Unlock Kamen Rider in Douluo's way

Chapter 164 Kamen Rider Magical Girl

Chapter 164 Kamen Rider Magical Girl
Amid the violent shaking, Oscar slowly opened his eyes.

"Yo~ You're finally awake."

Scared, Aojia climbed up from the ground, looking at Ning Longlong who fell beside her, her body trembled.

At this time, Ning Longlong's whole body didn't have a good spot, mouthfuls of blood poured out from his mouth, soaking his clothes, and he had wounds of all sizes.And right beside him, a broken storage device was thrown there, and all the contents inside were spilled out.

There are quite a few soul guides that have lost their luster, as well as medicine jars that have been disassembled.Obviously, the reason why Ning Longlong survived such serious injuries is because of taking these medicines.

It's ironic that the users of the mainland's top support system Wuhun have to rely on these medicines to save them.But it also shows what kind of thrilling crisis Oscar experienced when he lost consciousness.

And from the fact that he didn't have any injuries at all, it can be seen that he must have spent a lot of energy protecting himself.If nothing else happened, most of the soul guides scattered around were used on him.

I heard him show off before that he took a lot of excellent props from Qiding Liulizong.

"You, you, why are you like this? Wait, I'm just turning a sausage into a sausage for you to recover..."

But before she released her martial spirit, Ning Longlong struggled to grab her hand.

"Don't! Don't waste your soul power, I've already taken the elixir, I can't die."

As he spoke, he also coughed twice, coughing up several mouthfuls of blood along the way.Scared, Oscar quickly hugged him.At this time, Ning Longlong fell softly into Aojia's arms like a weak boy.

Ao Jia burst into tears, "You fool, why did you do this for me? If something happens to you, a son of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, will you think I can still live?"

Ning Longlong gave her a white look: "Well, I regret it. I used to become an existence that didn't need the protection of others, but I didn't realize that if I grew up to that point, I would have to protect others instead. This No, I was fucked half to death."

Seeing Aojia crying even harder, Ning Longlong smiled wryly.

"Okay, I'm not blaming you. Besides, it's not time to cry yet. Do you think the danger is over?"

As soon as the words fell, a violent vibration came.It was only then that Oscar discovered that they were now in a resplendent pagoda.

"This...isn't this a treasure handed down from your ancestors?"

"No matter how precious you are, you have to use it. Otherwise, you will lose your life. What do you need treasures for?"

Having said that, Ning Longlong still had a look of regret and regret on her face.This pagoda was the ancestor of their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. When they passed away, they used a special secret method to refine their martial soul.It can be regarded as the last asylum they protect for their descendants.

Although there is more than one thing, each one represents an ancestor, and once its energy is completely used up, it will disappear completely.Therefore, their sect has another rule.Unless it is absolutely necessary, absolutely do not use up the energy of this treasure, at least make sure to leave a trace of energy to supply it.

But looking at the pagoda gradually dimming under the attack from outside, [-]% of the energy is almost exhausted.

Ning Longlong, like herself, is a soul master of the auxiliary system and has no combat ability.But with the support of the sect, he should have the means no matter whether it is to protect himself or to escape.But because he wanted to protect himself, he sacrificed so much.

Thinking of this, Oscar held back his tears and stared outside with a stern expression.

"Are those the ones who are attacking?"

"Well, I miscalculated. I didn't expect that there were soul masters of the control system among those people. We were separated from the other companions. It is estimated that everyone, like us, was hunted down by a group of evil soul masters. Know how they are."

As he spoke, he spread out his palm, and an item the size of a capsule lay in his palm.

"I specially left a soul guide for escape, but I don't have enough soul power to take you with me. Now that you are awake, there is no problem. This pagoda should last until half of my soul power recovers. .At that time, one more sausage of yours will give us enough strength to escape."

Aojia stretched out his hand, but he didn't take the soul guide, but closed Ning Longlong's hand and pressed it down.

"You are..."

"Put away the treasures left by your ancestors, and don't let them disappear."

"But... um!"

Before Ning Longlong could speak, her mouth was blocked by a fragrant sausage.At this time, he noticed that Ao Jia's right hand was already wearing a silver iron door ring.

"Are you going to fight? But haven't you always been afraid of fighting?"

Putting Ning Longlong down gently, Aojia couldn't help but reach out and stroke the blood stains on his cheek.

"I'm not afraid of fighting, I just don't like fighting, but if it's time to fight, I will never back down, especially when facing these guys who hurt my companions."

She stood up slowly, and lightly touched the belt of the waist-tone iron gate with her left hand.

【DRIVER ON! ! ! (driver on)]

With the sound of the sound effect, a golden magic circle appeared. In front of the belt, a gleaming silver driver belt appeared on the originally flat iron gate belt.

Feeling Aojia's determination, Ning Longlong chuckled lightly, and then swallowed the sausage in her mouth.

"Really, I thought I could catch up with you, but it seems that I have to let you run ahead for a while."

As a result, Ning Longlong stretched out her hand, and the pagoda, which was already about to dim, disappeared instantly, turning into a finger-sized pendant and falling into Ning Longlong's hand.

"Xiao Ao, I'll leave the rest to you."


Ao Jia's eyes showed a firmness that had never been seen before.

The evil soul master who was still attacking outside the pagoda was stunned by the sudden change, but after seeing the situation inside, the leader laughed.

"Hahahaha, brothers, that kid is dying, let's go squeeze him dry."

"Come on, you are eyeing this chick."

"Ah, let you see it? Hahahaha."

It was these guys who hurt Longlong like that...

The color of anger climbed on his face, and Ao Jia put the beast rider's wizard ring into the fingers of his left hand, and then raised his arms high above his head.

"Speaking of which, evil soul masters like to devour other people's lives and power, right?"

The other party's frolicking was interrupted by her words, and the leader said with an unhappy face: "Ah? So what? Little girl, you don't want to say you want to join us, do you? Hahahaha~ ok ok, For like-minded companions, we welcome you."

A sneer flashed across Oscar's face, he lowered his arms slowly, and after stroking his chest with both hands, he inserted the ring of the beast-riding wizard on the finger of his left hand into the socket on the left side of the beast-riding driver.

[Set! (loading)]

The next moment, the world in sight disappeared, and Oskar found himself in a world of nothingness.

With the sound of heavy footsteps, a huge mechanical monster slowly came from the oncoming darkness. It was the phantom monster Chimera unlocked by the mutated ghost-faced griffin.

"Oh? Have you finally made up your mind to formally sign a contract with me? Why? Need my power?"

"I kept you waiting for a long time. I'm really worried that you will get tired of my sausage and leave me."

Chimera lowered the huge lion's head, grinned and said, "It's definitely not possible to leave you. I can't explain it to the adults. And your sausage is also good for me, and I won't get tired of eating it." But it’s time to add some side dishes with other flavors, otherwise it will be too monotonous.”

"There are a few outside, but I don't know if the smell will stink."

"Hahahaha, interesting, come on, take my power and become a magic warrior."

"It's too masculine to say anything about a magic warrior. I don't like it. Why don't you call me a magic girl~"

As he spoke, the corners of Oscar's mouth raised, and he stretched out his hand to caress its head.So the light scattered the world, and the real world came back into sight again.

Those evil soul masters were walking towards her with sinister smiles on their faces, but at this moment, a lion's roar sounded from somewhere.They were so frightened that they stopped in their tracks, but nothing happened around them.

"Don't worry, I'll let you out, transform!!"

Oscar still maintained the posture of filling the ring, and then twisted forward.

[OPEN! ! (open)]

The iron gate on the drive was opened from the middle to both sides, revealing the image of a red-eyed mad lion with golden glitter inside. With the gemstone in the middle of the lion's forehead flashing with colorful light, a golden magic circle with a diameter of more than two meters appeared on Oscar directly in front of her, and slowly covered her body.

[L! I! O! N! LION! (Crazy Lion)]

Then, a warrior with a height of nearly 1.7 meters, a black background covered with golden armor, and compound eyes shining with green light appeared in front of everyone.

Unlike the male version of the beast rider in the original drama, the Kamen Rider beast rider transformed from a woman retains the original design while completely slimming down the body and visor.

And because it is a magical transformation, it belongs to the type that can change the size of the body after transformation, so Oscar, who was only a few meters tall, has become a model with an almost perfect figure, and he does not lack a sense of strength at all.

Ning Longlong, who watched Oscar's transformation from behind, happened to see her round and tight buttocks after transformation. With a puff, another ball of blood spurted out, but this time it came out of her nose.


"Don't look over here... I'm fine."

Seeing Ning Longlong covering his face, Ao Jia thought it was because of the wound, but he didn't want to worry himself.The anger in my heart couldn't help rising again.

A beast-like wild aura gushed out of her body, pressing towards the evil soul masters in front of her. For some reason, after being stared at by her pair of green compound eyes, these people ignored the feeling of being targeted as prey.

"Sarcasm! It's meal time!"

 Today is Sunday... I don’t even have a monthly pass, oh~~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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