and also reflecting hundreds of tribal people around the bonfire in the square.

However, when Lin Fan saw the scene around the square clearly, a strong anger rose in his heart, and a strong murderous intent emanated from his body, and he had already sentenced these tribesmen to death in his heart.

And Wang Tiezhu and Li Hu had already been carried to the middle of the square. When their eyes saw the wooden stakes around the square, their faces turned pale instantly, and their hearts were tightly locked in great fear.

It turned out that around the square, there were more than ten wooden stakes standing there in the form of crosses.At this time, there are still various things left on these wooden posts, some with a human head nailed to it, some with a pair of hands left on it, some with a piece of human skin, and a wooden post with It was a disembowelled corpse.

Without exception, there were jet-black blood stains under each stake, some were so black that they glistened, and some flowed everywhere. Under the disembowelled corpse, there was still bright red blood that had not solidified.

In addition, among the tribal people standing on the square, many of them were still eating meat with their hands, but some were holding a scorched human hand, and some were holding a human calf. He was still biting a piece of meat, looking extremely hideous.

Not only Lin Fan understood, but Wang Tiezhu and Li Hu also understood that this is a primitive tribe that eats people.Or it cannot be said to be a primitive tribe, but a savage tribe that retains the primitive habit of cannibalism.

  Thanks to the brothers who voted monthly, and thanks to the "~show~" brothers for their rewards.Continue to ask for recommendation tickets today.

(End of this chapter)

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