I want to be a super cop

Chapter 463 Accidental Death (Add 2 more, please recommend!)

Chapter 463 Accidental death (plus two more, please recommend tickets!)

"Death in a car accident?"

Ah Xiang hurriedly asked, "Is there a specific time?"

"That's not true. Anyway, what they say is that Wang Hai had an accident not long after the accident happened."

Shi Xinyu explained quickly: "The other thing is that until now, we don't have the specific time when the deceased Xiao Boer and Wang Hai had an argument, so I didn't ask."

"It should be the same day!"

Zhong Tianzheng thought about it briefly, and didn't worry too much about the time issue.

Now that's for sure.

The quarrel between Wang Hai and Xiao Boer must have happened before Wang Hai's accident.

If Wang Yang was refused entry into the community, then walked outside alone, and then died in an accidental car accident, then this responsibility would definitely be assigned to Xiao Boer, which would explain why Xiao Boer will die!

Who is this person who killed Xiao Boer?

"You two, hurry up and contact the relevant department, and investigate one of Wang Hai's relatives and social relations now. Also, Xinyu, you are asking the person in charge of the beauty hospital, ask him if Wang Hai has If there is no boyfriend or someone who has a crush on her, if there is, report it as soon as possible."

Zhong Tianzheng thought about it quickly, and immediately issued an action order.

Shi Xinyu nodded to the monitoring king, and then began to work together.

Wang Hai's identity information has been provided by the hospital, so it is not difficult to check her kinship.

She is a migrant worker from other places. From the information of her relatives, she can see that her parents are in her hometown. In addition to the information provided by the hospital colleagues, there are no relatives here in Shangnan City.

This is easy to understand.

If she had been with relatives, she would not have been turned away that night and let it go.

Investigate here.

Ah Xiang couldn't help but secretly sulk.

Why didn't Wang Hai call the police that night?

If she called the police, Xiao Boer would definitely be arrested if he continued to pester her.


There were so many onlookers that day, why did they all choose to watch and no one helped Wang Hai?

A little girl who just left school without much social experience.

Faced with such a thing, how sad the situation must be.


while they were investigating.

From Xiao Zhang's side, there was finally another new development.

"Leader Li, Ah Zheng, I have a new discovery here."

Xiao Zhang yelled at his partner Xiao Li and called them over.

Xiao Li pointed to the computer screen: "When the two of us investigated the web browsing records of Xiao Boer and Jiang Weizhong's personal browsers, we found something in common."


Xiao Zhang also pointed to his side: "Xiao Li and I are responsible for checking their web browsing. They use this kind of cloud-cached browser, which contains browsing records. As a result, they all entered this webpage. an interface."

Two computer screens.

They all stay at the interface of a forum.


It was Xiao Boer's account.

The subject of this post is about making complaints about that accident, recording the quarrel between myself and Wang Hai, and what I said is simply killing the Quartet.

And the following is a comment posted by Jiang Weizhong's account, and then the two chatted below.

The contents are as follows.

"What a coincidence, we are in the same community!"

"Then it's a pity you didn't see it."


"But why do I think your ID looks familiar, and the flying key is in the sky?"

"You are."

"I'm the one in the keyboard group. I'm on the No. 20th floor. We smoked cigarettes last time. We met!"

"Ah, I remembered!"

The following follow-up also talked about some.

Team leader Li and Zhong Tianzheng watched it at a glance, and they somewhat recalled it.

Jiang Weizhong may be like this, exposing his whereabouts.

"Look at this again."

Xiao Zhang clicked on another webpage.

Still a related post about the accident.

This post was sent from Jiang Weizhong's account, and this time, the post was even accompanied by a photo of Wang Hai.

Maybe it's because Jiang Weizhong saw Xiao Boer's post, and this matter happened in their community, and the two met once again, so what's the matter with Jiang Weizhong's attitude of rubbing the heat? The incident exaggerated the hospital's fault and Wang Hai's fault, as if he was the one who experienced it.

this post.

Views are high.

There are too many likes for the uninformed comments below.

"Okay, you guys continue to read, mainly grab the comments below to see if there are any suspicious comments or comments that have disputes with the host."

Team leader Li thought for a while, and signaled Xiao Zhang and Li to continue working hard.

At this moment.

Team Leader Li and Zhong Tianzheng had more or less reached a conclusion.

If it is Wang Hai's death, they suspect that the murderer who killed Xiao Boer had something to do with it.

Then Xiao Boer and Jiang Weizhong's online exchanges aggravated their suspicions again.

this matter.

This is the basic direction of the investigation.

Because Xiao Boer took advantage of the accident at Wang Hai's hospital to prevent her from going home, Wang Hai didn't think of calling the police, but chose to leave in desperation. When walking alone on the street, an accident happened.

This is the flashpoint of the murderous motive.

The murderer believed that Xiao Boer was responsible for Wang Hai's death, so the murderer took revenge on Xiao Boer and killed him, and faked the scene as the scene of an accident.

Since the people on Captain Wang's side failed to investigate the clues of the matter in a short period of time, they did not find the murderer behind the scenes.

at this time.

The murderer's eyes fell on Jiang Weizhong.

Because Jiang Weizhong posted the fallacies against Wang Hai on the Internet, the murderer also saw it, so he took revenge on him and nailed his hand to the keyboard.

Cut the mouth open.

Abolish the left hand.

These characteristics of committing crimes are infinitely close to the motive of committing crimes.

Ah Xiang is not idle here either.

After Wang Hai's information was retrieved, she immediately contacted the relevant department in charge of handling the traffic accident at that time, and communicated with them to understand the situation at that time.

According to the other party, at the scene of the accident, when they arrived, a man was holding the body of the deceased Wang Hai, sitting on the ground in pain and grief.

Zhong Tianzheng followed suit: "Is there any information about this person? Let him transfer over!"


Ah Xiang tilted her head to look at Zhong Tianzheng, and shook her head: "Just now they went to investigate the identity information provided by the man, it is fake!"


Zhong Tianzheng frowned and looked up at the ceiling.

on the ceiling.

The lights are a little harsh.


Zhong Tianzheng suddenly realized, and stood up immediately: "Gu Mingyang! Gu Mingyang's side! Contact him!"

(End of this chapter)

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