Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 38 Burying the Sinful Skeleton

Chapter 38 Burying the Sinful Skeleton
In the soul beast forest with complex terrain, a young man and woman were fleeing in horror.The sun has gradually set, and the line of sight is getting worse and worse.One of the girls slipped and fell down because she didn't see the terrain clearly.

The boy who was with him hurriedly stopped and pulled it up, and asked out of breath, "Are...are you alright?"

The girl shook her head to express that she was fine, but said with a look of despair, "Why did we encounter such a thing."

At this moment, there was another sound from behind, and the two of them got up and fled in a hurry like frightened birds.At this point, both of them were exhausted, but there was no way, they couldn't stop.Once they stop and are caught up by the guys behind, only death greets them, and they will become like their previous companions.

However, what they don't know is that the few black shadows who have been chasing them can actually catch up with them in an instant. The reason why they want to hang like this now is first to reduce their physical strength, and second is to Satisfy the perverted game psychology of these people.

Yes, in the spirit beast forest, they were not chased by spirit beasts, but by a group of cruel humans.And these existences that specifically target other soul masters are a group of evil soul masters.

These evil soul masters all practice a mysterious and cruel technique, they can become stronger in a short period of time by absorbing the power of other soul masters, and the sucked soul masters will become human beings.

For them, the fastest and safest way is to find a large number of low-level soul masters who are not very high-level.Of course, they would not be so stupid as to find a high-level soul master. Not only would it be laborious, but if they kicked the iron board, they would be the ones who would be unlucky.

"Yes, run for a while, hey, run for a while and it will become my strength."

Jess, who was the leader, looked at the two fleeing desperately in the distance, and greedy rays of light burst out from his blood-red eyes.

"Hey, boss, can you guys save a little this time?"

"That's right, you alone monopolized four prey before."

Facing the complaints from the younger brothers, Jess rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "Okay, I understand, I will give you the boy with a stronger foundation, and give me the girl with a weaker foundation."

The crowd immediately burst into cheers, and their cheers sounded like the devil's laughter to the two fleeing in front.

"I don't...I can't do it. Brother, at least you are alone, run away."

Finally, the girl who couldn't support her physically collapsed. The boy looked at the evil soul master who was getting closer and closer. He also gave up. With a tired face, he squatted beside the girl and shook his head.

"It's useless. With my ability, no matter where I escape, I will be chased by them. Why don't I stay and accompany my junior sister? At least someone will accompany me on the road, so I won't be alone."

Looking at the determination in the boy's eyes, the girl seemed to realize something.She nodded with tears in her eyes.

"I understand, brother, we are going to die anyway, why should we take advantage of these demons, brother, give me a ride."

The boy nodded with his eyes red: "Well, let's go together, Junior Sister, please."

Almost at the same time, the two erupted with the last trace of their soul power, and against the background of the soul ring, their respective martial souls appeared, both of which were sword-shaped martial souls.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Jess immediately realized what they were going to do. With a ferocious smile on his face, he said gloomily, "You want to commit suicide? Haha, you are prey, and prey don't have the right to decide their own destiny. Stop them!"

"Yes! Boss!"

While speaking, all of them released their soul rings, and simultaneously released attacking soul skills to this pair of men and women, these attacking soul skills were enough to interrupt their suicide.Of course, under this bombardment, although they will not die, they will be seriously injured to the point of hanging their breath.However, for these evil soul masters, as long as the prey does not die, they can gain power, so naturally they will not consider whether these prey will experience pain before death.

The level of this pair of men and women is still not as good as that of the evil soul masters. Before they could stab the sword in their hands into each other's heart, they were already affected by the attacks of these evil soul masters.In an instant, a shock wave several meters high exploded where they were, kicking up a cloud of dust.

At this time, Jess and the others had already rushed in front of them, but they couldn't see them for the time being because their eyes were full of dust.He angrily hit the head of the younger brother beside him.

"What the hell, you guys are using too much force! What if I kill you this time? Wouldn't it be a waste of time..."

"Boss, look quickly!" Another younger brother pointed to the front and said with a confused face, "What is that?"


There were bursts of sound when metal objects were touched in the air, and in everyone's sight, the pair of men and women had disappeared, replaced by a ball made up of a large number of silver coins, and now the sound they heard was The sound made by these coins wriggling.

"This... what is this?"


"Could it be Wuhun?"

Hearing someone mention Wuhun, everyone immediately became vigilant, and Jess' face became gloomy. He naturally realized that someone rescued them, and the two people were probably in the pile of coins now.This is the prey they spent half a day hanging on, how can people ruin a good thing.

So he released the martial spirit, and at the same time the four spirit rings of white, yellow, yellow and purple also appeared.His Martial Soul was a chain-like thing that gushed out from his palm, and then his fourth purple soul ring lit up.The chain in the palm began to split into a large number of branches, and they all pierced towards the pile of coins in front of them.

"Pretentious! The fourth soul skill! Chain Hell!"

However, as soon as these chains came into contact with the pile of coins, they were blocked by a hand made of coins protruding from the inside. Looking carefully, there was something similar to an arm knife extending from the wrist of this arm.Then a cold female voice sounded.

"I found it, a human with an evil aura, um... what a strong desire."

As the sound sounded, a green dot suddenly lit up among the large number of coins, and then all the coins rushed towards the green dot.

Not only the arms, but these coins directly form a humanoid shape. Finally, a green light flashes, and a humanoid monster with extremely weird appearance and a white and green body appears in front of them.

The figure of this monster is female, and there are insect wings shaking on the back. The white part of the body has the texture of bones, but the green part is like the carapace of insects.

There is a pair of flexible tentacles on her head, and compound eyes unique to insects on her face. Other than that, it seems to be covered with a layer of armor.

And the most eye-catching thing is the bone knife that stretches out from her wrist, which is nearly half a meter long. If you look at it from a distance, you will be caught by its sharp blade.Overall it looks like a praying mantis that looks like a human.

"Boss...boss, what kind of soul beast is this?"

It's not that they haven't seen a humanoid spirit beast before, but they've never seen such a weird one, and what frightened them the most was that the standing praying mantis seemed to have spoken just now.Soul beasts can talk, what does that mean?There is no soul master who does not know.

Jess suddenly had a bad premonition. He noticed that just behind the mantis girl, the man and woman who had just been hunted down by them lay quietly, and seemed to have just passed out.This shows that it was the strange-looking existence in front of them who saved them just now.

"Don't scare yourself. If you speak, it must be a 10-year-old soul beast? If it is a 10-year-old soul beast, how can we still stand here and take care of it? She is clearly a human being, and this appearance is her spirit Mami only. Everyone is ready to fight!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the mantis girl in front of her disappeared instantly, turned into a pile of coins again, rushed towards the crowd, and caught one of them in the next second.

"Ugh! Boss, save me!!"

The mantis who reappeared tightly grasped the opponent's neck, and slowly approached the opponent's face: "Let me see what your desire looks like."

As she spoke, her eyes shone with a gleam of light, and a miraculous scene appeared. A long hollow appeared on the man's forehead. Then, Mantis threw a silver coin into it with the other hand. Also let go of him.

"What's wrong? What did she do to you?"

That scene just now really scared Jess. After cutting a hole in someone's forehead and throwing something in, the hole disappeared again?He had never seen such a weird thing.

And the man who was thrown a coin checked his body in a panic, and found that he didn't seem to have any discomfort, and was just about to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Boss, I don't seem to... um! Uh..."

After speaking well, the man suddenly started to twist, and then something more evil happened. A black hole appeared in his chest, and a hand wrapped in cloth stretched out from the black hole, and then a hand wrapped in cloth strips stretched out from the black hole. Cloth, like a mummy-like monster crawled out.

"Ugh! What is it!!"

The man collapsed to the ground in panic, looking at the strange man who came out of his body in horror.

Mantis said calmly: "Why panic, this is just your own desire, look at it carefully, everything it does is what you want."

Sure enough, this strange man did not hurt him, but stared at other people around him.

"Uh woo woo woo..."

I saw the strange man pounce. It seemed to be moving slowly, but it jumped on one of the frightened people very quickly.

"Ah!! Let me go! Let me go!! Uhhhhh!"

Just like a person who fell into a swamp, the person who was thrown down was instantly integrated into the body by the cloth monster, and then the monster climbed up twistedly, twitched twice, and vomited him out of the body again come out.

It's just that when he came out again, he was lifeless and turned into a familiar mummy.That's right, those soul masters who have been devoured by them look like this.

"Well, is it true that your desire is to devour power? It's really simple and easy to understand."

Facing the calm Mantis, everyone was frightened and frantically started to attack the strange man who started to turn towards them.However, it ignored these attacks as if it didn't feel pain.Then there was another pounce, and another person was caught. The scene just now was repeated again, and in a blink of an eye, another mummy fell in front of them.

But this time, the cloth monster changed, and heat began to emerge from its body, and then the cloth strips all over its body shattered and fell in the heat, and another mantis monster emerged from it, but this mantis monster was the same as the mantis monster beside it. Mantis is obviously different, that is, it has a human face.

"Have they hatched, then... let's kill them."


The mantis monster was no longer as dull as the cloth monster just now. Not only could it speak, but even its fighting style became regular, attacking these people very precisely.

"Quick... Quickly withdraw!!"

Even Jess, at this time, had already been crushed by what happened just now. After yelling, he was the first to turn around and run away, and these subordinates also hurriedly followed in panic.It was obvious that they were chasing people just now, but in the blink of an eye, they became the one being chased, which is really ironic.

Looking at these people who were chased and fled by the mantis monster, the mantis turned around and glanced at the men and women who were sleeping peacefully, and then said softly.

"My lord, people have been saved, as for those people..."

The screams of his companions came from behind him from time to time, and Jess was so frightened that he was sweating profusely, and he didn't dare to look behind him.After an unknown amount of time, there was no sound behind him, and he knew that his little brothers were all gone.But he still didn't dare to stop, until he could no longer hear any sound behind him, then he stopped slowly, panting heavily with horror on his face.

However, at this moment, there was a sound in front of him, which scared him to run away immediately, but when he took a closer look, it turned out that a human being in normal clothes was walking towards him step by step.

Seeing that the other party was a human being, he was slightly relieved. He never thought that meeting a strange human being in the Soul Beast Forest would make him so at ease.

"Hey! Later... there are monsters chasing after him, they are very powerful, join hands with me, let's escape together."

"Monster?" The other party's tone was full of anger and sarcasm, "The monster is already here, isn't it?"

"What?" Jess looked around in horror, but there was nothing but the two of them. He was so frightened that he became annoyed on the spot, "Are you kidding me?"

"Tricking you? No, no, no."

At this time, the other party had already walked less than ten meters away from him, and only then did Jess notice that the other party seemed to be just a young man who was not very old.He was wearing a white felt hat that concealed his expression, and on his waist was a red belt with a slot, which looked very weird.

He slowly raised his finger and pointed at himself and said, "Aren't you a monster who has devoured so many young lives? I'm right, evil soul master."

As soon as the other party revealed his identity, Jess' expression turned cold: "Who are you? From the Soul Masters Guild?"

The other party slowly raised his head, revealing an eye already filled with anger.At the same time, a light flashed, pointing to an extra black-purple cuboid object in his hand just now, and a white skull was printed on this object.

"Who am I? I am the one who buryes evil."

Gently press the button on the item in your upper hand.

[SKULL! (skull)】

Slowly take off the white felt hat on the top of the head.

"Okay, let's count your sins. Transform!"

(End of this chapter)

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