Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 34 Boy, let's fall in love for survival

Chapter 34 Boy, let's fall in love for survival
Why don't you want to be a soul master?Xiao San couldn't say it, or dared not say it.But Yin Xiaoya knew it, and it was very clear.If there is no accident, his mother must be gone, and was hunted down by human soul masters.If it weren't for the soul beast after 10 years, it would be difficult to make a breakthrough, and he might not even be willing to transform into a human.

If he wants to become stronger and have the power to take revenge, then he can only choose to become a human being and become a soul master.But after that, he met Yin Xiaoya and saw another kind of hope.Since there is another path, why choose a soul master?
Slightly sighed, hatred can indeed make Kamen Rider stronger, but it can only be in the early stage, definitely not for a long time.Moreover, hatred is very ambiguous. It is neither a positive emotion nor a negative emotion.

Therefore, if Xiaosan accepts the power of Kamen Rider with such emotions, Yin Xiaoya will not approve of it.Moreover, he was very opposed to Xiao San not cultivating the power of a soul master.

"I can make you a Kamen Rider, but there will be some conditions."

As soon as she heard that she could transform herself into a Kamen Rider, Xiao San immediately regained her spirits.

"Okay, no matter what the conditions are, as long as I can do it, I will agree."

"Well, number one: You must not give up the path of a soul master. Don't change your face in a hurry, I think you should need strength, so there should be no reason to refuse any method of becoming stronger."

Xiaosan lowered her head, thought about it and asked, "Are you sure I can become stronger?"

"If you're willing to work for it."

"Okay, I promise."

"Then let me talk about the second condition. The soul rings you need to practice as a soul master must be solved by yourself. Shrek's teachers, including me, will not help you."

"Ah?" Xiao San was stunned on the spot, and at the same time his eyes began to flicker.

Yin Xiaoya smiled secretly, and then pretended to say: "This is my test for you as a Kamen Rider, do you want to refuse?"

You will never refuse, because you don't need to find any soul rings at all. One of the reasons why you don't want to practice soul masters is because of this. After the 10-year soul beast transforms into a human form and then practice, you can get your own soul ring, and you don't need to hunt other soul beasts.This matter is very strange to humans, and it will almost definitely reveal the truth that he is a soul beast.

Yin Xiaoya said this on purpose, just to help him find an excuse to hide it from others.

"Uh no, I'm not refusing, I accept this condition." Xiaosan replied with a forced smile.

"Okay, then the third condition... Before I talk about the third condition, I want to ask how is your relationship with Tang Wu? Uh, I mean as the opposite sex, what do you think of her?"

The topic suddenly involved Tang Wu, and Xiao San was a little caught off guard, his face was a little red, and he didn't know how to describe it.Tang Wu was the first human being he formally contacted after leaving the Soul Beast Forest, and he was also of the opposite sex. If calculated by the age after the transformation, the two could be said to be of the same age.

Although in the process of getting along these days, Xiaosan somewhat resisted too much contact with Tang Wu, and always maintained a feeling of repulsion, but in fact, he had already let go of his guard against this human girl.It's just that before Yin Xiaoya asked this question, he didn't think about it.

"Still... what else can I think of her? This woman is always careless and always likes to make decisions without asking me what I think..."

Yin Xiaoya just watched Xiao San list Tang Wu's various shortcomings with a smile on his face, until Xiao San snapped his fingers and couldn't say anything more.


"Don't have any more, I didn't expect you to observe people very carefully."

Xiaosan's complexion suddenly changed, and she danced redly: "No no no no! Don't talk nonsense!"

Yin Xiaoya put away her smile, and said with a serious face: "Listen, Xiaosan, my third condition is that from now on, you must always act together with Tang Wu, and I will come forward to arrange for you to live under the same roof." , You practice together, work and rest together, and you must never be separated."

"Ah? But, why?"

"She can save your life." Yin Xiaoya stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiaosan's hair, "You don't need to understand now, I don't think you can understand it either. You will naturally understand it when the time comes. Alright, I want to That's all I said, Tang Wu's side should be fine, you can go back and wait for her now. In a few days, I will take you and a few other backups of Kamen Rider to go to Soul Beast Survival District. Before that, you should practice and practice, and you must not slack off."

After finishing speaking, he was not allowed a chance to inquire, and let him go back in a daze.

In fact, if it wasn't for knowing that the two of them would definitely form a CP in the end, Yin Xiaoya would have told him directly that he would go to Tang Wu on the premise of getting married.But in matters of love, the more external interference items, the worse it will be.Although I haven't talked about the object myself, I still understand the truth.

The reason for deliberately making such an arrangement is to hope that their relationship can develop a little faster.Its purpose is just as I just said, to save his life.

As for the fact that he is a soul beast, it's okay if he doesn't use his soul power. Once he uses his soul power, he can immediately tell at the Title Douluo level.At present, there is only one way to deceive the eyes of the Title Douluo, and that is the lovesickness heartbroken red that Tang San, the main Douluo world, gave Xiao Wu.

But the problem is that this kind of immortal thing can only be useful if you recognize the owner, and the conditions for recognizing the owner are very harsh. It must be full of love for a person, and it must not have any flaws before it can be removed and be taken away by others. Recognize the Lord.The most important thing is that this opportunity is only once, therefore, it must be ensured that the relationship between the two of them has reached the level of the two people in the world of Douluo.

"As for Lovesick Heartbroken Red, System, do you have any clues?"

[No, but if you unlock the power of a certain Kamen Rider, there is a way to find it. 】

Yin Xiaoya knew which Kamen Rider it was referring to without a system prompt.

"You're talking about Kamen Rider W, right? The dual riders have the search ability of the Earth Library, so there is indeed a way. It seems that this time I go out, I have to find a way to unlock the power of the dual riders."

[Friendly reminder, the Earth Library is a special ability belonging to Kamen Rider's world view. After the magic modification, it has been set in the limit memory by this system, so it is impossible to obtain the power of simply unlocking the dual riding]

"What? That's too tricky, right? The ultimate memory is the ultimate prop for dual riding. To what extent do I have to unlock it?"

[The host has misunderstood, what I said is that it is only set in the limit memory, so the host can choose to skip the basic form of dual riding, and directly find a way to unlock the limit memory, which can save some effort]

Yin Xiaoya frowned, do you think I will be fooled?
"That's what you said, but what kind of soul beast is needed to unlock the limit memory with the ability of the Earth Library?"

[A total of three routes can be taken. Since two of them are certain to die, there is currently only one that is suitable for the host to choose]

I'll go, it's only one kind, you have the nerve to say it's a choice?

Rubbing his forehead, Yin Xiaoya said helplessly, "Tell me, how do you do it?"

[The place you need to go to is the world tree, which is the exclusive place for plant-type soul beasts, and there are answers you need there]

World tree, it is a place that has never appeared in the world of Lord Douluo, so Yin Xiaoya is also very unfamiliar with it. At present, I only know that it is a huge ancient tree that is the size of a continent. It is not only huge, but also towering. Into the cloud, even so far, there is no record of humans climbing to the top, so no one knows how high it really is.I only know that there are many, many plant-type soul beasts entrenched on it, and only plant-type soul beasts have been found so far.

"Sigh... that feeling of not wanting to enter the game once I saw the name of the mission came again."

(End of this chapter)

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