Chapter 45
For half a month, Li Feng spent in selecting training subjects.

As a result, after reading all the text messages, only one person who dreamed of becoming a great inventor was selected in the end.

The man's name is Chang Shan, and he aspired to become a great inventor like Edison since he was a child.And he has always insisted on pursuing his dream.

For this reason, his family went bankrupt, his wife and children were separated, and he still hasn't given up.

In the video, Li Feng can feel the great pain and regret caused by his wife and children being separated, and he can also feel the sadness and unwillingness that he couldn't get what he wanted despite his whole life.

Almost at the end of the video, Li Feng had the urge to come to Cangnan City immediately.

However, he finally persevered.

At this stage, he has no time to examine Chang Shan's character.

Everything will have to wait until the Chinese New Year is over.

Like Yang Xixi, he also tried to send a failed message to the other party first.

Chang Shan's reply was full of helplessness and pleading.

Li Feng immediately changed his mind and told Chang Shan that he would contact him again after the New Year to make him ready.

For Chang Shan, Li Feng was actually not very satisfied.

The reason is that he is too old.

He is 42 years old this year, and he always calls him Uncle Chang when we meet each other.

Facing such an uncle-level person, he really couldn't put on the airs of a teacher.

Just thinking about it made him feel a little uncomfortable.

He likes to be obedient and see his respectful students.It's not a student who can be called uncle when he sees him, and can't be beaten or scolded.

Fortunately, no matter what happened in the end, since I was temporarily soft-hearted, I asked the other party to prepare for the interview and gave them hope.In the end, no matter whether he passed or not, as long as his character is not too bad, he will help Chang Shan.

Big deal, provide financial support for him to continue researching and inventing.

In this way, even with the addition of Yang Xixi who made him feel a little unreliable, there were only two candidates worth interviewing.

This is much less than Li Feng expected.

According to his original expectation, he would have to get four or five interviewees no matter what.

In this way, there is an opportunity to select two training objects.

After all, being able to interview does not mean that he can pass his final test.

Fortunately, there is no backup candidate.

If it really doesn't work, Fang Zihan has to post a round of advertisements on Weibo to repeat the pain of the past half month.


In the evening, at the train station, outside the exit passage, Li Feng and Jiang Dachuan's family of three waited quietly against the cold wind.

A beautiful figure appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Sister, my sister is here." The little fat man waved excitedly.

Jiang Ruoxin came out with a lockbox.

Although the white down jacket wrapped her tightly, it was still difficult to conceal her elegant and peaceful temperament.

"Dad, Mom, Li Feng!" From a distance, Jiang Ruoxin waved her arms excitedly towards them.

The little fat man suddenly lost his composure: "What do you mean? I am so happy to see her. Fortunately, she didn't even have to say hello to me."

Li Feng smiled, went forward, and took the password box from Jiang Ruoxin's hand.

"Millionaire-to-be, are you happy to see me?" Jiang Ruoxin asked with a smile.

"If your parents weren't here, I would definitely yell that my girlfriend is back." Li Feng laughed.

Jiang Ruoxin couldn't help remembering the last time Li Feng yelled at the train station to return his first kiss, and said with some lingering fear: "If you really want to do that, I'll just turn around and leave, pretending I don't know you. You have a thick skin, but I don't have such a thick skin .”

"By the way!" Li Feng also remembered what happened last time, and before Liang Furong and his wife came over, he asked in a low voice: "After being escaped by you for so long, I should return my first kiss with interest." ?”

Jiang Ruoxin blushed, pretending not to hear, stretched her arms, and rushed towards Liang Furong.

The mother and daughter gave each other a warm hug.

The little fat man's resentment still persisted, and he murmured to the side: "I'm lucky to see you so excited, you're lucky, just ignore me..."

Jiang Ruoxin glared at him: "You're already a freshman in high school, and you're still so stingy. Don't worry, I didn't miss you when I bought gifts."

The little fat man grinned, and the resentment dissipated.

A group of people got on Jiang Dachuan's Volkswagen Tiguan and went straight to Qingshui Community.


Everyone was chatting in full swing, when a soft sound came from the right.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Dachuan slammed on the brakes.

No, I hit someone.

Li Feng was startled, and quickly opened the car door.

The scene in front of him left him dumbfounded.

On the right side, lay a 27-year-old youth.Blood gushed out from inside his black coat, and it flowed all over the ground in the blink of an eye.

"Touch porcelain?"

Li Feng couldn't help frowning. It was the peak time of crowd flow in the evening, and the road in front of him was only four or five meters wide, so Jiang Dachuan drove very slowly.

Judging from the young man's position, he was just being rubbed off. As long as he is not an old man or a child, there is no possibility of any major problems.

It's even more impossible to bleed heavily with a light bump.

"This, is this too exaggerated?"

Jiang Dachuan also got out of the car and came around. When he saw the blood all over the ground, he was shocked at first, and then he reacted.

This guy must be touching porcelain.

Li Feng took out his mobile phone and decided to call the police.

"No, don't call the police, I'm fine..." The young man struggled to get up, beads of sweat kept rolling down his forehead.

"You were injured in the first place?" Li Feng realized that this young man didn't seem to be faking it.

Even if it is Pengci, it is not so exaggerated, it is too unprofessional.

The young man nodded. His face was pale. Seeing many pedestrians gathering around him, he became more and more anxious to get up.

Li Feng and Jiang Dachuan looked at each other, frowning.

This situation seems to be more troublesome than encountering Pengci.

After bleeding so much, the young man still wanted to leave, and he firmly disagreed with calling the police.

This undoubtedly means that this guy is avoiding the police, and the possibility of being a criminal is extremely high.

If you call the police, unless this guy's crime is serious, once he is hated by the other party, there is no guarantee that he will not retaliate after he comes out.

Li Feng was not afraid, but the car belonged to Jiang Dachuan, so if he wanted to check, he had to find Jiang Dachuan's family first.If he wasn't there, with Jiang Dachuan's physique, he could probably be knocked down with a single punch.

If you don't call the police, this guy will lose too much blood and die on the road, which will be a big trouble.

He didn't know very well whether Jiang Dachuan would be responsible if this happened.

The more anxious the young man was, the more he couldn't get up. He looked at Li Feng and asked, "Can you take me out of here first?"

"I'll take him to my place, Uncle Jiang, you can take a taxi back." Li Feng was also worried that more and more people would be onlookers, causing the situation to get out of hand.

"This, is this okay?" Jiang Dachuan was a little confused, mainly because the young man had shed too much blood, as if he was about to die.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it."

After Liang Furong and the others got out of the car, Li Feng helped the young man and pushed him into the passenger seat, so that the four of them would not have to worry, and then drove to his residence.

(End of this chapter)

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