Chapter 142 The Long-lost Salary

Luo Xiu had a headache.

What is the purpose of the Chamber of Commerce offering rewards to him and Hexi?Nothing to do after eating too much?

At this time, Moss' voice came from outside the tent.

"Luo Xiu, for the night watch, I'll watch the first half of the night, how about you watch the second half of the night?"


Luo Xiu was stunned for a moment, then reacted and said, "Oh, yes."

In the middle of the night, Moss came to inform Luoxiu to keep watch.

Walking to the fire with a few sparks left, Luo Xiu added a few dry branches to it, thinking about what happened in the past few days.

"My chamber of commerce has only met once. They shouldn't be guilty of offering a reward for my life."

Luo Xiu thought about it.

At Harlan's dinner, he didn't have any unpleasant incidents with the chamber of commerce. At most, he was questioned by Ken Thorne.
Just because of this, the Chamber of Commerce offered a reward to him and Hexi?

It shouldn't be.
Just when Luo Xiu was thinking about these messy things, news came from the firewood that had not been used for a long time.

[Xin Huo: Ultra-high energy crystals detected. 】

Hearing the sound of fire in his head, Luo Xiu was a little stunned.

He hadn't bothered to pay attention to the fire for some time.
Luo Xiu was stunned: "Ultra-high energy crystal? What's the use?"

[Xin Huo: The system can be upgraded again. After the upgrade, it can break the barriers of the universe and space. 】

"Cosmic barrier? Space barrier?"

Luo Xiu thought about the meaning of the two.

The cosmic barrier should be the edge of the universe.
Space barrier?

Luo Xiu's consciousness entered the dark plane.

"Where is the source of the detected energy crystals?"

Luo Xiu's voice fell, and a virtual coordinate map appeared in front of him.

There is a black dot in the center of the coordinate map, which is the source coordinate.

Looking at the coordinates, Luo Xiu was stunned.

Isn't that his and Hexi's next destination, Mercenary City?Is there such a coincidence?

According to the coordinates, the source coordinates of the ultra-high energy crystals are in the Mercenary City.

Luo Xiu asked: "What level of energy has the ultra-high energy crystal reached?"

[Fire: The energy level exceeds the highest level of energy in the known super god universe. 】

Luo Xiu was a little shocked.

Beyond the highest level of energy in the super god universe, that is the level of the big universe!

[Xin Huo: This crystal can upgrade the system again and break the boundary barriers of the Super God universe. 】

"Can you detect what is outside the boundary barrier of the super god universe?"

Luo Xiu was a little curious.

[Xinhuo: The super god universe was created artificially. 】

Luo Xiu nodded, he knew that the Super God Universe was created by Number Zero.

The sound of the fire continued to sound.

[Xin Huo: There are several other universes outside the Super God Universe that were also created, next to the Super God Universe. 】

There was a huge wave in Luo Xiu's heart.

Universes can also be created wholesale! ?

Luo Xiu swallowed his saliva, and said solemnly: "Or was it created by number zero?"

【Xinhuo: According to the system data, yes. 】

Luo Xiu couldn't help asking: "What are those universes like?"

[Xinhuo: There is no such information in the system database. 】

Luo Xiu understood, pondered for a moment, and said, "You can only upgrade three times? After this upgrade, you don't need to upgrade anymore."

[Xinhuo: The third upgrade is to go to the big universe. After arriving in the big universe, the system will automatically upgrade. This upgrade is not the third upgrade, but to upgrade some functions, such as breaking the barriers of the universe. 】

Luo Xiu nodded. If Xinhuo wants to upgrade, he must contact higher-level energy. The level of energy is the key to relying on Xinhuo. High-level energy can allow Xinhuo to use more functions.

Luo Xiu's consciousness withdrew from the dark plane.

Looking at the fire in front of him, the small flames were jumping up and down.

"With this energy crystal, you can go to the edge of the universe."

Luo Xiu murmured.

The edge of the universe, the farthest place that the big clock can detect, what is there is still unknown.

At this time, footsteps came from behind.

Luo Xiu looked back.

It's Hexi.

"Why did you come out?" Luo Xiu looked at her in surprise.

He Xi smiled and said, "I'm afraid you'll be bored by yourself."

He Xi sat down beside Luo Xiu, tilted his head to look at Luo Xiu, "What are you thinking?"

Luo Xiu's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile: "I was thinking that after Frazier passed, we can go to the edge of the universe to see."

Hearing what he said, He Xi looked at Luo Xiu in a daze.

Looking at Hexi's expression, Luo Xiu smiled lightly and said, "Yes, I have found a way, and I can calculate the route and passage to go there."

He Xi looked at Luo Xiu in shock, "You really succeeded?"

On the edge of the universe, where countless scientists of the Kamigawa civilization have never been able to reach, has Luo Xiu found a way to go there?

Luo Xiu nodded and said, "Well, if there are no accidents, we should be able to pass."

As he said that, Luo Xiu had some longing, "I don't know what it's like over there."

Hexi's eyes lit up, and she was also very curious about what was outside the edge of the universe.

Is there a higher civilization?
He Xi shook his head, shook off those relatively distant things in his mind, and asked, "Have you found out the reason why the Chamber of Commerce offered us a reward?"

Luo Xiu was stunned, and guessed: "No, but I guess someone gave the Chamber of Commerce an idea."

As he spoke, Luo Xiu pondered: "We met with the chamber of commerce once, and nothing unpleasant happened. The chamber of commerce has no reason to reward us."

He Xi shook his head and said, "During the dinner, the Chamber of Commerce doubted our identity, and that has already planted a seed in their hearts."

Luo Xiu said in surprise: "Seed? What kind of seed?"

He Xi chuckled lightly and said, "The seeds of unhappiness, the seeds of hatred."

Luo Xiu said with some doubts: "It's not possible."

He Xi shook his head, "If it's normal, then it won't happen, but if someone intentionally enlarges it, the seeds will take root and sprout."

Luo Xiu was stunned for a moment, and then thought about it: "You mean someone is instigating the chamber of commerce?"

He Xi nodded, "That's right, if no one helped the situation, then the chamber of commerce wouldn't be targeting us."

As he said that, He Xi chuckled lightly and said, "Someone told them about our threat to them."

Luo Xiu rolled his eyes, "Threat, we are a threat to their planet."

Is it a threat to blow up Frazier?

He Xi rolled his eyes at him.

Luo Xiu stretched his waist, "Whatever, it won't do us any harm anyway."

He Xi looked at him with some doubts, and said in surprise: "Don't you think it's troublesome?"

The corners of Luo Xiu's mouth rose slightly, "I'm in a good mood now, if it doesn't matter, just trouble yourself."

Seeing Luo Xiu's appearance, He Xi smiled and shook his head.

Really. Fortunately, she still wanted to solve this trouble
Luo Xiu shook his head and looked at the starry sky, thinking in his heart.

Mercenary city, ultra-high energy crystallization.
He never expected that Frazier would have ultra-high energy crystals.

He Xi tilted his head to look at Luo Xiu with a smile on his lips.

I seem to be in a good mood.
Sensing the eyes of the people around him, Luo Xiu was a little puzzled, "What's wrong? I have words on my face?"

Hexi nodded, "Yes, the words 'I'm very happy' are written on your face."

As he said that, He Xi asked suspiciously: "Did something happen just now? You have changed a bit."

The first half of the night was still gloomy, but in the second half of the night it became cloudy and sunny.
Luo Xiu said with a smile: "Didn't I tell you just now, I found a way to go to the marginal universe, can you not be happy?"

He Xi was stunned: "Is it because of this?"

"Otherwise? What do you think it is?"

He Xi looked away speechlessly, not looking at Luo Xiu.

Time passed quickly, and slowly, the dark sky turned pale, and the bright stars disappeared.

At dawn, Luo Xiu woke up LeBlanc and Moss.

It's not far from Meicheng, if you don't leave, it is estimated that the second wave of mercenaries rushing for the bounty will come.

"Hey! It's so early in the morning, what are you doing!?"

LeBlanc rubbed her sleepy eyes with an unhappy expression on her face.

Moss looked at the sky and the ground, and said in a daze, "Are we going to be on our way so early?"

LeBlanc rolled her eyes, "It's so early, I'm on my way, I'm going to sleep on!"

After speaking, she wanted to get back into the tent.

Luo Xiu grabbed her and said angrily: "You are so young, why are you so lazy?"

"Let go of me! Let me sleep!"

LeBlanc fluttered her hands to get back into the tent, but Luo Xiu grabbed her hem
Luo Xiu smiled slyly, and suddenly let go of his hands.

LeBlanc, with her center of gravity facing down, fell directly on the ground and fell to the ground.
Luo Xiu clapped his hands, "Clean up and get ready to go."

"Oh well"

Moss rubbed his sleepy eyes and began to pack his bags.

Seeing this, LeBlanc could only pack up her things resignedly.

"You have to eat something before you go," LeBlanc said with displeasure.

Luo Xiu nodded and agreed, "Yes."

LeBlanc stepped aside.

He took out an iron pot.
Luo Xiu stared at the cauldron in LeBlanc's hand in astonishment, "You still bring the cauldron with you when you go out!?"

LeBlanc rolled her eyes, "How do you cook without a pot?"

LeBlanc found a few branches to hang over the fire, and hung the iron pot on it.

The iron pot is not very big, it is not so much an iron pot as an iron basin, the size of a head.
LeBlanc took out the water bag, added water to the basin, and took out a bag from nowhere.

Luo Xiu looked at LeBlanc's series of behaviors in shock, "You still have wheat with you when you go out!?"

"You must bring it, otherwise what will you eat?" LeBlanc said as a matter of course.

"LeBlanc is different from ordinary mercenaries. She is special." Moss came over and patted Luo Xiu on the shoulder. He had already packed his luggage.

Luo Xiu looked at LeBlanc for a moment, "You are really a clear stream in the mercenary world."

After a while, everything was packed, and we could set off on the road after eating.

Luo Xiu and Hexi looked at the 'bowl' in their hands in a daze.

It is not so much a bowl as a curved piece of wood.
Luo Xiu stared dumbfounded at LeBlanc who was drinking porridge from a wooden chip bowl.

LeBlanc scooped up a bowl of wheat porridge from the basin, and tore off a piece of venison from the side.
Luo Xiu swallowed his saliva and sighed, "Live and learn."

It turns out that there is such an operation in the wild
Until the end, Luo Xiu and He Xi didn't use the wooden chip bowl to drink porridge.
LeBlanc asked in surprise, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Luo Xiu waved his hands hastily, "We're not hungry."

After LeBlanc and Moss finished eating and put out the fire, they set off.


LeBlanc supported her waist, "I'm so full."

Luo Xiu glanced at her speechlessly. Early in the morning, he drank half a bowl of porridge and ate half a deer, so it's not bad if he's not full.
Because LeBlanc and Moss had just finished eating, they did not ride horses, but walked slowly.

Several people crossed the creek and walked out of the woods after a while.

What is in front of me is a plain grassland, so empty that you can't see the edge at a glance, and you can see a few herdsmen grazing in the distance.

Looking at the grassland in front of him, Moss said with some doubts: "Did we go the wrong way? I remember that there is not such a big grassland on the way from Meicheng to Mercenary City."

LeBlanc was also a little puzzled, "I also seem to remember that there is no grassland."

Moss said hurriedly: "Look at the map, are we going the wrong way?"

Luo Xiu and He Xi looked at each other.

These two are a bit unreliable.
LeBlanc took out the map, looked at the grassland in front of him for a while, and looked at the map in his hand for a while.

Seeing LeBlanc's serious observation, Moss' face darkened.

"Your map is upside down."

"Ah? Ah!"

LeBlanc smiled awkwardly, "Accident. I just said it didn't look right"

After a while, LeBlanc said strangely, "We didn't go wrong."

Moss was stunned: "Is this grassland on the map?"

LeBlanc looked at the map, shook his head and said, "No, this grassland is not on the map, but we didn't go the wrong way either."

Luo Xiu and He Xi looked at each other.

Luo Xiu asked suspiciously: "How do you know that there is no grassland here?"

Moss explained: "We didn't pass through this grassland when we went from Meicheng to Mercenary City before."

LeBlanc echoed: "Yes, the last time I went to Mercenary City was two years ago, and this was not a grassland two years ago."

Luo Xiu touched his chin, "That's strange."

Could it be that a grassland has grown in two years?
If it is plain, it is not a problem.
At this time, LeBlanc waved her hand casually, "Whatever, just go the wrong way."

As she said that, she got on her horse and rode away, still shouting something frantically.

Moss looked at LeBlanc's back and shook his head, and said to Luo Xiu and Hexi beside him, "Let's go too."

Luo Xiu nodded.

Several people got on their horses.

The grassland is so big that it seems that you can't see the edge. There are only a few mountains in the distance, but from a distance, they are as big as ants.

After walking on the grassland for about half a day, the shadow of the mountains in the distance is still small from galloping to walking slowly.

At this time, the sound of firewood rang in Luoxiu's ear.

[Xin Huo: Ultra-high energy fluctuations detected. 】

Hearing the sound of the fire, Luo Xiu was a little surprised. There are energy fluctuations in this grassland?
A silver light flashed in Luo Xiu's eyes.

He wants to read this area.

Sensing Luo Xiu's movements, Hexi who was on the side asked with some doubts, "What's wrong? Did you find anything?"

Luo Xiu shook his head, "I sensed a wave of energy, but I can't read the exact location."

He Xi was taken aback when he heard his words, and then looked around, a silver light flashed in his eyes as well.

Not long after, Hexi said with some surprise: "I also detected an energy fluctuation, but I couldn't find the exact location either."

Luo Xiu shook his head and smiled, "Since we can't find it, forget it, let's continue walking."


(End of this chapter)

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