Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 35 The Thing That Made Flanders a Headache

Chapter 35 The Thing That Made Flanders a Headache

"I've heard Erlong say about the little three. As the dean, he doesn't want Shrek to get into trouble. After all, even Shrek won't be able to withstand the pressure from the outside world once the matter is exposed. But personally, I still hope to see the birth of various possibilities, so I don't mind providing shelter in this matter. Of course, the premise is that you can really have a way to hide his identity."

Called into the office by Flender, the other party made a statement as soon as he came up, which made Yin Xiaoya very grateful, because before that, he was not sure whether this matter could be settled.

In the world of Douluo, as a soul beast, Xiao Wu has developed feelings for everyone, so the people around her are protecting her.What if it was discovered in the first place?
Obviously, although the Flender in this world is not a money-loving knocker, his human nature is the same as the Flender in the Douluo world, he is a person who cherishes seedlings very much.

"Don't worry, I have a solution, but it will take a certain amount of time. Before that, I will not allow him to use his soul power outside of Shrek Academy. In this way, other titled Douluo will not find him gone."

Flender nodded: "I hope you can hurry up. The world of soul masters is not peaceful these days, and many people are doing whatever they can to become stronger. So...you understand."

The way he frowned made Yin Xiaoya feel that something was wrong. Speaking of which, since the Wuhun Sect and the members of the next four sects left last time, he has not only strengthened the training courses of the students below, but he has always been preoccupied look.Probably something happened in that meeting.

"Dean Flender, what happened? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Bibi Dong who was sitting on the side, uh no, it should be Liu Erlong at this time, put her long legs on Flender's desk, and said very leisurely: "This matter is just a turmoil in the world of soul masters. It doesn't matter. Relax your heart and develop the Kamen Rider business. If one day the existence of Kamen Rider can spread to the strength of the sect's power, then maybe you can count on it. Just be yourself now. And I also Waiting for you to use my power, after all, I also belong to a kind of Kamen Rider power now."

Looking at Liu Erlong who borrowed someone else's body and put on a carefree look, Yin Xiaoya was also a little speechless: "Didn't it mean that she wouldn't come out to disturb Bibi Dong during the day? After all, she is still in the growth stage, so she can't practice it." stopped."

Flender also looked like he was having a headache: "He's right, Erlong sister, I'm really very happy that you can return to our side, but you can't affect Bibi Dong too much, if you are in her The body is really suffocated, even if it comes out, it’s okay, I can..."

"Enough!" Liu Erlong shattered Flender's desk with one kick, causing him to shrink back in fright. "Even you despise me, don't you? Boss F, you think of me as Liu Erlong. Who is it? This Shrek Academy is also my last wish back then, will I be unfavorable to it? Do you think I will be selfish enough to affect Sister Dong'er's cultivation? I really don't understand, obviously we don't mind, he Why are you still unwilling to face me? This coward, man doesn't have a good thing, hum!"


After finishing speaking, he opened the door and walked out aggressively. Yin Xiaoya stared at this scene in a daze. Although the content of her speech was wrong in the middle, but also as a man, her last sentence, her own It seems to have been offended.

Seeing that the new gate that had just been installed for a few days was broken again, Flender sighed heavily: "This temper is really the same as before. She was like this when she was still alive. As soon as there was a conflict, they came to me to destroy things, I really owed them both in my previous life."

That's not right, the people who chased after the master were dumped in the end, not only would they be forced to be fed dog food later, they would also have to be used as trash cans and psychological counselors from time to time.This brother Flender is really good enough in the local area.

"Uh... what's the situation? Hasn't it been settled between them?" Yin Xiaoya leaned forward and asked.

Flender rolled his eyes: "Xiao Gang still doesn't know what happened to Erlong. This person is also stubborn. After all, he has something to do with Erlong. He couldn't bear to ask you. As for Erlong himself, He also planned to tell him the whole story after he got used to the current way of getting along. However, Erlong appeared in front of him with the appearance of Bibi Dong, which really made him unable to adapt, saying that he felt sorry for both parties. , so until now I haven’t answered the question that Erlong asked him before, and I don’t even dare to face it. No, it broke out last night. I adjusted all night without stopping, and I didn’t even have a good rest .”

Yin Xiaoya put his hand on his shoulder silently, and said nothing, Flender is a real man.

Sensing the comfort and sympathy in Yin Xiaoya's eyes, Flender smiled wryly: "Come on, from now on, I will simply not install a door here. Let them make trouble, as long as it doesn't affect the cultivation of the seven monsters."

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a while, and said to Yin Xiaoya: "Actually, I think it is necessary to tell you what happened in the soul master world this time, at least let you make some preparations for this matter in advance, in case You will be affected in the future, so you can deal with it in time..."

After listening to what he said, Yin Xiaoya finally understood why he was troubled now.

Flender told him mainly two things. The first one was what the Wuhun Sect and the next four sects came to talk to him last time, saying that this time there were two more organizations participating in the Wuhun Sect than before. Moreover, the soul engineer from the Sun Moon Continent who was expelled a few years ago also participated.

Of course, this time I came here as a friendly person.And it was also the first time Flender heard about it in that conversation, that the Wuhun Cult actually came together with the Sun Moon Continent, and it was obviously the soul instructor of the Sun Moon Continent that the Wuhun Cult took the lead to drive away, and now The two sides have come together, there must be a lot of hidden secrets, and there is no doubt that the combination with the Sun Moon Continent will definitely increase the strength of the Wuhun Cult.After all, those who participated in the battle were very clear about the horror of the soul tool.

But this time the Sun Moon Empire from the Sun Moon Continent sent people to participate in the Wuhun Holy Meeting. Not only were they specially allowed by the Wuhun Cult to use soul guides in battle, but they also provided three final rewards for this holy meeting. Seventh-level soul guide.A seventh-level soul guide, its skill power is already equivalent to the level of a soul emperor, how can it not make people tempted.

There were rumors before that the Wuhun Cult was worried that the competition in this world would be fierce, and that even they themselves could not guarantee complete victory. Therefore, in order to increase the rate of winning prizes, they took advantage of the fact that the Sun Moon Empire provided rewards, and offered to include The major forces, including Shrek, demanded the support of rewards, and they required at least something similar to the fifth-level soul tool or the lowest-level soul bone.

Because the increase in prizes means that the rankings that can be rewarded can be extended backwards. Originally, only the top three could get rewards, but now the top ten can get rewards.

Not to mention, it is really a good thing, at least the motivation of the participants will be greater.But this also means that participating in the competition itself has become a threshold, and for Wuhunjiao, this has become a profitable business, because it is impossible for their ranking to fall behind the top ten, or even absolutely impossible. Will be in the top three.

Even if they knew that this was the calculation of the Wuhun Sect, everyone still couldn't complain, not only because the Wuhun Sect was the most powerful, but also because the rewards in the past were all provided by the organizers of the Wuhun Sect, so they didn't give it away this year. Have the confidence to ask the contestants to provide reward support.

Flender has a headache. Although the relationship with the Wuhun Sect is not good, the Wuhun Sacred Meeting is of great significance, and Shrek must attend.But the problem is that in order to train students, Shrek Academy often chooses to absorb suitable students when they obtain soul bones, and they will not keep them.

The acquisition of soul bones is not something he can do if he wants, and it is impossible for him to hunt and kill soul beasts specifically for this matter. This is equivalent to unnecessary indiscriminate killing and does not conform to the practice of the academy.

"...This is really too difficult. Don't look at my Shrek's current scale, but after all, it has only been established for ten years, and the background is really not rich enough."

Yin Xiaoya was a little strange: "But hasn't Shrek cultivated a lot of talents over the years? Aren't the forces behind those talents always supporting Shrek? Can't you ask them for help?"

Flender nodded: "Indeed, I, Shrek, have a very strong relationship with these students' families for my status today. The Wuhun Sect is also very aware of this, so starting from this year, they have added the same generous rewards and a grand scale. The individual competition. The rule of this individual competition is that the contestants must only represent the sect or family. If the sect families related to us want to participate, they must also provide rewards. In this way , how can there be spare energy to support our Shrek? Even if they have children in my academy, but the regulations can only represent the sect, not the academy, so..."

So, to put it bluntly, it is to make Shrek feel isolated and helpless in this holy meeting.But if it's just a matter of rewards, it shouldn't bother Flender to this extent. Even if he doesn't have a good soul tool, he can't get a soul bone.It is also possible to directly capture one or two rare spirit beasts with a high enough level to provide the winner with a high-quality spirit ring.In this way, indiscriminate killings can be avoided, and the problem of rewards can be solved.No matter how bad it is, spend some money to go to some large auction venues, there must be such good things as soul bones.

Who knows, when Yin Xiaoya brought up these ideas, Flender shook his head: "I originally thought the same way, but it's not that simple, and this is the second thing to talk about."

It turned out that what really made him very anxious was not the matter of the Wuhun Saint Association.It happened in the current turmoil in the world of soul masters.It was the evil soul masters who caused the turmoil. Their recent activities have become more and more rampant, and they have even caused more than one large bloody casualty incident.

Snatching soul bones is still a trivial matter. It is said that there have been cases of evil soul masters attacking young soul masters in some places. Some of them are just children who have not graduated from the academy. Take away all the power until it becomes human.

For this reason, Flender even sent people to various soul master guilds, asking them to tell them to stop their guild tasks and return to the academy immediately when they encountered Shrek students.This includes three of the Shrek Seven Monsters who are still outside and have not returned.

"Because of the rampant evil spirit masters, almost all auction houses and dark markets have canceled the transactions of such good things as soul bones and soul guides, for fear of being targeted. After all, several auction houses have been murdered and stolen. Something happened. For this reason, soul master guilds around the world have received many entrusted tasks to eliminate evil soul masters. As for the soul beast you mentioned, I also mentioned it to the people of the Wuhun sect. A good soul beast of the year level, with a soul ring, if the soul bone explodes, it is considered the winner's property, but such a proposal was still rejected."

"Evil soul master..."

Yin Xiaoya's complexion also began to turn bad. He didn't expect these existences to appear so early. Could it be that his time travel had caused such a big impact?If this is the case, then it seems that I really need to do something more.

"Dean Flender, leave the matter of the soul bones to me. I will go to some soul beast survival areas in a few days, and I will find a way to help you get some."

"here you are?"

"Well, maybe I didn't explain it clearly to you before, but I can tell whether there are formed soul bones in the soul beast."

"What did you say?" Flender stood up with an unbelievable expression on his face. After he said this, he thought of one thing, "Yes, Jing Tieyang said before that Luo Pupu got the soul bone because of you The credit. Is this what you are talking about?"

Yin Xiaoya nodded: "That's right, and I planned to take those children with me when I went out this time, and help one of them, Ma Hongjun, find a spirit ring by the way, and I will find a way to get a spirit bone for you."

"Oh yes, you did mention this before." Flender hesitated, "But as I said just now, evil soul masters are rampant now, I really don't feel at ease if you take these children out, so , I will arrange some teachers from the higher department to go with you."

Yin Xiaoya originally thought so too, but he didn't have the nerve to mention it. Now that Flender said it on his own initiative, there is naturally no reason to refuse.

"That's the best, thank you Dean."

"This is also helping Shrek himself. Speaking of which, have you found all six replacements?"

Yin Xiaoya shook his head: "Not yet, it's still Fang Xin, Ma Hongjun, and Xiaosan. Although the rest have not been decided, I've already seen a few of them, and they will be finalized in the next two days."

Flender was stunned: "What? Don't you accept Tang Wu?"

"She is quite special. Although I also hope to accept her, but the cultivation of two martial arts is very difficult. If there is another Kamen Rider's power, it may not be chewable for her now. Besides, what if I can't bear to walk around after touching Haotian Douluo's bad luck."

Flender laughed: "So there are things you are afraid of."

 We are soliciting comments from everyone who agree with Douluo World's Kamen Rider form, and have ideas. It is best to attach the corresponding soul beast settings and which knight's transformation device to use.

  Good idea, I will adopt and reply.Thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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