Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 183 Betrayal

Chapter 183 Betrayal
A forest near the Alps.

Roger and Rogers sat on the motorcycle, chatting with each other.

"Are you really not worried about accidents?"

Roger took a sip of the cigarette in his hand and asked slowly.

"There is nothing to worry about. After experiencing Bucky's incident, I want to understand one thing, that is, if the war continues, we will lose people we value sooner or later."

Unlike Roger, Rogers at this time has an indescribable seriousness.

Now he is doing the final inspection on the motorcycle.

Looking at Rogers' expression at this time, Roger didn't say anything, but shook his head silently.

After smoking the cigarette in his hand, he took a deep breath and began to check his motorcycle.

For this operation, Howard prepared two modified motorcycles for them.

Rogers is okay to say, after all, he has always had the habit of driving a motorcycle.

Roger, on the other hand, has no habit of driving a motorcycle at all.

He prefers a four-wheeled car to a two-wheeled motorcycle.

And in terms of speed, cars are faster than motorcycles.

But in order to cooperate with Rogers, Roger can only choose the same means of transportation as him.

The performance of the modified motorcycle made by Howard is of course beyond doubt.

After casually checking the status of the motorcycle, Roger put on his helmet.

"Be careful, if you die before reaching the base, I won't save you."

After speaking, Roger took the lead in starting the motorcycle, twisted the accelerator, and rushed out.

When Roger rushed out first, Rogers immediately followed without any hesitation.

Hydra's main base is located in the Alps, and the road that Roger and the others are heading now is the main road leading to the base.

When the two of them rushed out of the forest on their motorcycles, they immediately caught the attention of Hydra soldiers.

Within a few seconds, a group of motorcycle soldiers followed behind their buttocks.

Roger had no plans to deal with these miscellaneous fish, and put all his energy on driving the motorcycle.

Unlike Roger, who just wanted to use speed to get rid of Hydra soldiers, Rogers didn't waste Howard's efforts and activated various weapons on the motorcycle.

The rope for interception, the flame launcher at the rear of the car, the grenade launcher at the front of the car...

Rogers made the most of the weapons on his bike.

It didn't take much effort, and the motorcycle soldiers following them were wiped out by him.

However, Roger at this time had already left Rogers far away and rushed to the gate of the base.

Like Rogers' motorcycle, Roger's motorcycle is also equipped with the same weapons.

But he had no intention of using these weapons.

The energy cannons and tanks at the gate of the base fired wildly at him, and orange-red explosion flames continued to light up around him.

Looking at the energy cannons fixed in the bunker and the huge tank, Roger directly used the ability of the shaking fruit without saying a word.

I saw him holding the handle of the motorcycle with his left hand, and a translucent spherical glove like air emerged from his right fist.

Shocking Fruit·Empty Shock!

Roger didn't charge much, and when the spherical glove appeared on his right fist, he punched out without any hesitation.


In the empty space in front of the right fist, a glass-like crack suddenly appeared.

Almost at the same time as these cracks appeared, a terrifying shock directly fell on the concrete fortress and tank of the gate.

Without any suspense, the solid concrete fortress and tank exploded, as if they had endured a fatal bombardment from the void.

After blowing away the fortress and tanks that were in the way with one punch, the motorcycle driven by Roger accelerated again, breaking through the square at the gate of the base in the "heavy rain" formed by gravel and iron.

It wasn't until Roger rushed into the square at the gate of the base that Rogers appeared at the corner of the road driving a motorcycle.

Rogers ignored Rogers and started his own personal performance directly.

After rushing into the square, without saying a word, he gave up the motorcycle and flew up.

The motorcycle loaded with explosives rushed straight to the steel gate leading to the interior of the base.

The unmanned motorcycle slammed into the steel gate fiercely, and the explosives on the vehicle detonated instantly, and the dazzling explosion flames and shock waves swept everything around regardless of enemy or friend.

When the flames gradually dissipated, Roger, who was floating in the air, released the empty channel and used a "superhero landing" to fall back to the ground.

After landing, Roger opened his hands and let the Hydra soldiers around him surround him.

When these Hydra soldiers holding energy weapons or ordinary firearms surrounded themselves heavily, Roger scanned the surrounding circle.

"Welcome to the top of the food chain!"

He didn't care whether these Hydra soldiers could understand what this sentence meant.

He just felt that it would be too wasteful to say nothing at this moment.

Sure enough, when he finished saying this, the Hydra soldiers around him completely ignored him, and even became more serious.

It's really not interesting at all.

After swearing in his heart, Roger's figure suddenly disappeared from their sight.

Roger, who disappeared, came to one of the Hydra soldiers in an instant, and his right index finger pierced the soldier's forehead like a bullet.

Point the gun!

The helmet made of steel can't resist the domineering power of the finger gun.

After poking the guy in front of him to death with one finger, Roger's figure disappeared again.

At the same time, Rogers, who was driving a motorcycle, finally rushed into the square.

Because the steel gate had been blown up by Roger's motorcycle, Rogers didn't waste his motorcycle and let his motorcycle charge towards a nearby tank.

The motorcycle and the tank exploded at the same time, and orange-red explosion flames soared into the sky.

After blowing up the tank, Rogers immediately began his own combat performance.

The vibration gold shield resisted the shooting of the Hydra soldiers, and Rogers rushed directly into the Hydra team like a berserker.

Although there was no communication, Rogers and Roger did not intervene in each other's battle at all.

Roger is now constantly performing six moves, using physical moves that the Hydra soldiers can't understand at all to solve them.

Compared with Roger's invisible and incomprehensible attack, Rogers' attack is much more normal.

Although they were all punches and kicks, no matter how one looked at Roger's attack, it didn't look like a human being could unleash it.

What makes these Hydra soldiers even more helpless is that even if Roger didn't continue to show the super-high-speed movement like teleportation, they still couldn't hit Roger.

No matter from which angle they were shooting, Roger seemed to have foreseen the future, dodging lightly before the bullet or energy beam hit.


He is a monster!

Watching the comrades around him die one by one, the idea that Roger is a monster also emerged in the minds of these Hydra soldiers.

Although they saw Roger for the first time today, they were no strangers to Roger at all.

Roger's previous performances on the battlefield have been spread over and over again in Hydra's army.

Although there are many Hydra soldiers besieging him now, Roger didn't take their attacks at all.

In the face of knowledgeable domineering, their attacks will not have any meaning.

The progress on Roger's side can be described as extremely smooth.

If he wants to attack the interior of the base, it is impossible for the Hydra soldiers in the square to stop him.

However, he did not forget that he did not come to capture the Hydra base at this time, but to complete his bounty mission.

After killing all the Hydra soldiers within ten meters from him, he stopped this mowing-like behavior of abusing vegetables and raised his hands.

Seeing Roger, who was still like a god of death just now, suddenly raised his hand and surrendered, all the Hydra soldiers in the square had the illusion that this was an illusion.

After carefully looking at Roger for a while, these Hydra soldiers finally confirmed that Roger had really surrendered.

Although they couldn't figure out why Roger surrendered, they had no intention of continuing to attack Roger, so a soldier came to him and handcuffed his hands.

"Don't be so nervous, I don't eat people!"

The Hydra soldier in charge of handcuffing him didn't know whether it was because of nervousness or fear, his hands were shaking violently, and he didn't put on the handcuffs for a long time.

After hearing Roger's calm and abnormal voice, the young Hydra soldier finally completed the task of being tortured.

Roger voluntarily surrendered, but Rogers was still resisting "tenaciously".

Perhaps in order to eliminate the Hydra soldiers as soon as possible and reduce the pressure on the follow-up troops, or it may be purely to vent anger, Rogers has no intention of keeping his hand at all, and keeps attacking the surrounding Hydra soldiers.

Although Rogers resisted fiercely, he did not last long.

With an absolute superiority in numbers, the Hydra soldiers finally captured Rogers and handcuffed him.

Inside the base, Red Skull's office.

"Arrogance may not be a unique characteristic of Americans, but I have to say that you interpret it better than others!"

"But even you, there are things you can't do, Captain America!"

The Red Skull slowly walked out of the shadows and said to Rogers.

Rogers looked at Red Skull calmly, without saying anything.

So far, the plan has gone smoothly, exactly as they expected.

However, in the next second, he heard a sentence that he didn't expect at all.

"Roger, you'd better give me an explanation why you brought him to my base and killed my soldiers!"

Red Skull turned to look at Roger and said dissatisfied.

"No problem, I'll give you an explanation later!"

After speaking, Roger's hands suddenly used force, and easily tore off the handcuffs on his hands.

After hearing the conversation between Roger and Red Skull, Rogers widened his eyes and looked at Roger in disbelief.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm only here for the mission."

Roger glanced at Rogers, went straight to the wine cabinet of the Red Skull, and took out a bottle of whiskey from a good age.

"You betrayed us!"

No matter how unresponsive Rogers was, he could fully understand after seeing Roger's behavior at this time.

"Betrayal? If you want to think so, I don't mind."

While speaking, Roger poured two glasses of wine and handed one of them to Red Skull.

After taking a sip, he continued: "Cooperating with him, I can get what I want."

Rogers didn't speak any more, just stared at Roger with cannibalistic eyes.

"You haven't explained it to me yet?" Red Skull glanced at Rogers, then turned to Roger and said.

"By the way, you still need an explanation!"

"The reason is very simple, because the large forces of the Allied Forces will come to stop your "Valkyrie" plan soon. I don't have time to inform you in advance, so I can only come here in person."

Roger said calmly.

"Didn't you bring them?" Red Skull didn't fully believe Roger's words.

Even if the large forces of the Allied forces were coming to stop him soon, he didn't think Roger would have no time to inform himself.

"Of course not, Dr. Zola told them all of this."

"Don't worry, you have what I want in your hand, and our cooperation will not end until you get that."

Although Roger was very sincere, Red Skull still didn't believe his words.

"It seems that you are still a little worried, but it doesn't matter, you can see my sincerity right away."

After speaking, Roger raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

Red Skull and Rogers looked at Roger's right hand seriously, but saw nothing.

"Don't look at me, look outside!" Roger said, pointing to the window outside.

After hearing Roger's reminder, Red Skull hurried to the window.

Then, he saw a scene that seemed like a miracle.

Sharp black silk threads fell from the sky one by one, and fell on the ground like raindrops, completely covering the entire base.

"This move is called 'absolute defense'. As long as there are these silk threads, no one outside can come in."

Roger temporarily changed the name of the birdcage.

As soon as you hear the name of the bird cage, you know what it is.

Although the Red Skull has lost some sanity due to the serum, it does not mean that he is an idiot.

"Is this absolute defense really as strong as you said?" Red Skull asked with disbelief.

"Just ask the troops outside and you will know."

After speaking, Roger drank the whiskey in the glass in one gulp.

This birdcage was not cast by him, but by his doll.

After arriving in the Alps, he cast the clone doll, and let the clone doll come to the mountains in advance, ready to cast the birdcage at any time.

After contacting the troops outside the base, Red Skull's expression became a lot easier.

As Roger said, this absolute defense did stop the enemies outside.

"Your absolute defense has surrounded the entire base, so how do we get out?"

Red Skull asked next.

"Before the 'Valkyrie' takes off, I will remove the absolute defense. You don't have to worry about the Allied forces still having planes to catch up."

Roger explained calmly.

Then Red Skull was not particularly relieved, and continued: "Okay, but you have to come up together, and him, I want him to watch New York destroyed!"

"no problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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