Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 15 Rewards

Chapter 15 Rewards
Looking at the file bag in Gwen's hand, Roger froze for a moment.

Even if he didn't open it, he could roughly guess what was in the file bag.

That is the police information on the murder case of the original owner's parents.

People are already lying in the hospital, haven't they forgotten about it?

Although Roger only saw Boss Joe once, he had to say that after seeing this file bag, he was slightly touched.

"Thank you!"

After taking the document bag from Gwen, Roger solemnly thanked him.

"Don't do stupid things! This is what Dad asked me to tell you."

After speaking, Gwen glanced at the photo frame on the desk, and left the bedroom without looking back.

Hearing the sound of the door closing behind him, Roger sighed helplessly.


In the early morning of the next day, Roger, who was still asleep, was awakened by the sound of text messages one after another.

After picking up the phone with sleepy eyes, he saw one account after another.

The work effect of the "Wealth Freedom" website is indeed very high. It only took one night to complete all the tasks, and transferred a sum of clean funds into his account in a legal name.

Looking at the balance number displayed in the account information, Roger instantly woke up.

Finally have money!
When a man without money suddenly has a huge sum of money, it is inevitable that there will be some impulsive consumption.

But Roger is not a person who has seen the big world. After washing up, he went to the Chinese restaurant closest to the apartment and ordered three bowls of beef noodles to calm down.

While raving about his fans, he considered his next plan.

The first thing to do, of course, is to move.

Whether it's his living habits or what he will do in the future, it is inconvenient for him to continue living in this low-cost apartment where fish and dragons are mixed together.

Secondly, he must find a way to receive more bounty tasks.

Although this is not the pirate world he should have traveled through, the trigger mechanism of the bounty mission should still be the same, that is, to get in touch with more "key" people and participate in major events that may happen.

To put it simply, go out and hang out more, don't stay at home.

Finally, it is about the development and mastery of the line fruit.

The thread fruit whose development level is only Lv1 is not enough for him to cope with the following things, so before he gets other fruits, he needs to develop the thread fruit as much as possible so that he has enough self-protection ability.

Not to mention the development of the thread fruit to the degree of awakening, at least the fruit must be developed to Lv3 or Lv4.

After finishing the three bowls of beef noodles in front of him, he frowned.

I don't know if it's because of the fruit that his food intake has increased significantly recently.

He discovered this problem during the first few meals, but he didn't take it too seriously.

But now, after finishing three bowls of beef noodles, he actually only feels half full.

its not right!
The thread fruit is not a rubber fruit, so it shouldn't have this "side effect"!

After thinking for a few seconds, he gave up the urge to continue ordering and left the restaurant.

After fixing his breakfast problem, he started wandering around Queens to see if he could find a suitable new home.

There were only two things he wanted from his new home.

The first is that the area is large enough, and the second is that it is secluded enough, preferably with few neighbors around.

As for other issues, such as whether it is safe or not, whether the traffic is convenient, etc., he didn't take it to heart.

After a morning of wandering and stopping by real estate agents in Queens, he found a decent new place to live.

His new residence of choice was the top floor of a mansion near Corona Park in Flushing Meadows.

There were originally three houses on the top floor, but the wealthy homeowner directly bought all the houses on the top floor and opened them up.

As a result, it became the current super large house with an area of ​​more than 800 square meters.

From the very first moment he saw this house, Roger knew that this was his future new home.

Without waiting for any introduction from the intermediary, he took out his bank card: "That's it, swipe the card!"

"Okay, sir!"

The intermediary took the bank card with a smile on his face and began to process the rental contract for Roger.

Under normal circumstances, there is no need to worry about renting out rooms in this building.

But the bad thing is that the homeowner has opened up all three houses, and only accepts a minimum one-year full rent.

As a result, this house became the only house in the building that had not been rented out for more than a year.

The rent of 15 US dollars a year is not something everyone can afford.

Those who can afford the rent will not consider this strange big house.

After completing the rental contract and getting the keys to the house, Roger returned to the Coastal Wind Apartment and took his only two pieces of luggage.

The first is the case file that Gwen sent last night.

The second is a photo frame with a photo of "he" and Gwen.

Except for these two things, he didn't bring anything with him, and left everything to the landlord.

For this reason, he also deliberately paid an extra one hundred dollars in cleaning fees.


Osborne Group, top office.

"You still have two days to catch Dr. Connors. In addition, investigate this guy with the Spider-Man headgear."

"Send all the things collected at the scene to the laboratory in the suburbs, let the laboratory analyze them in detail, and send those injured guys there together."

Norman Osborn said sullenly.

"Okay, sir!"

The big black man who was the captain of the Osborn Group's security operation team answered with sweat on his face.

This is the second time he has been called to Norman Osborn's office because of Dr. Connors' affairs, and what is more troublesome than the last time is that this time there is a man wearing a Spider-Man headgear Mysterious guy.

Just when the big black man was about to turn around and leave the office, Norman Osborn's voice sounded again.

"This guy wearing a Spider-Man headgear, don't use the group's intelligence network to check."

"Issuing a reward order on the black market, offering a reward of 100 million US dollars to find this guy."

Norman Osborn frowned slightly as he watched the video on the computer screen.

What is shown on the screen is the scene of Roger wearing a Spider-Man helmet falling into the van.

Although Roger forcibly snatched Professor Lizard from the arresting team of the Osborne Group last night, his actions were clearly captured by the recorder on the action team members.

In particular, the scene where he dangled the silk thread and landed on the roof of the truck was captured by the recorder from multiple angles.

"Okay, sir!"

The big black man didn't know why Norman Osborn chose to offer a reward to find this mysterious guy, but as a subordinate, all he could do was to execute Norman Osborn's orders perfectly.

When the big black man left the office, Norman Osborn opened an encrypted folder without saying a word.

What was displayed in the folder were videos and photos of Spider-Man and Spider-Woman.

Is there a new guy out there?

 PS: Thank you Banshenggua_, Shanqi Zhaobixin for their rewards, thank you for your support~~
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