Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 84 Action Begins

Chapter 84 Action Begins

It was not General Ross's secretary who answered Bronski, but General Ross himself.

At this time, General Ross was not wearing his own military uniform of the Air Force Lieutenant General, but was wearing camouflage uniforms like Bronski and others.

In fact, except for Roger who did not change into camouflage uniforms, everyone in the transport plane was wearing the standard camouflage uniforms of the US military.

Although General Ross also prepared a set for Roger, Roger refused without thinking.

Wearing American camouflage uniforms to fight, he was somewhat repulsed psychologically.

"Roger, do you have any questions?" General Ross looked back at Roger.


The scene in front of him brought back some memories in him.

If everything develops as he remembers, then if nothing else, this arrest operation will end in failure.

Although he now has an extra himself, he is still not very confident.

Neither General Ross nor Bronski and others knew what they were going to face next.

What's more troublesome is that he is not sure whether his silk thread can break Hulk's defense now.

The Lv2 string fruit is still not high enough!

Even with the fruit of the door, he doesn't think he can resist Hulk, a perverted guy.

The future is worrying!

However, when he thought of the task rewards given by the system, he immediately became energetic.

That is a natural fruit, and it is also a magma fruit.

If such a fruit is placed in the mall, based on his understanding of those programmers, if he doesn't mark a billion Berry, he will be sorry for their hair that is gone with the wind.

To put it simply, the magma fruit, he wants to decide, Hulk can't stop him!
After a long flight, the transport plane finally landed at the airport near the port of Porto, Brazil.

Compared with Bronski and others who are already fully armed, Roger now looks no different from a tourist.

In fact, when he appeared in this military base wearing a suit, he did attract the attention of many people.

"The target is now in a slum area, and the surrounding terrain is complex. When operating, pay attention to prevent the target from escaping."

In the war room, General Ross was mobilizing for the final battle.

Half an hour later, they finished the finishing touches and started to go to the slum where Dr. Banner lived.

At this time, the sky is not completely bright, but there are already many early-rising residents in the slums.

Life is difficult. In such an environment, getting up early in the morning to work is the daily life of these residents.

"I'm getting off here!"

Roger has no plans to act with Bronski and others. Their standard US military combat style is not very in line with his interest.

After leaving his coat on the vehicle, he disappeared into those winding alleys alone.

General Ross has nothing to do with Roger's dictatorship.

The reason why he specially invited Roger to participate in the mission was because of his strength.

So even if Roger had the slightest disobedience to command, he wouldn't take it to heart.

People with strength can have certain privileges.

this is the truth.

Not long after he got out of the car, the action team led by Bronski also began to quietly approach Dr. Banner's residence.

Roger did not go directly to Dr. Banner's residence, but came to a commanding height nearby, and looked down at Dr. Banner's residence.

Although he couldn't see what was going on inside the house at this moment, he could clearly perceive the incredibly strong life signal inside with his knowledgeable arrogance.

Just when he was shocked by the extremely strong life signal on Banner, the conversations of Bronski and others came from the communicator.

Although Bronski and others strictly abide by the standard of silent stealth, the dogs in the slums obviously don't intend to give them face.

As soon as the dog barking sounded, Roger sensed the change of Dr. Banner with his knowledgeable domineering.

Dr. Banner, who was still asleep just now, woke up immediately and moved quickly in the house.

"The target has been detected, you can carry out a strong attack!"

Roger gave his own advice.

However, Bronski, who was in charge of leading the combat team, did not follow his orders.

Apparently, Bronski didn't like him very much.

It wasn't until General Ross gave the same order that Bronski and others began preparations for storming into the house.

However, it was too late.

Standing at the commanding height, Roger could clearly see Dr. Banner with a backpack hanging on a rope and climbing out.

Seeing Dr. Banner dangling down through the rope, Roger sighed helplessly.

Doctor, your skills are not good!

He raised his right hand and pointed his index finger at the rope.

Bounce the line!

Without any hesitation, he fired the elastic towards the rope.

The nearly transparent elastic thread hit the rope like a bullet, cutting the rope instantly.

Dr. Banner didn't react at all, and fell straight into the alley.

He had planned to attack Dr. Banner directly, but he dismissed the idea after seeing the residents who were up to work before dawn.

This is not a very good battlefield.

With Hulk's fighting power, once the war starts, this slum area will be completely destroyed, or more than half of it will be destroyed.

By that time, the incidental personal injury will be very high to a very terrifying level.

Living in the slums are some hard-working people, so there is no need to make their lives that are not rich already worse.

Although Roger doesn't think he is a good person in the traditional sense, he also has his own concept of good and evil.

To give a simple example, fighting is not necessarily wrong, but bullying other people's orphans and widows for no reason is degrading.

"The target is in the alley, drive him to an open area."

Roger once again issued an order to Bronski via the communicator.

Then without any surprise, Bronski turned him down again.

After discovering that Banner had fallen into the alley, Bronski raised the rifle with the tranquilizer bomb in his hand and fired directly at Dr. Banner without any hesitation.

"Bronsky, don't provoke the other party, drive him into the open space!"

Roger's voice sounded again.

"You are not qualified to give orders to me!"

Bronski fired at Banner, who kept dodging, while replying to Roger.

After knowing that he was going to lead the team to cooperate with Roger, Bronski had an opinion on Roger.

He couldn't figure out why General Ross asked him to obey the orders of Roger, a boy.

That's right, in Bronski's view, Roger is a little boy.

"Do you know why I am qualified to give orders to you, because I am stronger than you!"

As soon as the words fell, the rifle in Bronski's hand shattered with a bang.

The sudden accident made Bronski stop chasing Banner, and looked up at Roger who was standing on the commanding height.


 PS: Although it was said yesterday that the third shift will resume today, the plan can’t keep up with the changes, just like an apprentice who passed both subjects one and two, but didn’t expect that subject three would fail...

  Received an on-shelf notification today, which would have been a good thing...

  But the problem is that the apprentice doesn't have a single word in the manuscript...

  Considering that it will be up to five shifts tomorrow, the apprentice decided to fulfill the agreement of the third shift today...

  As for whether there will be five updates when it goes on the shelves tomorrow, let's talk about it tomorrow...

(End of this chapter)

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