Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 85 Hulk

Chapter 85 Hulk
"Are you not convinced? If you are not convinced, hold back!"

"Being weak requires the awareness of being weak, do you understand, soldier, Emil Bronski!"

Roger knew Bronski was very upset with him.

so what.

Bronski is indeed a very good soldier, with impeccable experience and skills.

But now he is just an ordinary person after all.

Although Roger is not so arrogant that he is invincible in the world, he really doesn't pay much attention to ordinary fighters like Bronski.

Bronski did not expect that Roger, who seemed to have no temper, would dare to reprimand him in front of everyone.

Even General Ross even acquiesced to Roger's reprimand.

After reprimanding Bronski mercilessly, Roger left the commanding heights and began to hunt down Dr. Banner alone.

With knowledgeable domineering, no matter how Dr. Banner runs, it is impossible to run out of his palm.

Unless Dr. Banner is willing to take the initiative to release Hulk.

But it was clear that Dr. Banner was trying to keep that under control.

Dr. Banner knows Hulk's strength better than anyone else, and he also understands Hulk's temper better than anyone else.

To release the Hulk in such a crowded place, he wouldn't dare to give him a little more courage.

While fleeing frantically, Dr. Banner tried hard to control his breathing rhythm, so as to prevent his heart from beating too fast and unknowingly release the Hulk.

However, he soon discovered that no matter which direction he fled, there would always be a young man in a white shirt standing in front of him.

What he didn't expect was that this young man would leave him the only escape route every time.

During this stop-and-go escape, Dr. Banner gradually moved away from the slums and came to the forest behind the slums.

After being chased away by Roger for so long, Dr. Banner also guessed his intention.

Although he didn't know why Roger did this, he didn't particularly reject Roger's approach.

In any case, he stayed away from the crowd and came to the lush forest,
When driving Dr. Banner away from the slums, Bronski and others gradually came to Roger.

With the previous reprimand, although Bronski is still very upset with Roger, he can only act according to Roger's command.

Before setting off, General Ross made it very clear.

Bronski and his team are in charge of cooperating with Roger.

In other words, Bronski and the action team must obey Roger's command.

General Ross didn't say it so bluntly, it was nothing more than saving some face for Bronski and others.

After all, Bronski and the others are now considered soldiers under General Ross.

"Give me the gun!"

Roger didn't look back, and said to a soldier beside him.

After taking the rifle with the anesthesia bombs in it, he didn't aim much, and shot directly at Dr. Banner running wildly in front of him.

bang bang bang...

The anesthesia bomb hit Dr. Banner's back without any suspense, knocking him to the ground while running wildly.

Hulk is not afraid of gun attacks, but Dr. Banner is not.

Compared with Hulk's body that was so powerful that it was hanging out, Dr. Banner's body was as fragile as an egg.

"Okay, you can retreat now, the next battle is not something you can intervene in."

After speaking, Roger rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the fallen Dr. Banner.

At this time, Dr. Banner was lying motionless on the ground, but in his knowledgeable and domineering perception, the life signal on Dr. Banner's body was as strong as a volcano about to erupt.

"No... no... you can't..."

When Roger came a few meters behind Dr. Banner, he heard Dr. Banner's voice of resistance.

However, Dr. Banner's resistance has no effect.

His skin began to take on an unhuman green.

His body began to swell rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Veins burst out, clothes were torn...

Dr. Banner, who was still motionless just now, struggled and knelt down on the ground.

Sensing Dr. Banner's increasingly strong life signal, Roger waved his right hand forward without hesitation.

Hundreds of thin threads gushed out from his right hand, wrapping around Dr. Banner's body like a giant python.

String tie coffin!
In just the blink of an eye, Dr. Banner was wound up like a mummy.

If he is facing other opponents now, Roger can already declare his victory.

But at this time, he had no such thoughts at all.

He tried to manipulate the silk thread on Dr. Banner's body to further compress, but the silk thread on Dr. Banner's body not only failed to compress successfully, but was stretched bigger and bigger.

In a few seconds, the mummy in front of him swelled into the appearance of a giant.

The strength of this body is really over the top!
Just when Roger was lamenting Hulk's unreasonable and powerful body, Hulk, who was bound by a thread, began to resist fiercely.

Although Roger's body has undergone a pirate transformation and has been strengthened with keels for a period of time, he has to admit that in terms of physical strength, he is not yet Hulk's opponent.

At this time, although he wrapped Hulk around the coffin with a thread, he couldn't completely restrain Hulk's movements, and was constantly pulled away by Hulk.

This feeling is as powerless as an ordinary person trying to hold a mad elephant.

After persisting for a few seconds, Roger decisively released the connection between the silk thread and the body, letting the thread leave his right hand and wrap it all around Hulk's body.


Without Roger's restraint, Hulk rampaged through the forest like a humanoid tank.

Everything that stood in front of him, whether it was a tree or a boulder, without exception, was violently knocked away by him.


Hulk vented his violent aesthetics to his heart's content.

At the same time, he frantically pulled the silk thread wrapped around his body.

Although the silk thread formed by the thread fruit is far stronger than ordinary substances, but on Hulk, an unreasonable creature, the silk thread of the thread fruit cannot withstand his violent pull.

Not to mention, Roger's current fruit level is only Lv2.

After more than a minute, Hulk finally tore off all the threads on his body, revealing his extremely strong green body.

The huge increase in size broke most of Hulk's clothes.

But his trousers were so tenacious that they remained largely intact, allowing him to avoid the embarrassing situation of streaking.

As expected of the artifact pants protected by mysterious powers.

The quality is really not that good.

After tearing off all the silk threads on his body, Hulk stared at Roger with those angry green eyes.

At the same time, there was a low cry like an angry beast.

Roger ignored Hulk's angry eyes, and took out a small cross from his pocket.

Under the watchful eyes of Hulk, Bronsky and others, he pulled out the knife in the cross.

Cross knife!

 PS: Thank you dlfjxtys for your reward, thank you for your support~~
  Send today's third update and the last free chapter of the novel...

(End of this chapter)

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