I want to be a super cop

Chapter 462 It has nothing to do with me (add 1 more, please recommend tickets!)

Chapter 462 It has nothing to do with me (add one more, please recommend!)

Facing Zhong Tianzheng Ah Xiang's intention.

Although the property company was cooperative, the result was somewhat disappointing.

The obese middle-aged man's name is Gu Mingyang, a native of Shangnan City, and he serves as the security captain of the community in the community. He is smooth-spoken and has a good accent. He has a good reputation on the property side, and everyone still remembers it.

But this guy resigned at the end of the year, saying that he had other jobs.

This is inevitably a bit disappointing.

The news isn't too bad, though.

The property management provided them with the phone number of the other party, and the two thanked each other, and then dialed the phone number.


The call is connected.

There was a voice over there.

Zhong Tianzheng was the first to speak: "Gu Mingyang, right? We are the police, and now we are in the property office of your last company, and I want to ask you to know something."


Gu Mingyang was taken aback for a moment, and then asked the property manager to verify the information of both parties, and said that he could cooperate.

"Do you still remember an incident three months ago?"

Zhong Tianzheng organized his language briefly, and recounted the matter in a concise manner.

"Hey, this happened several months ago, so who remembers it?"

Gu Mingyang made a haha, expressing that he couldn't remember clearly and had no impression.

Zhong Tianzheng didn't want to give up on this, and said: "Why don't we make an appointment, let's talk about this matter in person? Now the matter is under investigation, if it doesn't work, it's on your side."

"Make an appointment? All right."

Gu Mingyang readily agreed, and then changed the topic: "But today may not be possible, I have to go to a drinking party tonight, you see it is already past two o'clock in the afternoon, after thinking about it, it will be dark, the time is not right. "

It's really like the property evaluation.

Gu Mingyang is really smooth in his words and deeds.

He said it was okay, but actually he didn't want to cooperate that much, but the words were beautiful.

"Then make an appointment another day?"

"Okay, then another day, I will contact your number later."

Gu Mingyang nodded in agreement, and then hung up the phone.

"no solution anymore."

Zhong Tian was looking at Ah Xiang, and shrugged helplessly.

Team Leader Li's investigation has not yet been followed up, and they are not too sure that the incident involving Xiao Bo and Jiang Weizhong must be related to this incident.

Gu Mingyang wasn't very cooperative, so he really had nothing to do.

You can't force it, can you?
If things are not what they guessed by then, then complaints may be inevitable.

It may be from the unique thoughts of girls.

Ah Xiang was a little unwilling to give up, saying that she should try again, so she took the phone and called the other party again.

But Gu Mingyang didn't give him any chance.

The phone rang twice.

The other party hung up immediately.

Ah Xiangyin clenched her teeth, and hit again.

this time.

The phone is on.

But Gu Mingyang didn't have a good tone: "If you call again, it's harassment, and Allah will complain about you. It doesn't make sense that Hong Kong is a country!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone.


Ah Xiang puffed her cheeks, took a deep breath, threw the phone to Zhong Tianzheng, and stopped talking.


Zhong Tianzheng grinned, patted the back of her head, and pulled her out.


phone here.

Gu Mingyang casually put the phone aside, touched the cigarette box on the table, took out the cigarette, lit it, sucked it in big mouthfuls, and said to himself: "Really, I make a fuss about a little thing, what the hell am I The annoyance is that I have dealt with you policemen, and I just saved some face for you, who knows that it will never end."

in fact.

Gu Mingyang's memory is still good.

Zhong Tianzheng mentioned the quarrel, but he actually still remembered it.

Because that day happened to be his last day at work, and he was still on the night shift.

His original idea was to spend the last night playing with his mobile phone and listening to music inside. Who knew that such a thing would happen outside.

He knows Xiao Boer.

If the two had met before, they would inevitably smoke each other and chat with each other.

What happened that night.

In fact, in his opinion, it is also very nonsensical.

It's obvious that Xiao Boer's cat piss drank too much and was doing things here and there.

He has also read the news about medical accidents, and it has nothing to do with a nurse. The accident happened in the hospital, not her.

Who knew that Xiao Boer would hold on to him.

"That little girl is also stupid!"

He puffed out smoke and complained again.

What happened that night, the little girl could have called the police to deal with it. Anyone who knew about her would know that she was crying there, and there was nothing she could do.

He didn't take this matter seriously at the time, adhering to the principle of making more friends and not offending an acquaintance.

Because in his opinion, any acquaintance may develop into a friend in the future, and may be useful in the future, so there is no need to offend the other party.

But a stranger is not so necessary, and it is still a small nurse, from the field.

So he was thinking about getting along with each other?
That's why he took 200 yuan to persuade the other party to go out and live.

In his opinion.

This is also a manifestation of being able to speak well.

He himself still remembered more or less about it.

When Zhong Tianzheng was talking about this matter, he was somewhat surprised that Xiao Boer died unexpectedly.

When Zhong Tianzheng talked about his conjecture and a movement of the assailant, he began to secretly sneer in his heart.

How can a man be afraid of her?


What can a little nurse do?

How big a storm can turn up.

Go ahead and say [-] sentences.

Even if the little nurse can do it, she won't cause trouble for herself because of this matter, right?
After all, it was Xiao Boer who made the trouble.

and so.

A cigarette is exhausted.

Gu Mingyang didn't take this matter seriously at all, he didn't care at all, he picked up his coat and prepared to go out.

It was true that he told Zhong Tianzheng that he had a dinner tonight.



Evening comes.

It's still the end of February.

It gets dark earlier.

in the police station.

Shi Xinyu and Surveillance King were the first to have clues.

They dug up the relevant reports about the accident in the beauty hospital that year.

This incident was nothing more than a doctor-patient conflict, and they also contacted the hospital.

"You may not believe it!"

Shi Xinyu yelled and called Zhong Tianzheng and Ah Xiang to her, and turned the computer screen to face them: "I added the WeChat account of the person in charge of their hospital before, and after a series of chats, they told me that Wang Yang is the one The little nurse died not long after that accident, in an accidental car accident."


Ah Xiang looked at the screen and frowned.

Zhong Tianzheng also frowned.

A bad premonition swept over.

(End of this chapter)

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