Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 16 Parasitic Lines

Chapter 16 Parasitic Lines

Soon, a reward order was circulated on the black market for finding the mysterious person wearing the Spider-Man headgear.

When he robbed Professor Lizard last night, Roger expected that he would be targeted by the Osborne Group.

However, he didn't take it too seriously.

It's not that he looks down on the Osborne Group, but that the Osborne Group really doesn't have many special top-notch combat power.

Although the Osborne Group is a commercial behemoth and is inextricably linked with the military, in terms of individual combat power, the strongest in the Osborn Group is nothing more than the Green Goblin Norman Os. Book.

The reward order for finding the mysterious person in the Spider-Man headgear was issued, but there was no useful information in the reward order except for a photo.

Aside from a photo of Roger standing on top of a van wearing a Spider-Man headgear, the Osborne Group has not released anything to the public.

Not only did they not announce the time and location when the photos were taken, but even the one who issued the reward order was a little vest they cultivated in the black market.

Osborne Group is a well-known listed company, and it is a good company that pays taxes and abides by laws and regulations.

The Osborne Group would never do black market rewards or anything like that.

At this time, Roger didn't know that a reward order for himself had appeared in the black market, and now he was decorating his new home.

In order to keep up with the trend, and mainly to save money and time, Roger's new home adopts a typical Syrian post-war decoration style.

Simple and simple, you can move in with your bags, a perfect fusion of modern industrial style and home life.

After buying a few pieces of furniture at IKEA and adding some new clothes for himself, Roger's move was completely over.

From now on, this huge top floor room will be his future secret base.

In this new home with a strong post-war style in Syria, he specially opened up a training room dedicated to developing fruit abilities and daily practice.

The area of ​​the training room is not particularly large, only about 300 square meters, which is similar to a small gym.

In addition, he also made a special trip to the workshop of the black market mechanic Tai Ji, and picked out several remodeled laptops and mobile phones, as well as a batch of home monitoring equipment and police channel monitoring radio stations.

He is not interested in being a hero outside like Spider-Man all day long. He bought the monitoring radio station of the police channel purely to monitor whether there are any supernatural events.

If nothing else, extraordinary events meant bounty missions.

As long as he can know where the extraordinary event happened, he can go to the event site to activate the bounty task.

As for the bounty task given at that time, it doesn't matter.


In an apartment in the Bronx.

"Have you heard about the reward order that just appeared on the black market? It's 100 million US dollars, and it's just for someone. This should be the highest reward order in recent times, right?"

A black gangster with a cast on his left hand was swiping his phone while talking to his companions who also had casts on their hands and feet.

"I saw it too, looking for a guy with a Spider-Man headgear."

"One million dollars, it would be great if I could get this bounty."

"If I had $100 million, I'd buy a sports car, the latest model."

"Forget it, with your figure, you can't even sit in a sports car."


Just as these out-of-shape black gangsters were fantasizing about what they would do after having 100 million dollars, their boss, who was also seriously fat and wearing a red baseball cap, wrinkled Frowning, he looked at the reward order displayed on the phone.

This guy looks familiar!
For some reason, he always felt that the person on the reward order was a bit like the guy who beat them up the night before, the Chinese kid who claimed to be from Dressrosa Island.

"Shut up the fuck!"

"Look at this photo, do you think he looks a bit like the Huaxia boy from the night before?"

After speaking, he threw the mobile phone in his left hand to his younger brothers.

"Does it really look alike?"

"That Huaxia kid seems to be wearing this coat, right?"

"It's really a bit similar, and the height and body shape also look alike!"


After hearing his little brother's conversation, the black gangster named Jason had an idea.

"Give me your phone!"

After getting the phone back from his little brother, Jason called the boss of his gang.

"Boss Clay, it's me, Jason."

"The kid wearing the Spider-Man headgear on the reward order, I seem to have seen him, the night before yesterday, at the park on the corner of the Grand Square."

"Um...yes, that guy who beat us up..."

"I'm at home now, okay, no problem, I'll wait for you at home."

When Jason hung up the phone, his younger brothers all looked at him with confused eyes.

"Boss, are you really sure that kid is the one on the reward order?"

"If we make a mistake, Boss Clay will kill us all."

Looking at his younger brothers, Jason sighed helplessly.

How the hell am I only served by these idiots!
"I don't care if that Huaxia kid is on the reward order or not. What you have to do is wait for Boss Clay to arrive and insist on this point."

"If the Huaxia boy is really the person on the reward order, even if we don't get the reward, Boss Clay will not treat us badly."

"If we make a mistake, Boss Clay can just help us teach that kid a lesson."

"So whether it's right or not, we have nothing to lose, understand?"

Jason patiently explained.

More than 20 minutes later, Clay Ronald, the boss of their small gang, came to the apartment.

Along with Clay Ronald came three burly men with tattoos all over their bodies.


Queens, top floor of Forest Hills Building.

In his training room with few fitness equipment, Roger was trying hard to learn his third move - parasitic line.

Among the string fruit moves developed by Doflamingo, what Roger feels the most is the parasitic string.

Manipulate the target's body as you like with a puppet!
This kind of weird and aggressive fighting style is very suitable for him whose physical fitness is not very perverted.

Although the parasitic thread can't control the will of the target, it doesn't affect his liking for this move.

In other words, forcibly manipulating the target's body against the target's will is the charm of the parasitic thread technique.

Compared with the five-color thread of the elastic thread, the difficulty of practicing the parasitic thread has increased by more than 01:30 points.

In order to let himself find the feeling faster, Roger also specially purchased several human-sized puppets.

(End of this chapter)

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