Chapter 163

Just as Luo Pupu ended the fight, Fang Xin and Ma Hongjun who were scattered to the other side also ended the fight.

The evil soul master who faced the two of them was either kicked into ice chips by Xue Nu after being frozen.Or he was shaken to death in a mass of pale flames by bursts of knocking.

Perhaps it was because they were not separated very far, so they met not long after the battle ended.

After all, it was a strange place, Ma Hongjun looked around and asked, "Should we join other people, or go back directly?"

Fang Xin thought for a while and said: "When we were separated by the other party's force, I noticed that two evil soul masters were still there. The teachers don't have knight power. If the level of these two evil soul masters is too high If not, they will be in danger, so let's go to support Teacher and them first."

"Fine is fine, but do you know where they are? Or do you know where we are?"

"Of course, after all, when I was transferred away, the snow girl who had been staying in the mirror world was not affected. She was summoned by me during the battle just now, so she can know where we were before."

Ma Hongjun clapped his hands together: "Then what are you waiting for, quickly take me into the mirror world and let Xuenv take us there."

Fang Xin hadn't lifted his transformation yet, and there happened to be a small lake around him, so it was very easy to enter the mirror world.But when she came to the lake and looked at her reflection in the water, a golden knight figure subconsciously appeared in her mind.

Then, she hesitated.

"What's wrong? Your ability is not good enough?"

"No... Forget it, I can't explain it to you, let's go."

Gritting her teeth, she pulled Ma Hongjun and jumped towards the lake, entering the mirror world.

"I hope it won't appear again..."

As for Luo Pupu, after the battle is over, since there is no way to get it back like Fang Xin, all he needs to do is stroll around and see if he is lucky enough to meet his companions.

And these pictures were all seen by Xiaosan through the ability of red ginseng and radish.

"Kamen Rider is so powerful, I didn't expect to solve these headaches so easily."

Having said that, not everyone performed so well, and it was not so smooth for Ao Jia and Ning Longlong.

Facing the pursuit of evil soul masters, these two auxiliary soul masters naturally cannot fight directly.And Aojia, the only one with the power to transform into a battle, accidentally injured his head after being transferred, and lost consciousness on the spot. Only Ning Longlong was using the self-defense props of Qibao Liulizong to resist the attack while resisting the attack. Dodging.

"I said, don't you have people nearby? Hurry up and create a clone to help my companion!"

Facing Xiaosan's urging, Red Ginseng Laifu shook his head helplessly: "It's not that I don't want to, you also know that my avatar is incapable of fighting. Besides, they are separated too far, even if they go to lead a way That's enough."

"The interference can always be done, right? It's okay to scare people in the past?"

The red ginseng and radish sighed long and snapped its fingers, and the new picture showed Hu Liena who was chasing Tang Wu away.And not far behind her, there were two soul beasts following her, which were the two king beasts that were arranged to protect her.

After confirming that they were indeed rushing there, Red Ginseng Laifu turned the screen to Mr. Shrek, who was fighting with the priests of the Wuhun Cult. She focused on the two strange evil spirit masters who had never made a move. .

"Well, it's really strange. It should have some special ability. Don't let me down too much."

"...Hey! Are you listening to me?"

Xiaosan's voice was ringing in his ears, a smile appeared on the face of Red Ginseng Laifu, and then with a light wave, all the images disappeared.

"Okay, the people who are in the way will not be able to come back for the time being, so Blue Silver Emperor, let's talk about some private topics."

Seeing that the red ginseng and radish looked slightly wrong, Xiaosan asked strangely: "A private topic?"

"Yeah." Red Ginseng Laifu opened his smiling eyes, "About...that thing that happened that year."

"What happened back then?" Xiao San was a little strange, "The things back then have nothing to do with you, so what's there to say."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, the red ginseng and radish laughed loudly.

"Ahahahaha~~ Oh, it's too bad, it's too bad, you haven't found out yet." Then he held Xiaosan's face in his hands and said, "Look at your stupid look, it's so funny."

"You...what the hell are you talking about!?"

"Oh, don't look at me with such strange eyes. Can't you react to what I'm talking about?"

When he said this, the red ginseng and radish's expression was already very abnormal, grinning wildly like a sickly girl.She leaned against Xiaosan's ear and made a soft sound.

"I did that thing more than 1 years ago~"

boom! ! !As soon as these words came out, Xiao San's mind went blank.And the red ginseng and radish continued to talk on their own.

"At first I thought everything had failed, but fate is really amazing. I really didn't expect that after more than 1 years, the wood spirit fox made the decision to fuse with humans. Coincidentally, You actually appeared at the same time, and what I didn't expect was that your master actually woke up the will of the World Tree that was sleeping."

Speaking of this, she let go of Xiaosan's face excitedly, raised her arms and shouted.

"I can't believe that all of this is true, the conditions to fulfill my wish are inexplicably gathered together like this!!! Ahhahahahaha! I really thank you so much, you really are my friend Ah, stupidest friend!"

"It turns out that you did all of that!!!"

Finally, Xiaosan, who came to his senses, roared angrily. After the accident that year, he suspected everything he could suspect, but he got nothing.

Thinking about it now, who can commit such a big thing without the will of World Tree being aware of it? Who else can exist like this?Wood Linghu is one, but she sacrificed everything in order to save herself.

Apart from her, there is only the red ginseng radish who is the housekeeper who is given absolute trust by her and the will of the world tree, and even handed over the monitoring rights around the world.

However, the relationship between the Red Ginseng Clan and the Blue Silver Clan was very close back then, and they were good friends who had known each other for a long time, Xiao San would never doubt her.No!It should be said that he did not want to suspect that she did it.

Until 1 years later, she herself admitted this matter in front of him, and then everything made sense.Being able to collude with the second-five sons of the Blue Silver Clan, being able to hide from the will of World Tree, and being able to easily eliminate all evidence.

Who else but her.

"Why are you doing this!?"

"Why?" Red Ginseng Laifu looked at Xiaosan with pitiful eyes, "That's what's wrong with you Blue Silver Clan. You're too stupid and obedient. It's rare that there are a few characters with rebellious thoughts and a small appetite, so you just stare at that A blue and silver emperor will not let go of his position, and he has no foresight at all. But I am different, what I want is much more than these. As for what it is, you should witness it yourself, but... it is in my body Oh, come on, my old friend."

Xiao San looked at the hand that was getting closer and closer in his sight with horror on his face. The next moment, his world fell into darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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