Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 32 Plan

Chapter 32 Plan
"Okay, don't pretend to be wronged. I don't know who you are. If you had such a glass heart, you wouldn't have chosen to move out alone."

Gwen gave Roger a white look, and said disdainfully.

"Well, as expected of No.1 in the school back then, it really wasn't that easy to deceive you."

Roger shrugged nonchalantly.

After continuing to chat with Gwen for a few words, he drove back to his new home, Forest Hills Mansion.

But before going home, he settled a seven-person lunch by himself at a Chinese restaurant near the building.

Under the incredulous gaze of the waiter, he drove the car to the underground garage of the building, and returned home with a shield that could no longer be seen from its original appearance.

From the moment he decided to take away Captain America's shield, he had already decided how to use it.

Although the shield was made of vibrating gold, he didn't take these vibrating gold to heart.

If he wanted Zhenjin, he would go to Wakanda instead of choosing to steal Captain America's shield.

If nothing else, SHIELD should be frantically looking for him now, trying to arrest him.

More importantly, take back Cap's shield.

After turning on the police channel monitoring radio purchased from Taiji and connecting the radio to the training room's audio system, he came to the training room.

There are still several hours before nightfall. Before the night falls, he plans to continue training on the control of the parasitic thread and the silk thread suit, so that these two moves can be recognized by the system.

This is not because he has any obsessive-compulsive disorder, but when the moves are recognized by the system, the execution of the moves will become easier, just like the instinct of the body.

An afternoon passed quickly.

When Roger came out of the training room covered in sweat, he turned on the system and took a look at his current fighting moves.

As he expected, under the two moves of snapping thread and five-color thread, there are two new moves.

"The Fruit of Threads—Parasitic Threads: Wrap dozens of thin threads around the target to control the target's body movements and sexual moves."

"The Fruit of Threads——Line Armor: Use countless fine threads to weave into armor or battle clothes, enhance your physical defense ability, and create original defensive moves."

After glancing at the system's description of these two moves, Roger closed the system page in satisfaction and went straight to the bathroom.

After taking a hot bath in the bathroom for nearly half an hour, he came to the bedroom wrapped in a towel and changed into clean clothes.

After doing all this, he packed the shield of Captain America, which was no longer wrapped in silk, into a large backpack, and then left the building with the backpack.

It is now eight o'clock in the evening, and it has been almost ten hours since he snatched the US team's shield. It is also time to solve the problem of the shield and carry out his next plan by the way.


Brooklyn, the abandoned building where Ronald's lair is located.

After solving his own dinner problem, Roger took a taxi to the vicinity of the building.

Glancing at the sixth floor where the lights were still on, he took his backpack to the roof of the residential building opposite the building.

He killed the ninja sent by the Hand to protect Ronald last night, and he also let Ronald's gang join the so-called Don Quixote family.

After a day of fermentation, if nothing else happened, the Hand should have known the news.

As a well-known killer group, even if the intelligence network of the Hand is not comparable to a professional organization like S.H.I.E.L.D., it is not impossible to receive no news.

Not to mention, the Hand may have some kind of secret method of sensing members.

If he was right, the Hand would come to Ronald tonight.

On the one hand, it is to find out the cause of the death of the six ninjas, and on the other hand, it is to find out the so-called Don Quixote family.

As long as the Hand Association sends someone over tonight, then his plan can be said to have been half successful.

Don't look at his look of wanting to subdue Ronald last night, but he didn't really regard Ronald as his subordinate.

Asking Ronald's gang to become a peripheral force of the Don Quixote family is just to confuse Ronald.

He did have plans to form his own forces, but he would not want someone like Ronald.

Compared with Ronald, he prefers a pony with a little chivalrous heart.

Of course, skin color is also a very important reason.

In addition to being a gang boss, Ronald is also a black man, and what he hates the most is black people!
After sitting on the roof of the residential building and playing a small game of backgammon for more than half an hour, he waited for the "protagonist" tonight.

Those are more than a dozen ninjas who do not take the usual path!
Wearing a tight black ninja suit, carrying various melee weapons including katana swords.

Roger counted, and there were about fifteen ninjas jumping up and down the buildings and streets below.

After the group of ninjas came downstairs in Ronald's lair, they took out their weapons one after another, and then rushed into the building under the cover of night.

Not long after the group of ninjas entered the building, there were intermittent gunshots and fighting sounds in the building.

A few minutes later, Roger's first "man" Ronald was framed out by these ninjas.

It was a terrible fight!
Although the distance was a little far away, Roger could still see Ronald's bloody face.

At this time, Ronald seemed to have completely lost the strength to stand up, and could only let the ninjas of the Hand hold him away.

When the ninjas carried Ronald into a dark alley not far from the building, two minivans that looked like frozen meat trucks drove out of the alley.

It turns out that you came here by car, I thought you all ran all the way here!
After seeing the two trucks driving out of the alley, a large amount of white silk thread gushed out of Roger's body, quickly forming the silk thread battle suit that appeared during the day today.

Afterwards, he picked up the backpack with the US team's shield on his back, and followed the trucks far away.


Manhattan, Hell's Kitchen.

Following these two trucks, Roger came to the famous Hell's Kitchen from Brooklyn.

When the two trucks drove into a certain meat processing factory, Roger, who was wearing a silk battle suit, approached the factory for a closer look.

After seeing those surveillance cameras all over every corner of the factory and those secret sentries hidden in the dark, he knew he had come to the right place tonight.

Even if this processing factory is not the headquarters of the Hand in New York, it is also an important branch.

There are two reasons. The first is that ordinary strongholds do not need such strict security, and the second is that Ronald was brought here.

According to Ronald's account, the person who met him last night was Suwanda from the "Five Fingers" of the Hand.

So if there is any problem on Ronald's side, it will be handled by Suowanda, the high-level Hand Association.

Judging from these circumstances, even if this is not the headquarters of the Hand, it is at least an important stronghold of Suowanda.

That being the case, most of the elements in his plan have already been assembled.

After finding a public phone booth nearby, he called 911.

He made a total of three calls to the police.

On the first call, he told the police that he saw a guy dressed like a white Spiderman and holding Captain America's shield kidnapping a man into the factory and threatening to kill the man.

On the second call, he changed an excuse to call the police, saying that a man with Captain America's shield was massacring in the factory.

On the third call, he changed another excuse, saying that Spider-Man fought with a group of ninjas in the factory with Captain America's shield, and many people died.

In order to make these three calls, he changed a total of three different phone booths and disguised three different voices.

Although these three reasons for calling the police sounded unreliable, he was not worried that the police would not come.

Even if it is a false alarm report, the nearby police must come over.

Moreover, his main purpose of calling the police was not to attract the police, but to attract the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D.

White Spiderman, Captain America's shield, ninja...

From the perspective of the police, these few pieces of information are meaningless.

But in the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D., it has a completely different meaning, especially when the American team has just been robbed of its shield.

(End of this chapter)

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