i revived the scientist

Chapter 461 Lihuo Civilization, Behind the Worship of Nature is the Kingship, Kaiser the Great

Chapter 461 Lihuo civilization, behind the worship of nature is the unity of kingship, Emperor Kaiser

After arriving at the Lihuo Continent, Su Sheng checked the interstellar coordinates and found the capital of the Lihuo Civilization, the Holy Fire City!
Here I want to explain that the Lihuo civilization is a semi-technical and semi-feudal civilization. The semi-technical part is that the Lihuo civilization is indeed focused on the development of science and technology, especially in the field of space vehicles. Their civilization has a supreme and only ruler, Kaiser, the Lihuo Emperor!

The Kaiser family has been in the same line, controlling the Lihuo civilization from generation to generation, and enslaving all the worlds and races in the southern star field.

Countless Huiyuan ago, the Kaiser family claimed to be the descendants of the fire god Zhurong, and they came to lead the southern star field to prosperity and prosperity. Therefore, the Kaiser family integrated the surrounding civilizations and resources to create the Lihuo civilization, and oppressed the southern star field. .

Rather than saying that the Lihuo civilization believes in the god of fire Zhurong, it is better to say that what they believe in is actually the Kaiser family and King Kaiser who pioneered the Lihuo civilization!
As for the divine grant of imperial power, at best it is a system of rule and slavery, a way to make all the civilizations in the Southern Star Region and the descendants of the Lihuo civilization submit.

The destinations that Su Sheng and his party went to were Kaiser Imperial City and Holy Fire City. One-tenth of the Fire Continent is the most fertile land!Natural treasures, outstanding people, beautiful mountains and rivers, suitable for living.

Under the holy fire city, it stands majestically, built by the mountains, and stands by the water, stretching for hundreds of millions of miles, it is very spectacular.

With a big wave of his hand, Su Sheng asked the scientists to find a suitable place to establish the torch branch of the Rongguang Group, "Thirteen, Chen Mo, one of you has a little understanding of customs and humanities, and the other will develop the key product that Rongguang controls the South. You have cultivation base, therefore, a group of scientists will be entrusted to you two, firstly, to protect it well, and secondly, to build up Rongguang as soon as possible."

"But sir, I'm good at fighting and killing, and I'm good at being a guide, but if I'm asked to form a group enterprise, I'm afraid I'm not that material!"

Su Sheng smiled, "It's not for you to engage in commercial business and group management, but to recruit professionals to help you set up a business."

"Yes, I understand."


Su Sheng took Jian Chen and Lian Qi to the direction of the Holy Fire City Wangcheng. Su Sheng's Rongguang Group has a very high reputation and reputation in Kyushu, Chaotic District [-] and [-]. The Kaiser family has already found out what is going on with the interstellar information exchange traffic speed. Regarding the news about him and Rongguang Group, if Su Sheng revealed his identity and went to visit, the Kaiser family would surely wait for him. Plot it.

The topic returns to Lihuo Civilization Sacred Fire City.

The holy fire city was built on the oasis of the desert. The holy fire is burning, surrounded by deserts, and the dry sand is countless miles, but the oasis is full of spring all year round. There are mountains and plains, and tens of thousands of rivers flow down from the mountains. Heading southeast, it finally disappeared into the desert.

The language of civilization is similar to a back cavity nasal sound, very deep and hoarse, with an inexplicable sense of mystery and mystery.

Through collecting and translating instruments, everyone quickly mastered the language and writing system of the Lihuo civilization.

The nature worship level of the Lihuo civilization is quite high. Although the civilization belongs to the peak of the third level, the culture is still in a feudal society. For example, the king has the divine right to rule everything!Having the supreme authority to make decisions about all human affairs, for example, clothing that is close to the primitive style... actually gave Su Sheng and others the feeling of being in a primitive civilization, wearing animal skins, stepping on wooden clogs, and having deep veins in their skin The appearance characteristics are black, the pupils are black, and the long black hair is quite similar to some people in the South Asian region of China. In addition, the buildings are not as tall as imagined, just like the khaki-yellow desert, with different heights and clods piled up. Looking around, you can see several pyramid-like buildings.

If it weren't for the special aircraft flying in the sky, Su Sheng might really think that he came to a primitive civilization and a tribal civilization.

"It's a very contradictory civilization, the advancement of technology and the backwardness of culture coexist." Jian Chen frowned and sighed.

Su Sheng smiled, "I can't talk about contradictions, I can only say that they are a nation with beliefs and a civilization with beliefs. Today, with the popularization of technology and truth, the creatures of their race can still insist on guarding beliefs and primitive worship, and It's not easy, but..."

Su Sheng looked towards the imperial palace of Kaiser King City that stood majestically in the south-central direction. "However, the Kaiser clan's ability to deceive is indeed very strong. They can make people familiar with the truth and yet believe in 'superstition'."

When they came to the inner city, Su Sheng and others found an inn, "We are newcomers, and we don't know the special snacks of your Lihuo clan. Please, brother, give me some special dishes."

Su Sheng threw the small bag of Star Origin Stones into the hands of the young waiter, "Gentlemen, I will go to the back hall to greet you, and I promise to give you the best, most delicious and most distinctive cuisine in our restaurant."

The young waiter put on a pair of tricks very brightly, weighed the heavy one in his hand, and immediately felt happy, sighing to himself, what a generous customer!

After a while, the tables of Su Sheng and others were filled with delicacies from mountains and seas that they had never seen before. The big meal in the middle was an unknown animal like a large lizard or a pangolin. The tender meat was exposed. At this time, the young waiter brought a bowl of soy sauce-colored water seasoning from the bottom of the bowl drawer, and poured it gently and evenly on the meat grains that opened the gaps in the back, sizzling and oily. At the same time, A delicious meaty smell came.

The young waiter explained: "The most famous dish of our Lihuo civilization, Huo He Long Men!"

"This Hellfire Beast is specially bred in the magma river. The survival rate is low, but its meat is delicious, and it is sought after and loved by the rich and powerful in our civilization. Just this Hellfire Beast is worth eight high-grade Star Origin Stones!"

"Gentlemen, please taste."

Su Sheng scooped up a piece with a small spoon, put it in his mouth, and chewed, "It's like chicken, but it's more tender and smoother than chicken. Come and try it."

Lian Qi and Jian Chen were not too polite, they twitched their index fingers when they smelled the fragrance, and then they ate it with great joy!

"Is there any wine? Good wine!"

"Wait a minute, everyone. I'm going to pick up thyme. This is unique to our shop. It is famous far and wide. You can't drink it normally. However, today, by coincidence, our boss is happy with a son, so we sell one hundred shares of thyme. I'll give it to you guys to get it."

Thyme really deserves the name!

Thyme is fragrant.

"It's fruit wine! It's not high, but it's very fragrant, and it exudes a special fragrance of chime heart and spleen, not bad."


After eating, Su Sheng stuffed two more Star Origin Stones into the waiter, "Brother, we have something to ask you."

"Master, just ask, the little one will naturally know everything and talk endlessly!"

"Okay, good answer, I'm not stingy with rewards."

"Tell me about any major events related to your civilization ruler Kaiser the Great or the Lihuo civilization recently?"

The young waiter scratched his head, "It's been quiet lately, but nothing major has happened. Besides, there's news in the Imperial Palace... Ordinary people like us are even less qualified to know?"

Su Cheng took out a few Star Origin Stones from his pocket, "My little brother doesn't have a very good memory, why don't you think about it carefully?"

The waiter's eyes lit up, and he said: "There is no gossip from the imperial palace recently, but a major event did happen in the Holy Fire City, that is to say, three days later, Kumara Prefecture will hold a competition for the best The imperial palace accepts talented elites, and this rank does not distinguish between race and gender, only talent."

Su Cheng pondered for a moment, then gave the younger brother a Star Origin Stone to let him go down.

While drinking thyme, Su Cheng had a plan in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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