Chapter 120 Choice
The world of soul beasts is more cruel than the world of humans. After all, they are not necessarily companions, but more often the relationship between a predator and a prey.

The reason why no deaths can occur on the Yantai where the Hundred Insects are fighting for hegemony is not just because the king insects do not want future offspring to die prematurely.The bigger reason lies in the balcony itself, or this huge meteorite.

This meteorite is in the middle of the Valley of Ten Thousand Insects. Even in normal times, few humans can come to this place.As the sacred object of the worm-soul beast, it can not only increase the speed of the worm-soul beast's cultivation, but also has a rather peculiar feature, that is, it will absorb the corpses it comes into contact with.

In other words, once he died on Yan's balcony, the next moment his body would be absorbed by Yan's balcony until there was no residue left.Therefore, no matter it was hunted by humans or fighting among its own kind, all corpses of insect soul beasts that died in the Valley of Insects would be sent here to be absorbed by Yanyangyang.

Even those kings and insects who had to face the catastrophe in the past would choose to face the catastrophe on the Yan balcony.If you succeed, you will continue to survive, if you fail, you will return to the Holy Land.From their own point of view, death should belong to Yan Yang, which is considered a very sacred thing.

Therefore, at least during the time of Hundred Insects' hegemony, they did not allow death to appear on the balcony.Of course, the current situation is an exception.The two sides did not intend to kill, but simply chose to pay off with their lives for the sake of each other's dignity and honor.

Since the king worms have nothing to do with this state, they can only watch them both end and return to the balcony together.

Surrounded by the king worm, Yin Xiaoya came to the middle of Yan's balcony, and saw the two insect soul beasts who were fighting with their lives up close.

They are a red-shelled unicorn and a black-shelled locust.

At this time, their state was that the unicorn armor's unicorn was bursting with lightning, and it was deeply inserted into the locust's chest.And this locust actually protruded a light thorn from its mouthparts, and it also penetrated into the chest of the opposite unicorn, and sparks burst out continuously from the wound.

Not only that, but their respective bodies are missing arms and legs, and the back shell of the unicorn armor has been completely shattered, exposing the same broken wings inside.But on the locust's side, not only one eye has disappeared, but the stomach of the lower body is still flowing out of the body's tissues.

Such a horrible appearance, according to Shan Yao Kunyu, has been maintained for a whole week, and from the two of them turning a blind eye to the approaching king worm, it can be seen that their consciousness is almost dying, except for the eyes. The opponents here can no longer accommodate other existences.


Not noticing that Yin Xiaoya's expression became weird, Shining Kunmao began to introduce the two soul beasts.

"The red one is Amaterasu Jiadou, and the black one is Rising Sun Locust. Their fates are very similar, because the king worms of their respective races failed and died during the tribulation, so they are the most outstanding generation of their respective races. , very much hope to obtain the right to use meteorite fragments for the next hundred years in this Hundred Insects Contest."

Shun Feng on the side said helplessly: "But I didn't expect them to fight so hard, that's why they evolved into this state. If it was at the beginning, there is still a chance to save them at the same time. But none of them is willing to back down. So it has evolved into the current state, and now even if we Wang Chong makes a move, we can only save one. In this way, no matter which one is saved, it is extremely unfair to the other."

"Both of them are diurnal insects, so when the sun is shining and sunny, their strength will increase significantly. At the same time, because they are on the balcony, the power of their unique moves will automatically produce amazing lethality during the day. Now this As you can see, when the sun rises tomorrow and the sun shines on this beautiful balcony, their unique moves will automatically increase in power, and in their current state, they will definitely not be able to survive tomorrow."

As he spoke, Shining Kunyu patted Yin Xiaoya's face with his tentacles.

"Originally, we chose to respect the choice of the two of them. After the end of Hundred Insects, we made an exception for their group to have a meteorite fragment at the same time. But your appearance is also a choice for us. If you can really break life and death if."

God can break life and death, now that Xiaoman is not online, this kind of thing can't be done at all, okay?Why is it stuck at such a critical moment, Xiaoman will be able to go online again the day after tomorrow.

In the history of Kamen Rider, there are many knights with the ability to break time and space, and there are not a few knights who can break life and death. Data life can also be regarded as breaking life and death, etc.

Of course, these abilities aside.The Kamen Rider itself has a very outrageous setting, not only the Kamen Rider, but also the strange people in the history of the Kamen Rider.That is, as long as it exists, it must be able to wake up again in some way.

But the problem is that I don't have such ability in my hands now, even if Xiaoman goes online, it's useless.

"I probably know what's going on." Yin Xiaoya pushed Shining Kunyu out of her hair with some disgust, while arranging her hairstyle to hide her panic. , while asking, "I want to ask, why should I wait until they die before I can do it?"

"The battle that blocks honor, we will not allow it to be tarnished." It was the nearly 20-meter-long centipede who spoke.

Yin Xiaoya looked at Shining Kunyu: "You think so too?"

"I'm actually not so absolute, but after all, it's their own choice. If it wasn't for this, we would have taken action to stop them as early as when they first became like this. After all, we also thought that there would be one after all." I chose to give up, but I didn’t expect both sides to survive until the end of my life.”

The big butterfly with radiant wings moved closer and said, "So, if you can really change this situation, I support you to act now."

"Guangshendie, you said that support is useful? Have you asked our opinion?"

Guangshendie turned around slowly, looked at the big centipede, and said in a cold tone: "Century King, don't think that I don't know your purpose, this time the competition for hegemony is very fierce, so you It’s just trying to get rid of strong candidates.”

When Centipede King heard this, the pliers on both sides of his mouth opened wide, the venom flowed out, and it burned up the moment it came into contact with the air: "Nonsense, do you want to fight the king bug with me?"

"Nonsense? I don't think so." A purple dragonfly about the size of an airplane floated beside the Butterfly, "You were the first one to take the lead in opposing the proposal of letting the two groups share a fragment at that time." .”

"The centipede king is not the leader, because we are also opposed to it. There are hundreds of ethnic groups in Wanchong Valley who own the king insects. It is very unfair to other ethnic groups to distribute one of the only 20 yuan to them! "

"So you have to ignore these two descendants? I don't think you are qualified to be the twenty leaders!"

"What did you say!?"

"What!? Did it say something wrong? I thought so too!"

The Yan balcony was divided into two camps to confront each other in a short while. The terrifying aura emanated from their king worms, and tens of thousands of worm soul beasts scattered around in fright, fearing that they would be affected by the real fight .

Yin Xiaoya was caught in the middle by a crowd of king worms, embarrassed.Even in the world of soul beasts, the battle of interests is not easy.Eighty percent of Emperor Yan left here not only for Heavenly Tribulation.

"Enough!" At this time, Shunfeng teleported to the middle of the king worms, "Whoever messes around again, I will send him to the icy pole to freeze for a hundred years to calm down!"

As soon as it made a sound, both sides stopped arguing at the same time. It seems that the status of Shunfeng should belong to the first and second among these king insects.

"Let me decide, let humans save them now. Of course, if it succeeds, let them share the same meteorite fragment directly. In this way, both of you have no objections, right?"

"What?" Yin Xiaoya was stunned, "Wait a minute! If this is the case, if I save them, wouldn't it make them hate me? I don't want it! I won't take the blame."

"Human beings, don't be so cheap and act good." Shining Kunyu flew in front of him, bit Yin Xiaoya's nose and said, "Don't you think we don't know, asking you to intervene with the power of Kamen Rider is tantamount to turning this Two excellent insect soul beasts are handed over to you. In this case, you should shoulder the burden on their shoulders. Or is it that you can't save them at all?"

Holy crap, being spotted, Yin Xiaoya groaned inwardly.It's not that he doesn't help, but that there is nothing he can do in this situation.

When the soul beasts are still alive, it is necessary for them to be willing to transform them into knight power.And the consciousness of these two guys is almost gone now, so this is definitely impossible.And they are all in the state of stabbing each other with their unique moves, so even with the dolphin ring, they can't recover without separating them.Forcibly separated, and only one can be kept, which is meaningless.

Just when he was in trouble, a voice sounded in his mind.

"My lord, perhaps I can solve this problem."

Yin Xiaoya was stunned for a moment: "Anku? What can you do?"

"My right hand can reach into their bodies and transfer their power out in the form of core coins."

After listening to Yin Xiaoya, he really felt that it was feasible, but he also found a problem here: "You can't draw out the power of both of them at the same time, how can you ensure that when you draw out one of the powers, you won't lose the power because of the loss of the other?" How about one of his tricks killed him?"

"So a choice must be made here, sacrificing the body of one of them."

Yin Xiaoya's face was a little unhappy, of course he understood Anku's meaning.Because Anku's right hand can not only transfer power into core coins, but also draw them out together with soul consciousness.

Therefore, the one whose core coin is drawn out first must be drawn out together with the soul consciousness, so that it becomes the same desire maker as Mantis and Anku.And the body can only be destroyed by another trick.Although a little helpless, at least both sides can be preserved.

Of course, if this is done, the one that becomes the core coin is bound to refuse to become a knight power because of its own unauthorized intervention because the soul consciousness is also in the coin, and become a pure desire.

"Although it will be troublesome later, there is no other choice. The question is, which one should become the core coin?"

 The unlocking of this section will be very special

(End of this chapter)

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