Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 33 Suwanda

Chapter 33 Suwanda

It didn't take long for Roger, who was standing on the roof of the building near the factory, to see the police car coming.

Just when these police cars with sirens blared just arrived at the gate of the factory, a convoy of S.H.I.E.L.D. appeared on the other side of the street.

Sure enough!

At this time when the US team's shield was taken away, S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely monitor the police channel.

After the S.H.I.E.L.D. convoy rushed to the gate of the factory, the policemen who arrived first showed doubts.

After seeing Captain America in uniform walk out of the car empty-handed, all the policemen at the scene unconsciously recalled the content of the alarm they had just received.

Captain America's shield is really missing!
Rogers of the US team glanced at the policemen, without saying a word, and quickly looked at the surrounding environment.

These policemen may not know what's going on in this processing plant, but S.H.I.E.L.D. knows it all.

This is an important branch of the Hand Association, and it can even be regarded as an existence second only to the headquarters.

When the police and S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel just arrived at the gate of the factory, the hand ninjas in the factory noticed something was wrong.

It's okay for the police to come, maybe it's just a routine inspection.

But SHIELD is also here, so things are not that simple.

As a killer group active in the dark world, the most taboo of the Hand is not the local police, but a special agency like S.H.I.E.L.D.

Therefore, when acting, the Hand will try to avoid dealing with organizations such as S.H.I.E.L.D.

In a room on the second floor of the factory.

"My lord, a lot of people from S.H.I.E.L.D. and the police suddenly came outside."

A ninja with only his eyes exposed said to Suowanda, who was exuding killing intent all over his body.

After hearing the ninja's report, Suowanda looked away from Ronald, and after a few seconds of silence, she said with displeasure: "Don't conflict with them, give up this base, everyone from here Leave the secret entrance!"

"By the way, take this guy, don't let him die before you find out who that Doflamingo is."

Suowanda pointed to Ronald who was tied to a chair, his face swollen into a pig's head, and said.

Although he didn't know why the S.H.I.E.L.D., which had always been indifferent to them, suddenly came to him, but in order not to affect the next great plan of the Hand, he still made the decision to abandon the base.

"Okay, my lord!"

Just as the ninja was about to pass on Suowanda's order, there was a loud explosion at the gate of the factory.

It was hard to get all the actors in place, how could Roger, as the director, let the matter end peacefully.

So he took the initiative to attack.

After quietly approaching the factory gate from the roof of the building, he cast a "parasitic line" on a heavily armed S.H.I.E.L.D.

Under his control, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Special Forces member picked up the grenade he was carrying, pulled out the latch, and threw the grenade into an empty police car.

When the police car exploded, he held Captain America's shield in his left hand and appeared on the wall of the factory gate openly.

Then, he raised his right hand and fired bullets at the special forces and the police in front of him.


The firearms in the hands of several policemen and special forces members were shattered under the attack of bullet wire.

When the remaining special forces and the police aimed their guns at him, he ran into the factory without looking back.

Roger's sudden action not only exceeded the expectations of the US team and others, but also shocked the hand ninjas in the factory.

For a moment, the same doubt appeared in everyone's mind.

Where the hell did this guy come from?

After seeing the white Spiderman-like Roger running into the factory without looking back, Captain America and the others took up weapons and rushed into the factory without any hesitation.

The US team and the special forces rushed into the factory because they needed to recapture the shield and capture Roger, who was suspected to be an accomplice of Professor Lizard, by the way.

The police rushed into the factory because they had never seen such arrogance of criminals.

Blowing up police cars and actively shooting them.

This is a provocation to their New York police, a naked provocation!
As a result, SHIELD agents and the police, who had not decided on the final command of the scene, rushed into the factory together.

Although the ninjas of the Hand had no idea who Roger was, they were sure of one thing, that Roger was definitely not one of them.

When Roger, who was wearing a silk battle suit, rushed into the factory, the Hand ninjas attacked him without saying a word.

Roger chose to ignore the attacks of these hand ninjas.

Wearing a silk battle suit, he didn't need to worry about the damage from these melee weapons at all.

However, this does not mean that he will allow these ninjas to attack him.

Moves such as bouncing thread, five-color thread, and parasitic thread are constantly used by him.

At this time, he didn't hold back any hands, and used the fastest speed to deal with these Hand Society ninjas blocking him.

His current plan is still short of the last step, which is also the most critical step.

After solving the guy blocking the way, he quickly searched inside the factory.

Ronald was brought here, so it must be Suwanda who interrogated Ronald.

And Suowanda is the most important person in his plan.

Although the factory is huge, Roger's search speed is also very fast.

Not long after, he bumped into Suowanda in a corridor on the second floor of the factory.

Although he has never seen Suowanda, Suowanda is not difficult to recognize.

Just by looking at his clothes and skin color, you can basically determine his identity.

Suowanda, who was wearing a black suit, stood beside two ninjas, and one of the ninjas was carrying Ronald, who had been severely tortured, on his back.

After seeing Suowanda, Roger, whose face was completely covered under the silk battle suit, showed a slight smile.

Without any hesitation, he directly attacked Suowanda.

Unlike those Hand Association ninjas, Suowanda's strength is obviously much stronger.

In any case, Suowanda is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, but an old monster who has received Kunlun training.

When Suowanda blocked his own five-color thread with an ordinary-looking samurai sword, Roger raised his hand and shot the thread a few times.

Some of these bullets were shot at Sowanda, and some were shot at the Hand ninja.

But the one who was actually hit was Ronald who didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Under the attack of the bullet wire, Ronald's head, swollen like a pig's head, burst open.

It's not that Roger missed, he didn't intend to save Ronald's life in the first place.

After killing Ronald, Roger attacked Suwanda again.

It has to be said that the fighting ability and physical fitness of the Kunlun traitors like Suowanda are much better than those of the ninjas of the Hand.

In close combat, Roger just didn't get any benefits from Suowanda.

If it weren't for the silk battle suit on his body, he would have been scarred by Suowanda now.

Roger was not surprised that there was no way to win Suowanda in close combat.

It has been less than a week since he came to this world, and the body modification he has received has not fully exerted its effect.

To put it simply, the degree of pirateization of the body is not enough.

More importantly, Suowanda is an existence that has received orthodox education in Kunlun, and after defecting to Kunlun, he did not forget to continue to hone his skills.

This is also doomed, his level of melee combat is stronger than that of Roger, who has only received training in the time-traveling training class.

But this does not affect Roger's next plan, because he knew from the beginning that he would not be able to solve Suowanda so easily.

If the five fingers of the Hand were so easy to solve, it would be impossible for the system to give such a high reward, and he didn't need to specially plan tonight's actions.

Let Ronald announce to the outside world that he joined the Don Quixote family, snatch the shield of the US team, and lead SHIELD and the police here...

Everything is just his preparation for completing the bounty mission.

Although he didn't gain any advantage in the melee combat with Suowanda, but during the period of close contact with Suowanda, he quietly wrapped Captain America's shield with silk thread.

Later, after using the amazing defensive power of the silk battle suit to resist Suowanda's knife, he tied the shield to Suowanda.

Sowanda didn't give him time to pull the thread to cut damage, and in fact, he didn't intend to use the thread to cut Sowanda.

Strapping the shield to Suwanda was his whole purpose.

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  By the way, let’s talk about the update issue. Because of the new book issue, there is no way to update too much. If there are too many words, it is easy to miss the new book issue and the recommendation arrangement, so now I can only guarantee two updates every day...

  Although the apprentice doesn't know if he can advance to the next road recommendation, but what if...

(End of this chapter)

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