All-Professional Trainer

Chapter 44 I am an ugly man 1

Chapter 44 I'm an ugly man

At noon, Li Feng opened the newly registered Penguin and found two videos.

It only takes a few minutes to open the first copy.

On the screen, a young man in his thirties appeared.

He has a name tag all over his body, and beside him, there are open password boxes one by one.

In the password box are stacks of banknotes.

"The time is a bit short, so I only prepared this for the time being. Each box is 100 million, a total of ten boxes. If Mr. Li can make me a top racing driver, it will be no problem to increase the training fee by ten times." The man turned over the lockboxes one by one. Come here and let the stacks of banknotes fall to the ground to prove that the cash inside is genuine.

"Not bad!" Li Feng nodded, which at least showed that the other party was willing to pay a high training fee for his dream.

Although there is no proof of hard work and hard work, it barely meets the minimum requirements for his interview.

"Of course, my money is not so easy to get." The man looked at the camera and said calmly: "Let's talk ugly first, and accept it if you have the ability. If you don't have that ability, your life is more important."

Li Feng was speechless, even Fang Zihan annoyed him back then.

At the beginning, Fang Zihan just hung up on him and arrogantly asked him to make an offer.

This kid actually dared to threaten him!

There is no need for an interview, just click.

He replied: "Sorry, I don't have that ability."

"Trash, wasting my time!" The other party blacklisted him first.

Li Feng shrugged, found a pen and a notebook dedicated to recording the blacklist, and wrote down the kid's penguin number.

Teacher Li is not so easy to scold. When the hacker's ability value increases, he will let you have a taste of what it means to live and die.

Then, open the second video.

On the screen, a beautiful and lively girl in pajamas appeared.

"How is it? Pretty? Surprised?"

The girl turned in a circle, showing off her slender figure in all directions.

"Not only that, but I'm also versatile! Let's show Teacher Li a dance first."

The girl raised her eyebrows at the camera and began to dance lightly.

The dancing posture is not graceful, but it is beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Li Feng couldn't help frowning, Lin Siyun dangled in front of him every day, and she was already tired of looking at beautiful women.

Moreover, if you want to watch beautiful women dance, you can grab a lot of them on the live broadcast, which is far more professional than this girl.

He wants to turn off the video directly.

Remembering that the video seemed to last for more than two hours, he hesitated and started to fast forward.

Twenty minutes later, the girl finally finished dancing.

She was a little out of breath and moved a stool, sat on the stool for a minute or two, drank a glass of water, then got up and left.

Not long after, he appeared in front of the camera holding a stack of thick drawings.

Pick up the first one and face the camera.

It was a piece of composition paper, on which a little girl was drawn with a pencil.

Li Feng doesn't know how to draw, but he can tell that his drawing skills are definitely at the worst level, and it may be the girl's childhood paintings.

"I drew this by myself in the mirror when I was six years old. I have drawn a lot, and this is the most satisfying one. Don't think it's ugly, I drew it when I was six years old, and it's already very good."

Carefully placing the composition paper on the stool, she took out the second one and showed it to Li Feng.

"I also drew this when I was six years old. I planted this little sapling in the yard myself. It's a pity that it disappeared for no reason."

"This one! A colleague of my dad taught me how to draw, isn't it pretty good?"

"This one is amazing, the kitten I raised when I was a child. I can't draw it no matter what, I draw two pictures a day for two months, and I am satisfied with this one."

"This one is the scenery outside the window I drew when I was in the second year of junior high school. It was confiscated by the teacher, but I asked for it back. Beautiful girls are so awesome."

One after another, each has its story.Each one is the girl's most proud work from that period.

But the farther to the back, the smile on the girl's face became less and less, and even disappeared completely.

Gradually, unwillingness and depression appeared on her face.

She is still beautiful, but she can no longer feel the lively and youthful atmosphere from her body.

She remembered that she had participated in many painting competitions, but never won an award.

She is still insisting on painting, but only interest remains, and her dream of becoming a painter gradually fades amid repeated setbacks.

At the end of the video, the girl put the last drawing on the stool and was silent for a long time.Walk up to the camera and set the video recording to off.

A crystal teardrop flashed away in front of the camera.

From the introduction of the drawing, for nearly two hours, Li Feng stared at the screen without blinking, without missing any details.

"Unfortunately, I didn't stick to it, and only met half of the requirements."

He picked up the phone, called up the call history, and saved the girl's phone number.

Then, on the Penguin, he replied: "Sorry, you didn't pass."

On the other side, two hours later, Yang Xixi's mood has calmed down, and her lively atmosphere has been restored.

When she received the news, she felt a little disappointed.

She sighed and sent a pitiful expression: "I'm so beautiful, cute, and versatile, didn't I pass?"

"Sorry, didn't pass!"

"Okay then Teacher Li, can you tell me that you are an ugly man? Then I won't be so disappointed."

Li Feng couldn't laugh or cry, and it took him a long time before he replied against his will: "I'm an ugly man, otherwise, I wouldn't be so low-key."

Yang Xixi really felt a little better, she sent Li Feng a sunny smile.

Li Feng was speechless, he actually didn't knock off Yang Xixi.

Of course, it was not confirmed that this Yang Xixi would come to Cangnan City for inspection.

After all, he still hasn't read most of the text messages, and Yang Xixi hasn't fully met his requirements.

In other words, Yang Xixi is in a pending state.Whether to let her pass the second test depends entirely on whether there is a better candidate in the future.

The reason why the notification to the other party failed was to try Yang Xixi's temper.Secondly, I didn't want to give the other party too much hope, lest she waited for many days, and then received a notification that she didn't pass, which made her even more depressed.

If it has been notified that it has not passed, and then received a call to pass, it will turn into a surprise.

As a result, Yang Xixi's reaction left him speechless.

"Finally found a pending one, but it still makes people feel a little unreliable..."

Li Feng is a bit dizzy, it has been three or four days, and there is not much progress!

"Is it possible that my requirements are too high?"

"No matter how much it is, it's better to lack than to overuse."

"Besides, Ruoxin will be back in half a month. Once Ruoxin comes back, it will be Chinese New Year soon, and there is no time to inspect the character of these trainees."

Li Feng quickly confirmed his idea. The number of training places was limited and he decided to take a carefully selected route.

(End of this chapter)

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