Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 39 The Roaring Skull (5 chapters)

Chapter 39 The Roaring Skull ([-]-word chapter)
As Yin Xiaoya inserted the skull memory into the lost drive at his waist, circle after circle of energy ripples began to appear on the belt.And when he opened the skull memory to one side, not only the skull cursor appeared in front of the belt, but also a large number of unknown fragments swam around his body, and Gaia appeared on his face. These unknown fragments are also attached to his body as the unique lines of the memory ability possessed.

Then, in the forest at night, a skeleton knight with black body and silver head appeared.Slowly, he raised his head, his dark and empty eyes glowed with a piercing dark purple light, like a messenger from hell, staring at Jess emotionlessly.

Kamen Rider SKULL (skull), the lost drive and skull memory used in the transformation are the other two things drawn in the previous three consecutive draws.The fist strength of the Kamen Rider skull is only 2 tons, and the foot strength is only 6.5 tons.Compared with the previous Meteor value, this value is still significantly different.

However, according to the system, the skull has a fixed spiritual effect called punishment than the meteor.It means that as long as it is punishing evil, not only the basic value will be doubled, but also the power of idealism will be doubled.

In other words, Yin Xiaoya, who is now angry and wants to punish Jess, has transformed into a Kamen Rider skull with a fist strength of 4 tons and a leg strength of 13 tons.And with his anger, this value is still soaring.

At this moment, if he didn't understand that the other party was here to deal with him, Jess would be too stupid.Thinking that there was a monster following behind who killed their team, he knew he had to make a decision.

So he took the first step to attack Yin Xiaoya, and countless chains hit him.But what he didn't expect was that the other party was standing there, despite his chains whipping him, but still remained motionless, as if these attacks were harmless to him.

"So weak."

Jess' pupils shrank, he retracted the chain, and shouted sharply: "What did you say!?"

"I said you are so weak. Sure enough, you are full of evil power, so you are so weak."

"Bastard, then I will absorb all your strength!"

While speaking, a cloud of red and black mist appeared all over Jess's body, and this cloud of mist soon enveloped his martial soul chains.And under his control, Yin Xiaoya, who had not moved at all, was tied up firmly.

"Hahahaha, you can't run away! I just used up some power, so I will make up for it from you, and let me obediently become a human!"

Yes, these mist are exactly the power they can use to absorb the cultivation of other soul masters. As long as they are entangled with these mist, they will be absorbed like an electric shock, and then their vitality will be absorbed little by little together with the cultivation in the body. suck away.This technique combined with his chain martial soul has already squeezed the cultivation base and vitality of no less than ten people.Unfortunately, this time he fell.

"No...impossible, why is there no cultivation at all?"

Soon, his ferocious smile froze. Looking at the man who had transformed into a skeleton knight in disbelief, he finally realized something.

"You... aren't you a soul master?"

Faced with his questioning, Kamen Rider Skull stared at his eyes shining with dark purple light, but did not express any opinion.

At this time, a breeze blew, gently blowing the gray-white wind scarf around the skull's neck.The next moment, Jess, who felt physically and mentally connected to his chain, suddenly felt a terrifying force coming along the chain. Just when he realized it was bad and was about to take back the chain, it was too late.

There was a crashing sound like grinding teeth, and the chains tied to Yin Xiaoya's body were instantly torn apart by him.On the other hand, Jess screamed in pain because his martial soul was damaged.

"I have never felt that the screams of sin are so beautiful."

Gracefully put the hat in his hand on the cold skull, and the next moment, he jumped in the direction of Jess.


A punch hit Jess in the chest, and he flew upside down like a kite with a broken string. After hitting three trees in succession, he stopped with blood on his mouth, and his chest was sunken. Just one punch, All the ribs in his chest were broken.

He gasped in pain as one of his lungs was blown too.The skeleton knight not far away walked towards him step by step. He was speechless, his face full of horror.Under the severe pain from the wound, he used all his strength to re-release the chain spirit, and the second and third spirit rings lit up at the same time, so these chains immediately formed a closed cage to protect him inside.

Jess, who was hiding in his defensive soul skill, tore off a pendant from his neck tremblingly, and turned on its activation device.As a result, the pendant began to emit green light, rushing towards his whole body.Not only is his soul power recovering quickly, but even the depression in his chest is also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"As long as my chain cage is not a 5-ton attack, it can achieve the effect of non-injury defense in [-] minutes. Fortunately, I have a healing soul guide, so I can recover quickly now. Hmph, you are here It's a waste of energy outside, after I regain all my strength, then..."


The sudden roar interrupted his soliloquy, the entire chain cage was trembling, and it also scared him into a cold sweat.But he was only frightened for a while, and then he relaxed.According to the induction sent back by the chain, he could clearly perceive the strength of the blow just now.

"Underestimate him, just now he actually has four tons of strength. Hmph, but my chain cage can instantly defend against fifteen tons of strength, which is not enough..."


There was another loud bang, and this time, the trembling of the chain cage was even more violent than before, and he was so frightened that his eyes widened.

"Five...five tons! Is it growing?"


As if responding to his question, the movement of the next blow became even bigger.At this time, Jess finally couldn't calm down anymore.

"Eight tons? How is this possible? Hurry... Hurry up and recover."

"Boom! Boom!! Boom!!!"

The attack from outside has not stopped, and it is getting heavier and heavier, nine tons, ten tons, eleven tons, and Yin Xiaoya from outside punched it one after another, until it finally stopped when it was thirteen tons down.

Just when Jess thought this was the opponent's limit, what followed was a roar of a monster.


Under this loud roar, Jess's chain cage was subjected to nearly sixteen tons of pressure, and finally it could no longer support it, and it was instantly cracked.Jess was lucky enough to recover to his full power through the soul guide before it collapsed, but he was so frightened that he no longer had the idea of ​​fighting it.At the moment when the chain was broken, he screamed and fled in the opposite direction like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

Even if he chose to escape immediately, he still saw what happened to Yin Xiaoya.He clearly saw a huge skull made of purple energy appearing on Yin Xiaoya's chest, and the roar he heard just now was obviously coming from this skull.With such a terrifying vision, what else could he do other than speed up his escape?

On the other hand, Yin Xiaoya quietly watched the back of the other party getting farther and farther away, and calmly took out the skull memory from the middle of the lost drive, and inserted it into a slot on the right side of the waist, Then pressed down hard.

[SKULL! Maximum Drive! (Skull! Extreme drive!)]

The skull formed in anger on the chest emitted a brighter purple light, and then flew high.

"The crimes on you are beyond count, so pay with your life."

Then, Yin Xiaoya followed the huge skull and jumped up high. When both of them jumped to about 30 meters, Yin Xiaoya stared at the back of Jess who was fleeing in the distance, and then kicked The ball shot was mediocre, and the skull was kicked out.



The skull opened its piercing mouth, let out a horrifying roar, and bit Jess at an extremely fast speed.

"Ah! Don't come here! Uhhhhh!!!"


Jess' screams were quickly drowned in the roar of the explosion, and the area was also shrouded in purple light of punishment.Even some soul beasts that were originally attracted by the movement here retreated in fright after sensing the fluctuation of this energy.

It stands to reason that with such a powerful trick, Jess should have been blasted to the ground without even scum left.But because the evil soul master has absorbed a lot of other people's cultivation base and vitality, his own vitality has become as tenacious as a cockroach.Even though he had been blasted to a bloody mess, Jess was still holding his breath, and even remained awake.Of course, his whole body was bombarded with flesh and blood, and at this moment he was suffering the pain that would make life worse than death.


A pair of green monster legs fell heavily beside him, and he looked up along the legs, it was the mantis monster that had been chasing and killing them just now.On the other side, Yin Xiaoya also walked over step by step.

Under the dual effects of strong panic and desire to survive, Jess actually called for help to Yin Xiaoya in a delirious state at this time.

"Woo~uh~ help... me..."

Yin Xiaoya looked at him condescendingly, at this moment his eyes were no longer glowing with purple light, and returned to the state of black holes, revealing an incomparably coldness.He gracefully lifted his slightly crooked hat, and said without emotion.


After finishing speaking, he turned coldly and walked to the other side. As for the screams drowned by the mantis monster behind him, it naturally didn't affect him at all.

Right in front of him, Mantis was already waiting for him, and she knelt respectfully in front of Yin Xiaoya.

"My lord, the evil human in this spirit beast forest, the one just now is the last one, and the others have all been dealt with."

"Very well, thanks for your hard work, Mantis. Huh? They are..."

At this time, Yin Xiaoya noticed that not far behind her, there was a pair of young men and women looking at them with horror, especially when Yin Xiaoya looked over, they were even more frightened Gotta flinch a bit.

At this time, Yin Xiaoya transformed into the skull of the Kamen Rider. Although it is cold, the original shape is a skeleton after all, which is somewhat permeable.And the mantis beside him and the mantis who devoured Jess are really monsters.So it is not incomprehensible that they would have such a reaction.

If it wasn't for waking up and seeing that the evil spirit masters who attacked them before had turned into mummified corpses all over the place, and that the mantis really didn't hurt them, the two might have run away in fright.

Of course, they didn't dare to ask Mantis why she wanted to save them, so they obediently obeyed her orders and followed her here.Then they saw Jess being blasted into a half-dead state by a huge skull, and after that, the mantis monster that appeared devoured Jess, and only then did they know why those evil soul masters turned into mummies.

Probably because he realized that his image was a bit scary, so Yin Xiaoya glanced at Mantis, who nodded knowingly.

"The task is over, let's break it down."

The mantis monster at the side began to disintegrate into a large pile of silver cell coins without any resistance, and then merged into the body of the mantis without any remaining ones.Then, she also differentiated into a pile of cell coins, pouring into the green praying mantis core coin in the center of her chest.After finishing all this, it quietly floated into Yin Xiaoya's palm.

Putting away the mantis core coin, Yin Xiaoya walked towards the two of them, and under their amazed gaze, released the transformation.

"Don't be nervous, I'm a human being, and I asked her to save you just now."

After seeing the ruthless skeleton knight transform into a human like them, the two finally relaxed.But also because they relaxed too quickly, the exhaustion from being hunted down for the past two days also surged up, causing them to sit down weakly.

"Are you here to save us?"

Yin Xiaoya shook his head: "I'm here to eliminate the evil soul masters, saving you is just a matter of little effort."

He was not hypocritical, the reason why he bypassed the entrance and got out of the eyeliner of those soul master guild members, and entered this soul beast forest, was to destroy the evil soul masters who were active here.For this reason, before he came here, he contacted the mantis who was hatching offspring in the soul beast forest through the system, and asked her to help him find this group of evil soul masters.

He didn't expect that Mantis had already sensed that a group of evil people had come to this forest, not because of their evil soul power, but because after becoming a desire envoy, Mantis had the ability to perceive desire. ability, and the desire energy of this group of people is full of extremely negative and evil fluctuations.

So after receiving Yin Xiaoya's order, she was able to find these people immediately.It wasn't until this time that Yin Xiaoya knew that this group of people was chasing and killing other humans, so he ordered Mantis to save them.

Originally, I wanted her to drive this group of people to where she was and let her solve it, that is, let her act as a positioning role.However, Yin Xiaoya didn't expect that she would hatch the Darkness Envoy through the desire of these people, so in the end there was only one of their little leaders left.

Under the punishment ideal of Kamen Rider Skull, Yin Xiaoya defeated him effortlessly.Of course, in the end it was the Mantis Monster who did it.

"Now there are no other evil soul masters in this forest. What are your plans next? By the way, are you two here?"

Seeing the gloomy expressions of these two people, Yin Xiaoya's tone froze for a moment. He naturally understood what this expression meant. When she met Fang Xin for the first time, she was also like this.

"Teachers and classmates who are traveling with us, everyone has been given by these demons..."

The girl was sobbing, and the boy at the side just hugged her silently, with helplessness and sadness in his eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't know that these bastards have committed so many crimes. If I knew it, I would let you do it."

The boy shook his head and said gratefully: "This has nothing to do with you, and you also rescued us and avenged my companions. You are our benefactor. Please tell the name of the Emperor's House , our Sword God Academy will definitely come to thank you in the future."

Sword God Academy?With a name I have never heard of, it seems that it should be an unknown academy.He doesn't need to visit the door to thank him, but for him, it is still necessary for him to spread the name of Kamen Rider.

"My name is Yin Xiaoya, and I'm a Kamen Rider. I don't belong to any sect. For the time being, I'm staying at Shrek Academy. Well, I'm their guest?"

As soon as the boy heard that it was Shrek Academy, his expression immediately became respectful: "To be treated as a guest by Shrek Academy, you must be not an ordinary person. This is my junior sister Jiang Yan, and I will tell you when the two of us go back this time. After the dean of the school, he must visit his benefactor at home, of course, our academy also opens the door for benefactors, you are welcome to visit us at any time."

Yin Xiaoya chuckled lightly, not pointing out the idea of ​​trying to win him over in his words.

"Okay, let's talk about these things later. Now I'll send you out first."

Who knows, the two refused his help.

Jiang Yan said: "Since these guys no longer exist in this forest, we want to collect the corpses for the teachers and classmates."

"But, as far as the two of you are concerned, if you encounter a soul beast that is too old, wouldn't it be dangerous?"

Liu Zhu shook his head: "Don't worry, that demon just now has a storage soul tool that was stolen from us, and there are items that can be linked to our academy. As long as it is activated, it will not take long before the academy will naturally People will come. And after we collect the corpses of our companions, we will immediately retreat to the periphery, as long as it is not the existence of evil soul masters who will suppress the power of normal soul masters, the two of us, brother and sister, can still handle the experience."

Seeing that the two insisted so much, Yin Xiaoya didn't hold back any longer. Considering that the two of them are not in a good condition, he left behind two healing medicines that he got when he set off from Shrek.

"Thank you my benefactor."

Yin Xiaoya nodded: "Be careful, see you later."

After speaking, he left without looking back.

Looking at the direction where Yin Xiaoya left, Jiang Yan asked suspiciously: "Brother, have you heard of Kamen Rider?"

Liu Zhu walked to the side of Jess who had turned into a mummy, and found the soul tool from his body that was stolen from their teacher. After hearing Jiang Yan's question, he shook his head: "I haven't heard of it, but His power is so mysterious and powerful, he should not be someone unknown. And I can feel that he exudes an aura of indifference to fame and fortune, and there must be other purposes for deliberately leaving the title. Forget it, all of this Let’s talk about it after the people from the academy arrive, I believe the dean will know about it.”

 I'm sorry everyone, I was delayed by something today, so the update is a bit late, and I only have time to process [-] words, and I will fill in the rest tomorrow.So please don’t be stingy with small tickets~~
(End of this chapter)

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