Chapter 121 Two Coins
Which one to choose as the core coin, Yin Xiaoya didn't spend much time deciding, and he quickly chose Shengyang Fighting Locust.Coincidentally, he is now also trying to find a way to assemble Kamen Rider Ozzy's insect group, and the lower body part of it also happens to be locusts.

Of course, Yin Xiaoya knew in his heart that although the other party was also a locust, it was not guaranteed that he would be able to unlock the core coins of the locust.It's just that this is the only reason for Yin Xiaoya to make a choice.

"Anku, come out."

Yin Xiaoya released the three core coins of the firebird group, and a large number of cell coins poured out in the midair. With a flash of red light, Anku in human form landed in front of Yin Xiaoya, and her right hand Then in the state of desire.

"Yan Balcony... I came here with my father 1 years ago. After so long, it hasn't changed much."

"Huh!? You... are you Princess Canghuang?"

Seeing Anku's appearance, Guang Shendie immediately recognized a familiar aura from her.

"Bright Butterfly, you are indeed a King Beast. I really envy you Worm Soul Beasts. You have such a sacred object as the Yan Balcony. You are about the same age as me, but you have already reached the level of a King Beast."

Yin Buya looked at the two of them: "You two know each other?"

Guang Shendie said excitedly: "It's not just acquaintances, we are old friends. But you are not the one with the Ghost Griffin family..."

Anku looked at Guangshen Die, "I am no longer Canghuang. Thanks to your lord, our husband and wife have transformed into the power of Kamen Rider, and thus gained a new life."

"So it's like this..." Guang Shendie looked at Yin Xiaoya, "With the testimony of Princess Canghuang, it seems that you really have a way to save them both?"

Yin Xiaoya shrugged his shoulders: "The method will be a little different, but let's talk about it first, no matter what happens later, you don't want to interfere."

Shunfeng nodded: "You do it, I will exit Yan's balcony."

So under the leadership of Shunfeng, all the king worms left the balcony.

Shining Kunyu was the last one to leave. It glanced at Anku, and then said to Yin Xiaoya: "The stag beetle really didn't tell me everything about you, so I didn't know that you saved them both. I can probably also think that the stag beetle seems to want me to embarrass you. But there is a saying, it seems that it is not lying, he said that the power of the Kamen Rider can bring miracles, let me at least in this point Believe in you. Now we are betting on this sentence, I hope you will not let us down."

Soon, only Yin Xiaoya, Anku, and these two big worms were still struggling on the huge Yan balcony.

"My lord, have you decided which one it is?"

"Well, let's start with this rising sun locust. Its body damage is more serious, and it may even unlock the locust core coin."


With that said, Anku came to the side of the rising sun locust, raised her right hand and inserted it into its body without any hindrance. After a while of fiddling, she stopped.

"Caught it, together with its soul consciousness."

Yin Xiaoya frowned: "Then why haven't you pulled it out?"

"Sorry my lord, I underestimated its will."

"What do you mean?"

Anku looked at the light thorn stabbed by Sunshine Fighting Locust in Amaterasu's armor pocket: "Its trick will not disappear because the power in its body is taken away. This light thorn will still retain its power to stick in the opponent's body And the situation is even more serious than those king worms judged. Even if the light thorn is pulled out, the damage caused to Amaterasu's armor is irreparable and cannot be saved. Therefore, its power can only be used together with the soul Consciousness is also taken away."

"What!? Doesn't that mean that both of them can't keep their bodies?"

"Yes, there is no other way, and if there are no accidents, Amaterasu's armor is the same, so even if you change your mind now, drawing its power first will lead to the same consequences."

Seeing these two worm-soul beasts locked together tightly, Yin Xiaoya was also silent.How much will it takes to be able to continuously burn life to such an extent, and also to defeat the opponent.

"Sir, what should I do now?"

Yin Xiaoya sighed deeply: "What else can I do? Since the bodies on both sides can't be preserved, we can only make sure that their strength and soul are fine. Later, we will find a way to make them voluntarily become knights. .Do it."

"Yes, my lord will continue!"

Saying that, Anku immediately pulled out his arm, threw a black core coin to Yin Xiaoya, and immediately inserted it into Amaterasu's armor pocket.

But in such a short period of time, the rising sun locust who had been drawn out of his strength and soul not only lost his breath, but also lost his divine light in the last eye left behind.At the same time, the whole body was instantly cracked under the pressure of Amaterasu's armored pocket, and with a light and crisp sound, it shattered into pieces.

But even so, the light thorns containing its will were still firmly stuck in Amaterasu's body as Anku judged.


Anku pulled out his arm, and immediately returned to Yin Xiaoya's side, spread his wings, hugged him and flew towards the edge of Yan's balcony.

Although his eyes were far away, Yin Xiaoya saw the last scene.After the power and soul were taken away, the body of Amaterasu Jiadou was instantly shattered into fragments like the rising sun locust, and the horn that contained its unique power was indeed retained.

The tricks on both sides landed at the same time, touched together, and burst into a shocking explosion. The waves generated by the explosion instantly spread to their faces, blowing them out of the balcony.

It turned out that Anku left the place immediately holding Yin Xiaoya because he predicted this scene would happen.

When the eruption subsided, he returned to Yan's balcony. At this time, there was nothing to see here except the debris on the ground.

"Did you succeed?"

Shining Kunyu, who watched the whole scene, flew to Yin Xiaoya's side immediately, and asked in an uncertain tone.As for the other king worms, especially the ones headed by the centipede king, they seemed to be ready to attack if they failed.

Yin Xiaoyaqiang spread out his hands, one red coin and one black coin were in his left and right hands respectively.The kings and insects took a closer look, only to find that the patterns of Amaterasu Jiadou and Rising Sun Locust were clearly printed on these two coins, and they also felt their breath of life from these two coins.

Just when the king worms didn't know what happened, the two coins began to shake violently, and the next moment they flew out of Yin Xiaoya's hand, a large number of cell coins emerged, and then, a red coin in the shape of a unicorn fairy The black-body weirdo in the image of a locust and a locust appeared on the balcony.

As soon as the two of them appeared, they rushed towards each other with astonishing fighting spirit.

"Amaterasu armor pocket!!!"

"Sunrise Fighting Locust!!!!"

In front of the king worms, the two soul beasts who had acquired a new posture fought together again.As they fought fiercely with punches and legs, a large number of cell coins were kicked out of their bodies and fell to the ground.

"What are you still standing there for? Stop the two of them!"

Reminded by Yin Xiaoya, Shining Kunji shot immediately, and a huge soul power surged out, suppressing the two of them.

"Calm down! Don't you realize what's going on now? You have no point in fighting!"

Under the suppression of Shining Kunji, they finally calmed down, and quickly noticed the strangeness that happened to them.

"This...what's the matter?"

"How did my body become like this?"

These two guys didn't even realize the changes in themselves, they directly recognized each other and fought together again. This instinctive fighting spirit was too exaggerated.

"Anku, tell them about the current situation."

Just as Anku and the king worms explained to them what happened, Yin Xiaoya, who was paddling aside, noticed some of their body fragments that were not destroyed by the explosion.

"Huh? Didn't Yantai absorb the corpse? It's burnt, so it won't digest it?"

(End of this chapter)

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