Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 182 Trojan Horse

Chapter 182 Trojan Horse

No one expected that Roger would appear at this time.

They didn't even expect that Roger would come back with Bucky on his shoulders.

Although Bucky was still unconscious at this time, the people present were all elite soldiers who had experienced many battles.

With just a quick glance, they could tell that Bucky wasn't seriously injured.

" are you..."

Rogers looked up at Roger, then at Bucky on the ground, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Nothing special, I heard an explosion, so I rushed over."

"Although he was a step slower, he managed to save Bucky before he fell to the ground."

Roger explained briefly.

In fact, he had anticipated the scene of Bucky falling off the cliff a long time ago.

The only thing he can't be sure of is exactly when Bucky will fall off the cliff.

Inertia occurs when an object moves too fast.

The same is true of fate.

Although Roger didn't know much about fate, compared with Rogers and others, he still had some experience.

After all, after his time travel, he has seen the so-called inertia of fate more than once.

After listening to Roger's explanation, Rogers lowered his head again and looked at Bucky without saying a word.

After being silent for more than ten seconds, he slowly said, "Thank you!"

Although Rogers' thanks seemed ordinary, Roger knew that he had completed a crucial step in the mission and gained Rogers' absolute trust.

Although there is no so-called specific indicator for such a thing as absolute trust, he has been with Rogers for so long anyway, and he can still be sure whether Rogers really trusts him.

"You're welcome. I'm also the person in charge of this operation. If I can't take all of you back safely, it will appear that I am incapable."

Roger said with a smile.

After seeing that Bucky and Roger came back safely, Gabe Jones and others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Without any hesitation, Jim Morita, who was in charge of communications, began to contact the base and asked the base to arrange a plane to pick them up.

In the following time, no accident happened.

Although the train was stopped here by them, the Hydra people didn't seem to care about this at all, and they had no intention of coming to check or take back the train.

Under normal circumstances, this abnormal phenomenon is enough to arouse Rogers' vigilance.

But now, Rogers, who has just experienced great joy and sorrow, is completely unaware of this.

As for Gabe Jones and others, they also did not notice this abnormality.

In their view, this may be the reason why Hydra voluntarily abandoned the train.

It is not the first time Hydra has done this kind of behavior of abandoning its own soldiers, so it is not particularly strange.

However, none of them knew that the reason Hydra didn't come was not what they guessed, but because of Roger.

In fact, Dr. Zola will appear on the train, and even related information about Dr. Zola will be learned by the Howling Commando, all of which are the result of Roger's single-handed planning.

Of course, the cooperation of the Red Skull is indispensable.

In order to persuade the Red Skull, Roger tried his best, half seductive and half threatening to encourage the Red Skull to cooperate with his plan.

For this reason, he even agreed to Red Skull on one condition.

"When I conquer the world, I want you to acquire the extraordinary abilities that accompany you. As long as you know it, I will do it!"

This is what Red Skull told him at the time.

For the request of the Red Skull, Roger deliberately pretended to be embarrassed, and then reluctantly agreed.

After getting his assurance, the Red Skull put his confidant Dr. Zola on the train.

Although this was Roger's plan, the Red Skull did not tell Dr. Zola the truth, but used other reasons to let Dr. Zola board the train.

It is precisely because of this that Dr. Zola seemed so flustered after seeing Roger on the train.

Although Roger has been cooperating with Red Skull for a while, the only one who knows this, apart from Red Skull himself, is the Hydra spy George who sent Roger a radio station last time.

As far as Roger knows, the Hydra spy George died in an operation not long after he left London.

As for whether that operation was really an accident, he couldn't say for sure.

In short, since George's death, only the two parties know that Roger and the Red Skull have cooperated.

The cold wind was fierce and the snowflakes were flying.

After waiting for several hours in this rare valley, Roger and the others finally waited for the transport plane to pick them up and return to the base.

While waiting for the plane to arrive, Dr. Zola originally woke up once.

However, before he could say anything, he was knocked unconscious again by Roger.

"Now is not the time to interrogate him. Go back to the base and greet him slowly."

For Roger's statement, Rogers and others have no opinion.

After a flight that was not at all comfortable, Roger and the others finally returned to the base.

As soon as they got off the plane, they saw Colonel Phillips, Carter and others waiting in the hangar.

After handing over the unconscious Dr. Zola to Colonel Phillips, Roger briefly explained the process of the mission, and then pulled Carter away.

Bucky was sent to the medical room immediately, Rogers had no plans to go back to recuperate, and stayed in the medical room waiting for Bucky to wake up.

Roger was not involved in Dr. Zola's interrogation.

With Dr. Zola's personality, as long as there are no accidents, it's only a matter of time before Dr. Zola reveals the information about Hydra.

As he expected, on the third day after they returned to the base, Colonel Phillips called them into the combat command room.

In addition to Roger and Rogers, the commanders of the Allied forces of various countries attended the combat meeting.

Even Howard, the chief scientist, attended the meeting.

As soon as Roger and Carter entered the command room, he saw Bucky who had awakened.

Bucky also saw him, nodded to him, and expressed his thanks.

Rogers, who was sitting next to Bucky, also nodded when he saw Roger.

Rogers originally planned to ask Roger to thank him in person, but it was a pity that Roger had been staying in the room with Carter, and he couldn't find a suitable opportunity at all.

When all the personnel arrived, Colonel Phillips didn't talk nonsense, and said in a serious tone: "Dr. Zola brought back by Roger and the Roaring Commando gave us a lot of important information that we didn't know before."

"We now have all of Hydra's bases in Europe. Whether it's their arsenal, their sub-bases, or even their main base, they are all exposed to us."

"I have arranged for the frontline troops and the intelligence department to confirm whether the information is correct. Tomorrow at the latest, I will be able to confirm whether the information is correct."

Speaking of this, Colonel Phillips asked his assistant to take out the latest military map of the European battlefield, pointed to the marked Hydra base and said: "The arsenal and sub-bases can be handled by the nearby army. "

"What we are dealing with now is Hydra's main base in the Alps."

"This is not only Hydra's main base, but also Hydra's largest arsenal. It is located five hundred feet below the surface and houses thousands of Hydra soldiers."

"However, that's not the thorniest issue."

"If Dr. Zola didn't lie, the Red Skull now thinks he is a god and has made a crazy plan to blow up half the world, and the starting point of this plan is America."

"For this program, Hydra created a long-range high-altitude bomber called the 'Valkyrie'."

"Our chief scientist Howard analyzed the bomber data given by Dr. Zola and came to a very desperate conclusion."

After finishing speaking, Colonel Phillips pointed to Howard and motioned him to explain.

Wearing a custom-made suit, Howard stood up unhurriedly, and said slowly: "The performance of this high-altitude bomber named 'Valkyrie' far exceeds any aircraft on our side. As long as it flies across the Atlantic Ocean, You can mop up the entire East Coast in an hour."

"If it takes off, the only thing we can do is pray to God."

As a scientist, Howard admired the "Valkyrie" bomber, and even lamented the performance of this bomber.

However, as an American, he couldn't be happier.

After Howard finished speaking, the people present turned their heads to look at Roger and Rogers at the same time.

The two of them are truly the highest combat power in the Allied Forces. No one can solve this seemingly difficult task except the two of them.

"You look at me like that, it makes me nervous!"

Roger glanced around and said with a smile.

Although his tone was relaxed, the oppressive atmosphere in the command room did not ease in any way.

Rogers glanced at the photo in his hand, frowning seriously.

Just looking at the base defense situation explained by Dr. Zola, one can know that attacking the base is not an easy task.

"How much time do we have?"

Rogers asked a crucial question.

"According to our new friend, less than 24 hours!"

Colonel Phillips said helplessly.

Other arsenals and sub-bases can be resolved later.

But this main base must be taken down within 24 hours.

Otherwise, once the plane takes off, they can only pray to God, as Howard said.

In 24 hours, a heavily guarded base with thousands of people stationed was captured.

No matter from which angle, this is an extremely crazy task.

More importantly, the Hydra soldiers in the base are equipped with the best energy weapons and have all the heavy firepower including tanks, rocket launchers, artillery, anti-tank shells, and anti-aircraft guns.

Even if the Allied forces are willing to spend their lives to fill it, it is unlikely that they will lay down the base within 24 hours.

"Then what should we do, we can't just knock on the door and go in."

Jim Morita of Roaring Commando said helplessly.

"Whoever says no, let's go in through the main entrance."

After thinking for a while, Rogers looked at Roger and said.

"If you want to take a gamble, I don't mind cooperating with you."

As soon as Rogers finished speaking, Roger knew what he was going to do.

As he remembered, Rodgers planned to stage a "Trojan Horse."

After hearing Roger's answer, Rogers quickly explained his plan.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Bucky objected.

"No, this is too dangerous!"

"There are too many variables in the plan. If Red Skull doesn't plan to see you at all, you will die immediately in front of the base gate."

Bucky voiced his concerns.

However, Colonel Phillips and other Allied commanders did not express any objection, but seriously considered the feasibility of the mission.

While Colonel Phillips and others were still thinking about whether Rogers' plan was feasible, Roger suddenly spoke.

"If Rogers alone is not enough, what about adding me?"

"If you want to say who the Red Skull hates the most in the Allied Forces, even if I am not the one he hates the most, I should rank very high."

"I just read Dr. Zola's interrogation record. According to Dr. Zola, the Red Skull not only thinks he is a god, but also has an extremely strong desire for extraordinary abilities."

"If he can catch me, I think he wouldn't mind meeting me and talking to me about supernatural abilities."

After Roger finished speaking, Carter looked at him worriedly, shook his head silently, and motioned him not to risk himself.

"I think it's feasible. Dr. Erskine also mentioned this in his previous report. The Red Skull has a morbid desire for extraordinary power. Because of this, he injected the serum that was not yet fully perfected and turned himself into a That devilish look."

"More importantly, I believe in Roger. He is a superman in the Allied Forces. Even if the Red Skull wants to kill him, it will not be so easy."

Howard expressed his opinion and praised Roger by the way.

With Howard's support, Colonel Phillips and others quickly made a decision.

Soon, a specific action plan was drawn up.

Roger and Rogers were responsible for raiding the gate of the base and then pretending to be arrested.

If there is any accident in the middle, for example, the Red Skull does not intend to see them at all, the plan is abandoned, and Roger will bring Rogers back safely.

If all goes well, they will meet the Red Skull in the base office.

Upon receiving their signal to attack, the Roaring Commandos were tasked with raiding the offices while Allied forces stormed the base in full force.

This is not a very rigorous plan, but the probability of success is high.

From another perspective, this is another meaning of "beheading" and "Trojan horse".

As long as fighting broke out in the base and interrupted the Red Skull's command of the army, the Allied forces could seize the opportunity to break through the base.

As long as the large forces of the Allied forces can enter the base, then the next thing will be much simpler.

Half an hour later, Roger and other vanguard troops left the base first.

At the same time, Colonel Phillips and other Allied commanders began to mobilize the army to gather strength.

 PS: Thank you Qingyan Yuehua for your reward, thank you for your support~~
(End of this chapter)

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