i revived the scientist

Chapter 460 The Rear of Glory is in full swing, the Southern Starfield, a Lihuo Civilization with Fa

Chapter 460 The Rear of Glory is in full swing, the Southern Star Territory, a Lihuo Civilization with Faith
On this day, Rongguang Group's sixth-generation aircraft went online, and one billion spaceships were sold out within seconds of launching. Online shopping is simply invincible!Here I want to talk about Xingtao products. In the previous life, Mao Baogou sold goods that obey the laws of the earth, such as controlled appliances, guns and ammunition, don’t even think about it, but in the interstellar space, as long as it does not violate the interstellar convention , are not violations of law and discipline, so Xingtao products... really sell nothing!From small particles of bacteria to as large as spaceships, there are only things you can't think of, and nothing you can't buy.

Closer to home, together with the sixth-generation private spaceship, Rongguang public transportation is also launched. The major "bus stations", "high-speed rail and subway stations", and "Yuanhang Airport" are gradually being laid and expanded, or opened. The main city of the star field, from the main city to the main city, from the main city to the counties and towns in the suburbs!
It can be said that Rongguang Group is really building an unprecedented transportation network and information network!

Rongguang Technology began to gain popularity.

At this time, Su Sheng and his party had passed through the third chaotic area, and headed to the southern star field in the direction of the Lihuo civilization.

Southern Star Field, also known as Southern Lihuo Secret Realm, Lihuo Holy Realm, Zhurong Continent and so on.

The southern star field is respected by the Lihuo civilization. The Lihuo civilization belongs to the third-level peak civilization. It is one of the three three-level peak civilizations in the Pangu universe. It is also called Pangu along with the Andromeda civilization in the western star field and the Xuanming civilization in the northern star field Beihai. Three insurmountable mountains of civilization.

As for the pseudo-fourth-level civilization, the prehistoric civilization is not a civilization, and a collection of civilizations and families. If the Kyushu star map is added, the three major three-level peak civilizations will not work. It is difficult to become the opponent of the prehistoric civilization, but the problem is Before the prehistoric civilization faced the life and death of all Kyushu, it was impossible to think about... uniting with the outside world. Therefore, there is no prehistoric civilization among the top three in the Pangu universe!

The Lihuo civilization is a civilization with beliefs. They believe in the god of fire, Zhu Rong, and believe that all "fire" elements are created by "gods".

Naturally, the "God of Vulcan" Zhurong is their spiritual belief. They believe in Lihuo civilization, and even more believe in Zhurong, the god of fire.

In other words, the Lihuo civilization's worship of fire has reached an unbelievable level.

In addition to the Lihuo civilization in the Lihuo Continent, there are countless first- and second-level civilizations and a small number of third-level civilizations scattered outside the Lihuo Continent. They are relatively scattered and there are many livable civilizations. Su Cheng smiled and said: "According to the relatively scattered distribution of civilizations in the southern star field, if we expand our business and open up markets one by one, it will take an incalculable amount of time. Why not hand it over to the business department of the group, and we... go straight to Lihuo Continent, and Lihuo Civilized close contact, negotiation and market development.”

Before that, Su Sheng summoned a wave here, including a group of bosses from Level [-], Level [-], and even Level [-] civilizations, hundreds of scientists, and even some bosses who could cultivate.

Among them, there is a big boss who specializes in the field of soul cultivation, named Chen Mo. According to the information, this Chen Mo comes from a place called Tianxing Civilization, a sixth-level medium civilization. Chen Mo is the top boss of Tianxing Civilization, a giant of science .

Chen Mo is very similar to Shenxu, but has a little more direction of soul cultivation than Shenxu.

"Professor Chen, I need you to teach me the cultivation method of the soul. Well, I will trouble you, Angela and Mr. Shenxu to develop a virtual world for uploading souls, the third world!"

Later, Su Sheng told Chen Mo about the uploading plan of Shenxu and life soul, Chen Mo nodded and said seriously, "No problem, I will try my best."

"I'll talk about life uploading later, now, I need you to teach me the secret method of soul cultivation, please trouble me."

"You are welcome, sir."

Chen Mo clasped his fists and smiled, then glanced at Lian Qi, "You seem...very powerful..."

"Level [-] peak civilization, Lian Qi!"

Chen Mo looked solemn, "Hello, Professor Lianqi, I'm Chen Mo, I come from a sixth-level medium star civilization, a civilization whose main direction is soul cultivation!"

"I have abolished the soul technology, and it is difficult for the soul height to break through the peak of the eighth level. Therefore, my familiarity with the soul technology is not as good as yours. You can be a professor." Lian Qi said lightly.

Chen Mo nodded, and clasped his fists at Su Sheng again, "Sir, can we start?"

"Of course!"

According to Chen Mo's instructions, Su Sheng sat cross-legged, watching the bright moon and the sea.

"I have a mind map here, you can slowly comprehend and experience it."

Chen Mo took a black starlight into Su Cheng's mind, and suddenly, a strange pattern appeared in Su Cheng's mind, like thunder, sound waves, chasing patterns, cloud and thunder... It was amazing, besides, Su Cheng saw I saw some weird things, some big, some small, indescribable, inexplicable, and unknown.

In short, Su Cheng had an indescribable feeling wandering, floating, and wandering in his mind.

Then, those static mysterious patterns and lines suddenly began to change, rotate...even become dynamic, running around in Su Sheng's mind!

Su Cheng was in a bit of pain. This pain and severe convulsions definitely did not come from the body, but from the soul.

Suddenly, Chen Mo's voice came from nowhere, "Sir, guard the mysterious rune along the way, and follow the direction of the rune to go to the spiritual gate of life and death! If you can break it, then break the spiritual gate, if you can't, then go to the spiritual gate linger before, and never return to the pattern."

Su Sheng was silent, embracing Yuan Yuan, obeying silently, choosing a relatively thick and mysterious pattern, and followed all the way to a strange gate, which seemed to exist, but also seemed to not exist!
Su Sheng tried to control the mysterious lines to hit the Lingguan, his lines were like the slippery loach, it was difficult to catch for a while, the mysterious lines lingered in the Lingguan!

Keep trying!

At this time, the outside world.

Lian Qi stared at Su Sheng closely, "Are you going to let Mr. use the way of the soul to break through the way of cultivation?"

"Well, the soul has a lot of restrictions on cultivation. If the way of the soul is higher than the way of cultivation, it will be more helpful for cultivation!"

Chen Mo told the truth.

Lian Qi nodded, but didn't say anything, but stared at Su Cheng closely, fearing that there might be something wrong with Su Cheng.

A day passed.

Two days passed.

Three days passed.



Eighth day!
Su Cheng suddenly opened his eyes, and the mysterious aura on his body became stronger.

Lian Qi said in surprise: "You have made a breakthrough?"

"Well, I was lucky to break through!"

Chen Mo said: "You are practicing the method of refining the soul to stabilize the soul."

"Okay, you guide me."


The southern star field is also coming soon.

In this trip to the Southern Star Territory, apart from opening up the situation, Su Sheng must do it quickly!a very fast one!

Strive to acquire the Lihuo civilization within one year.

In terms of technology, in addition to personal smart terminals, life-enhancing civilization, and other technological products, there are also two highways, products such as Rongguang Xingtao, etc.

But only these products are not enough, so life upload and soul games can be put on the agenda.

"When we stabilize the Lihuo civilization in the southern star field, we will bring Mr. Shenxu, Angela and others here to develop the life upload and soul game!"

(End of this chapter)

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