Chapter 143 Mercenary City

Several people walked slowly in one direction on the grassland, and they were about to cross the grassland.

LeBlanc and Moss were in front, and Luo Xiu and Hexi followed behind.

On the horseback, Luo Xiu looked around and said to He Xi: "I always feel that something is wrong with this place."

He Xi looked at him in surprise, "Huh? Is there any?"

Luo Xiu nodded and said: "I have detected energy fluctuations, but I can't detect what caused the energy fluctuations and the specific location."

He Xi said flatly: "It's fine if you can't detect it, there's no need to worry about it."

Hearing He Xi's words, Luo Xiu could only give up.

He feels that the abnormal energy fluctuations here are related to the ultra-high energy crystals detected last night.
After a day, several people crossed the grassland.

Luo Xiu said to LeBlanc who was studying the map, "How far are we from Mercenary City?"

He remembered that Moss said before that it would take about ten days from Meicheng to Mercenary City.
LeBlanc looked at the map and said angrily, "It's still early."

Moss on the side laughed softly: "We've only been on the road for two days, and we haven't covered half of the distance."

Luo Xiu looked at He Xi, and after seeing He Xi nodded, he suggested, "Let's speed up and try to reach the Mercenary City earlier."

Moss nodded and said, "I'm free."

LeBlanc also nodded and said: "Then let's speed up."

After LeBlanc determined the direction, several people started to hurry, moving quickly in the direction of the Mercenary City, without stop-and-go.




A larger and more majestic city than Meicheng.

Under the leadership of LeBlanc and Moss, Luo Xiu and Hexi finally arrived at the Mercenary City after a total of eight days' journey, passing through mountains and forests, flat grasslands, and wetlands and swamps.

Looking at the ten-meter-high city wall in front of him, Luo Xiu said suspiciously: "The mercenary city was really built by the mercenaries themselves?"

In the general cities of the Southern Kingdom, the walls are about seven or eight meters, and the shorter ones are about five or six meters.The outer city wall of Meicheng is about seven meters long, while the inner city wall is about three meters long.Merlot City, the capital of the Southern Kingdom, has a wall height of 15 meters. It is the highest walled city in the Southern Kingdom, and it is also the most heavily defended city.

But the mercenary city in front of Luoxiu has a wall height of ten meters, which is far higher than other cities except the capital city of Merlot!

Moss on the side smiled and said, "I was also taken aback when I came to Mercenary City for the first time."

The walls of the Mercenary City are the tallest in the Southern Kingdom except for the capital City of Merlot.

And because Mercenary City is a gathering place for mercenaries, and mercenaries need frequent supplies, many merchants are willing to stop here and set up shops. Therefore, the prosperity of Mercenary City is also at the forefront in the Southern Kingdom.

Looking at the city in front of him, Luo Xiu admired: "The Mercenary City is truly majestic."

Especially the mercenary city was built spontaneously by the mercenaries
It has to be said that it is a miracle that such a large city was built spontaneously without the intervention of the kingdom.
Several people walked towards the gate of the city, wanting to enter the city.

Outside the mercenary city, there was also a continuous flow of people, both men and women, but most of them were mercenaries wearing leather armor and carrying weapons on their waists or behind their backs.

There are also horse-drawn carriages carrying goods covered with cotton cloth into the city.

There were no armored guards at the gate of the city, but a few mercenaries in leather armor sat at a table beside them, apparently registering the names of those who entered the city.

The queue to enter the city was very long, like a long dragon, Luo Xiu and the others queued very far behind.

"LeBlanc, haven't you been banned from entering the city?" Luo Xiu patted LeBlanc's shoulder in front of him.

Moss froze for a moment, and said as if waking up from a dream: "That's right! You have been banned from entering the city, and your portrait is still posted there."

Hearing what Moss said, Luo Xiu and Hexi looked towards the gate of the city.

Sure enough, on the right side of the city gate, there was a portrait on the wall above the heads of the two mercenaries in charge of registration.

The painting is exquisite, and it can be seen that the painter is a person who is proficient in painting.

And the person in the portrait is LeBlanc.
At this time, LeBlanc smiled and said mockingly: "They still want to stop me from entering the city?"

Speaking, LeBlanc took out a bunch of things from the cloth bag hanging around his waist, and lowered his head to smear something on his face.

Seeing LeBlanc's actions, Moss' face darkened, "You don't want to turn into me, do you?"

LeBlanc, who was busy, said unhappily, "How can I turn into you when you are by my side? Do you have twin brothers?"

Luo Xiu and He Xi looked at each other with amused eyes.

This is a make-up technique that uses one of the top ten sorcerers.
After a while, LeBlanc, who was fumbling with her head down, raised her head.


Looking at LeBlanc's face, Luo Xiu couldn't help but gasp.

The beautiful and charming LeBlanc turned into a bearded and unkempt man.
Looking at LeBlanc's face, Luo Xiu couldn't help feeling that her makeup skills are quite clever.
LeBlanc winked at Luo Xiu and He Xi, her eyes were full of complacency.

"Hey, my disguise technique is pretty good, right?" LeBlanc said proudly.

But her current face, combined with her expression, always has an aura of vulgarity.
Luo Xiu pushed her face to the direction of Moss, and said with disgust: "Don't disgust me, go disgust Moss."

Looking at LeBlanc's masculine face, the corners of Mosted's mouth twitched, and a few black lines appeared on his face.

Moss couldn't help but said: "Can't you turn into a woman?"

With LeBlanc's beauty, it's completely possible to put on makeup to look like another woman, and her appearance won't be bad.

Moss looked disgusted, "I just don't understand why you turn into a man every time."

LeBlanc rolled her eyes, "I'm already a woman, why don't you let me pretend to be a man and live the addiction of being a man?"

Luo Xiu gave her a thumbs up, "I admire."

Although the queue to enter the city was very long, the mercenaries responsible for registration at the city gate were very efficient, and Luo Xiu and others arrived within a short time.

"Name, origin..." the mercenary in charge of the registration said without looking up.

Moss replied: "Moss, from Fort Yelu."

Another mercenary at the table glanced at Moss with a scrutinizing gaze, but didn't say anything.

"go in."

Moss bent slightly, "Thank you."

"Next person."

"Name, origin." The mercenary in charge of registration said without raising his head.

"Hexi, Merlot City."


The mercenary in charge of registration raised his head and looked at Hexi suspiciously, "What do you do?"

Another mercenary also looked at Hexi with stern eyes.

He Xi said flatly: "The guardian knight of Queen Anne Cid."


The two mercenaries looked at each other with shocked eyes, such a young knight!Still a female knight!
The mercenary in charge of registration coughed twice, "Go in."

"Next person."

"Name, History"

"Luoxiu, from Merlot City."


The two mercenaries were a little confused.

Normally, you don't meet a single person from the capital for ten days and a half a month, why did two come here today?
The standing mercenary asked, "What do you do?"

Luo Xiu smiled and said: "The guardian knight beside the queen."

The two mercenaries looked at each other dumbfounded, what happened today?Knight so worthless?
The mercenary in charge of registration swallowed, "Are you with that knight-lord just now?"

Luo Xiu nodded and smiled, "Yes, we are together."

"May I ask, what are you doing here in Mercenary City?"

The mercenary in charge of registration looked at Luo Xiu cautiously.

Luo Xiu chuckled lightly: "It's nothing, I just came here to play."

The two mercenaries exhaled at the same time, "Go in."

"The next one. Name, origin."

"Ahem, my name is He Le, from Meicheng."

The mercenary in charge of registration looked at the strange-looking man in front of him, and asked suspiciously, "Did we meet somewhere?"

LeBlanc sneered and said, "How is it possible, this is my first time in Mercenary City."

"Oh? Really? What are you doing in Mercenary City?"

"He was leading the way for me and my companion."

Luo Xiu went back and forth, and said to the mercenary in charge of registration.

The mercenary in charge of registration was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Then go in."

LeBlanc hurried into the city, fearing that the mercenary in charge of the registration would repent.
In the mercenary city, the shops on the street were lined up neatly, one after another, neat and orderly.

The streets extending in all directions are intricate.

Luo Xiu and Hexi looked at LeBlanc and Moss.

Luo Xiu smiled and said, "How are you going to arrange it?"

Moss shook his head, "Look at LeBlanc, it's up to me."

He didn't particularly want to come to Mercenary City.

Luo Xiu looked at the excited LeBlanc, "Hey, now that you're in the city, where are you going? Are you going to separate from us?"

Hearing Luo Xiu's words, LeBlanc shook his head decisively, "Let's go together, it's your first time here, and I happen to be familiar with this place, so I can show you the way."

She, LeBlanc, was helpless in the Mercenary City, and now she had two ready-made thighs for her to hold, how could she let go?

He Xi nodded and smiled, "Alright, it's good to be with someone who is familiar with this place like you."

Luo Xiu looked at LeBlanc with some suspicion.

Why does he feel that there will be many troubles with this woman? I always feel a bad premonition
Moss on the side opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, sighed and said, "Then let's go together."

Luo Xiu nodded and asked, "Is there anything interesting in this mercenary city?"

Hearing Luo Xiu's words, LeBlanc instantly became active as if she had been injected with chicken blood.

"I know! I know! I know this!"

LeBlanc said excitedly: "The mercenary tavern and the big gambling house are all fun!"

The corners of Deimos mouth twitched, his face darkened, and he said angrily, "That's because you think it's fun!"

LeBlanc said with some dissatisfaction: "Then where else do you think there is!"

Moss opened his mouth, his face flushed a little.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the most visited and popular places in Mercenary City were the Mercenary Tavern and Big Gambler.
Luo Xiu looked at LeBlanc suspiciously.

LeBlanc said seriously: "The mercenary tavern and the big gambling house are the places where the most people gather in the mercenary city, and they are also the favorite places for mercenaries to go."

Moss stroked his forehead and said helplessly, "Although I don't want to admit it, what LeBlanc said is true."

With that said, Moss changed the topic and said, "Let's find a place to live first."

Luo Xiu nodded and agreed: "Okay, let's find a place to live first."

There are no hotels or inns in the Southern Kingdom where you can pay to rest. If travelers want to stay, they only have a few options.

Manor houses, monasteries, churches, manors.

The lord's hospitality is the best kind. If there is a castle, then live in the castle. If there is no castle, then live in the lord's mansion. Living in the lord's mansion is undoubtedly the best choice.

The monastery, the monastery is a group of people who are ascetic and responsible for teaching. The monks in the monastery are happy to receive travelers.

The church was funded and established by the Southern Kingdom, and it can also provide travelers with rest.

The last one is to live in the manor of a local landlord or manor owner, which is also a very good choice.

Of course, you can also choose to spend the night in the tavern. Although the tavern is a place to drink, they will not chase people away. If there is really no place to stay, the tavern is also a good choice.

LeBlanc said excitedly: "Let's go to the Mercenary Tavern, the environment of the Mercenary Tavern is good."

The corners of Moss's mouth twitched, "Do you think everyone is like you!?"

As he said that, Moss looked at Hexi.

He Xi said flatly: "I can do whatever I want."

She read a little about the Mercenary City just now, and found that there is a church in the Mercenary City, and the statue inside is the statue of an angel.

Don't worry about housing. As a knight of Merlot City, it shouldn't be difficult to live in a church.

Hearing He Xi's words, Moss looked at Luo Xiu again.

Luo Xiu waved his hand casually, "I can do anything"

He also read the city of Merlot just now and discovered the existence of the church.
LeBlanc said excitedly: "Then everything is up to me! Go to the Mercenary Tavern first!"

Moss covered his face.

Luo Xiu looked at LeBlanc curiously, "Didn't you stop drinking?"

He Xi also looked at LeBlanc with some doubts.

Quit drinking and still go to the tavern?

LeBlanc said seriously: "I'll just go and have a look, but I won't drink."

Moss on the side had a strange expression on his face.

After deciding to go to the tavern, the group of people walked in a direction in the mercenary city.

Not long after walking, under the leadership of LeBlanc, Luo Xiu, He Xi, and Moss arrived at the tavern smoothly and quickly.

Luo Xiu looked at LeBlanc and couldn't help but start talking.

On their way to the tavern, Moss competed with LeBlanc for the route more than once.

Moss said it was another way, but LeBlanc insisted on leading a few people to take a shortcut.

It turns out, however, that LeBlanc knows the way to the Mercenary Tavern better than the way home.
Looking at the tavern in front of him, a mellow aroma of wine filled his nostrils.

The tavern is next to the road and is made of wood and plaster. The roof is covered with thick hay, and a weathervane stuck on the roof is turning back and forth.

The wooden door of the tavern creaked in the wind, and there was a slightly worn wooden signboard with a simple picture of a wine bottle painted on it.

Looking at the rudimentary tavern, Luo Xiu said suspiciously, "This is the mercenary tavern?"

Isn't it said that the mercenary tavern is one of the most popular places in the mercenary city?Why is it so shabby?

LeBlanc said mysteriously, "That's how the mercenary tavern is."

Moss on the side explained: "The wine in the mercenary tavern is the most popular in the mercenary city. As for why the outside is so dilapidated."

Moss was about to explain when an uninvited voice came.

"Hey. It's so dilapidated outside because the owner of the tavern didn't bother to tidy up."

A young man in leather armor walked beside them, and smiled at them, "Who are here for the first time?"

(End of this chapter)

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